Chapter Thirty-Four

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Warning! This chapter may contain mentions of abuse, rape and etc.

Today was the day, the day they were going to free Hoseok. All of them prepared to fight those hunters, to free all those tortured werewolves and to kill those who dared to stop them. "I don't like the violence that's about to take place." Jin mumbled to his mate.

"I know, baby. But we need to free Hoseok and hunters will only torture and kill us. We have to do this to survive." Jin nodded his head, letting out a deep sigh. "You sure you're staying here." Again, the once omega, nodded. 

''I want to take care of all the people who stay behind. Someone needs to care for them and I won't be alone, Jimin and Jungkook will be here with me.'' The two alpha's hugged eachother tightly. ''Please survive, I don't want to lose you.'' Namjoon smiled and kissed his little omega's forehead.

''I won't die, I will find my way back to you.'' He kissed him on the lips. ''I love you, my little omega.'' Jin blushed and smiled softly.

''I love you too, my alpha.'' The two left the room, making their way outside where the whole pack was waiting for their alpha's to arrive. The women and men who didn't fight, for any reasons what so ever, stood behind Jin together with the childern of the pack, while every other member who was trained to fight stood behind Namjoon. ''Together, we will fight and defeat those hunters! We will free the tortured and save our gamma!'' The crowd cheered, ready for some blood to be shed, it has been ages since the pack went out for either war or just something that involves killing. They wanted it to save their gamma, but also to satisfy their bloodblust. ''Let's go!'' The wolves yelled and cheered, then proceeded to follow their alpha. 

He felt numb, he just laid on the floor together with every other wolf in the room. They didn't bother chaining him up anymore, he was too weak anyway and the silver collar around his neck would certainly make him think twice about running away. It burned, yet he didn't really feel the pain. Three days, maybe four. He doesn't know. The first days was just twenty-four hours of nothing but torture, the second day just as bad and then he already went numb. He felt like a failure, he's a gamma, he shouldn't surrender this quick, but he couldn't help it. They just knew the right way to push his buttons to make him give up. He wasn't worth it being a gamma if he lost this quick to the hunters. ''Baby!'' He heard a happy voice with a very creepy undertone, he knew exactly who it was. Jackson. The door slammed open and the hunter entered the room with a sardistic grin on his face. ''I need my little baby now.'' He said as he made his way to the numb gamma and picked him up. The hunter made he way to the bedroom with a big, sardistic smile on his face. ''Time for some fun.'' Just as he made a move to undress the wolf underneath him, an alarm went off. ''Fucking hell.''Jackson said as he got up and grabbed a gun and a couple of knives from somewhere in the room and made his way outside. 

''What do you want?!'' He yelled as he looked at all the wolves outside his house. His house was far away from civilization, the only houses surrounding his, were from other hunters. All houses sharing the same purpose, killing and torturing wolves. More hunters left their house, siding with Jackson. Weapons ready to attack. ''We want our gamma back.'' Namjoon said as he made his way through his pack. Jackson laughed, he laughed so hard that it send shivers down the spines of all the wolves. ''Definitly not.'' He said as he wiped a fake tear away. Namjoon growled lowly. 
''I'll give you one chance to hand him back over to us or you'll be wiped off this fucking world.'' The alpha growled as his eyes turned darker with every passing second.
''You think it is that easy? I had to act like his mate and make him think like we were mates. It's disgusting. No way in hell I will hand him back over to some mutts like you.'' As soon as those words were said, all hell broke lose. Wolves attacking hunters and the other way around. Bodies started to cover the floor. Namjoon launched himself to the hunter who took his gamma and his bestfriend. He was going to pay, pay with his life. ''You won't win, Kim Namjoon.'' The alpha growled lowly at the hunter. ''You've been trying to kill us for years, yet you never did and you think you can do now?'' The alpha lost all control, it was as if he blacked out, but was still consious, his wolf had taken the full control and that could only end in one way, death to all hunters. He scratched Jackson across his chest, making the hunter let out a strangled laugh and then he stopped and looked at him in mock hurt. ''Well wolfie, I must admit that kinda hurt.'' A snarl was all he got as an answer. ''Come fight me then, you big mighty alpha.'' He eyes showed pure insanity, this was all a big kick for him. He enjoyed it, but he didn't realise how much of a kick this was for the wolves, seeing so much blood since who knows how long. ''Jackson!'' A voice screeched. The hunter snapped his head to the sound of the voice. His eyes became bigger as he saw his best friend being killed. The moment of distraction was all it took for the alpha the pin him down. He shifted back. ''I must admit, that was easier than expected. It's too sad you didn't pull up a big fight.'' The alpha said in a low voice, wolf still in control. The hunter just smiled and the wolf. 
''Do you really think that was all?'' Namjoon sensed it before it happened. His claws extended and with one motion he grabbed the heart of the hunter who was about to attack him from the back. He looked at it in fascination while he squeezed. ''This will be your heart soon.'' The alpha growled when he started breaking multiple bones of the hunter underneath him. Every now and then drawing blood by scratching the male. The hunter let out a grunt every so often, but he didn't scream. He started coughing up blood. ''Looks like you're near your end, time for my favorite part.'' His nails circled around place where his heart is, then painfully slow, he digged them in the skin. The hunter broke and screamed and yelled for it to stop. Ignoring his screams, rather enjoying them he clutched the heart in his palm and ripped it right out of his chest. The screams stopped and his body laid lifeless on the floor. Suddenly multiple gunshot were heard. The alpha looked around. All hunters were either dead or dying. ''Alpha!'' He heard the faint voice of his beta. ''We've won!'' His vision was kind of blury. ''Alpha?'' 
''Free the wolves!'' He yelled before he collapsed on the ground with a grunt. ''Alpha!'' He heard them scream before it all became black.

The Bangtan Pack - BTS werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now