Chapter Sixteen

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Jin woke up with a stinging sensation in his neck. He laid his hand on top of the stinging sensation and he could feel the mark. He shook his head. The boy was hurt, his own mate had forced his mark on him and forced him to mark him. Jin wasn't ready for this. He knew that his heat could come soon. If you didn't have sex soon after the marking and you're still a virgin, you go into heat. The heat just comes at a random moment and you'll crave your mate so bad. They say a heat lasts a week and that the first heat hurts, but it's bearable. Every other heat becomes more and more painful. Jin was terrified of the upoming heat. He didn't know what Namjoon would do and he was not ready for this. A knock on the door interrupted Jin's thoughts.He hid under the sheets. He just knew it was his mate and right now, Jin was scared for his own mate. ''Jin, please open the door.'' He heard a hoarse voice. ''I know I made a stupid mistake. Can you please open the door.'' It sounded like the voice cracked a little. With a sigh, Jin walked to the door and opened it. He didn't want to his mate right now, but who knows what for stupid things his mate would do if he just kept ignoring him. Jin dropped himself on the bed and curled himself up. He didn't look at Namjoon, not knowing how he would react. ''Please look at me.'' Namjoon begged. Jin shook his head. ''Please.'' That one word sounded so broken that Jin had to look up. Namjoon looked terrible. His hair stood in all kind of directions, his eyes were a little swollen and red like he had been crying and his face looked incredibly pale. ''Jin, I'm really really sorry.'' He sounded like he could burst out in tears any moment. ''I shouldn't have lost control and I shouldn't have forced my mark on you.'' A tear left his eye. ''I'm so stupid. I screwed up very bad, didn't I?'' Jin's heart ached seeing his mate like. Yes he was mad, but it hurted him to see his mate like this. With shaky hands he cupped Namjoon's cheeks. Namjoon looked up at him, tears and pain clearly visible in his eyes. The moment they made eye contact, Namjoon broke down. A heart wrenching sob was heard. ''I'm so sorry.'' He kept whispering over and over again that he was sorry, while he burried his face into Jin's shirt. Jin slowly wrapped his arms around his mate and tried to calm him down. If you saw Namjoon like this, you wouldn't guess that he is known as the most dangerous and murderous alpha. Jin would never have thought that Namjoon would be a crying mess when it was about him. ''Please stop crying. I forgive you.'' Namjoon looked up at him once again. ''It happened and we can't change it. I am kinda mad and hurt that you forced your mark on me, but it would happen sooner or later. I'm not ready, but I don't really have a choice now.'' Namjoon looked down feeling incredibly guilty. ''Sometimes things don't go the way you want to and this is one of things. Stop being mad at yourself. I forgive you.'' With those words Jin pressed his lip on Namjoon's. It's weird how fast his feeling towards his mate changes. First he was mad and scared and now he just wants to hold him. Namjoon was the one who broke the kiss. He laid himself down with his head on Jin's lap. ''Are you going to tell me why you look so pale?'' Namjoon just sighed and he felt his eyelids getting droopy. ''I needed time to think and my wolf kept going crazy. I locked myself up in a room and injected myself with a mixture from wolfsbane and silver.'' Namjoon mumbled lazily. Jin wanted to tell him how bad it was for him, but he realized it was just a waste of time, since he already had fallen asleep. Jin sighed and stroked Namjoon's hair. He questioned himself why his emotions were all over the place when it's about his mate and how the other guys are doing. The door of the room opened and Hoseok appeared. ''I just wanted to make sure everything is alright and that the alpha didn't do something stupid. I see everything is fine, so I'm going to leave.'' Hoseok was about to close the door when suddenly an idea popped up in Jin's mind. He almost yelled to Hoseok to stop, the delta giving him a questioning look. ''Can you do something for me.'' Hoseok nodded. ''Can you please check up on the two humans, Taehyung and the rogue. And please get them out of there.'' Hoseok gave Jin a small smile, which didn't reach his eyes. ''I can get the humans and Taehyung out of there, but not the rogue. I would be in deep trouble if I tried to get him out of there. I'm sorry.'' Jin shook his head, but understood the situation he was in. ''I'll see what I can do for him.'' And with that Hoseok left the room. Jin sighed and looked at his mate. He looked so peaceful when he's sleeping. Sometimes he wished life could be peaceful for him. But he knew that was't going to happen.

Hoseok made his way to the dungeon. He knew that his alpha would be mad at him, but he could get over it. He at least didn't help the rogue and he didn't plan to. There was no way he would go trough a lot of trouble for a person he barely knows. When he entered the dungeon, he was greeted with the smell of blood. A very usual thing to smell in the dungeons. He walked to the cell and show four guys being chained to the wall. When he saw Taehyung, he gasped. Taehyung was covered in cuts and blood. The two humans he knew as Jungkook and Jimin laid against eachother, eyes closed. And the rogue, also known as Yoongi, was also covered in blood, but you could see that someone helped him because he had bandages covering a lot of his body. Taehyung groaned and looked at Hoseok. ''Are you going to get us out of this or not?'' He growled. It was clear that he was still in pain. Hoseok just shook his head and opened the cell door. One of the humans shot up and the other groaned of the sudden movement. Hoseok unchained them and Jungkook immediatly ran to Taehyung. He gave him a tight hug. It took Taehyung a moment before he hugged back. Jimin ran to Yoongi, but Hoseok didn't unchain him. He stared a moment at Hoseok before asking. ''Why don't you unchain him?'' Hoseok shrugged. ''The risk is too big.'' Jimin became angered. ''Unchain him!'' He yelled. Hoseok shook his head and tried to walk away. ''I can understand you can't let him out of the cell, but you can at least unchain him.'' Jimin said while he grabbed Hoseok's wrist. Hoseok looked at Taehyung, who just gave him a look that said that he thought that Jimin was right. He just sighed, but unchained Yoongi. ''Let's go.'' Jimin shook his head. He wanted to stay with Yoongi. Yoongi weakly shook his head. ''Go with them. Just be save and that's not here with me.'' Yoongi croaked out. Jimin looked at him unsure of what to do. ''Just go.'' Jimin sighed and gave Yoongi a small kiss on the lips before following the other guys. Yoongi couldn't help but smile. Maybe he did have a chance with his mate.

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