Chapter Eighteen

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He was screaming and yelling for his mate. The heat was a hell. Heat was spreading through his whole body and it felt like his body was on fire. The first day of the heat was bearable, so was the second day, but the third day was a hell. Some people kept his mate and all the unmated wolves away from where he was staying. He didn't understand why they kept his mate away from, while, during his heat, all he needed was his mate. Jin felt himself being picked up, but he was in too much pain to even react to it. Suddenly his skin was touched by freezing cold water. At the contact he tried to fight against the hands who held him down. ''Stop fighting Jin.'' A voice mumbled. ''You know it's better to cool down.'' With that Jin tried to relax himself in the freezing cold water. It didn't help, the pain went away for a few moments before it came back worse. The person who held him down started to curse. ''A pack doctor is on it's way.'' He got lifted out of the water and with a grunt of pain, he let himself lean against the bath tub. Trying his best to hold back his screams. A door slammed open and voices were heard from far away. The pain was too much to concentrate on the conversation. He felt hands touch his skin, making the pain worse. Jin let out a long and painful scream. ''He needs his mate.'' He heard a voice saying in the distance, while black spots made an appearance in his vision. ''Or else he dies.'' With those words being said, Jin passed out.

Namjoon tried to fight the cains. His beta and gamma locked him up in the dungeon because his mate is in heat and they're scared that he would do something stupid. There is no way that Namjoon would do something to him that he doesn't want to. Footsteps came closer to the door of the cell he was in. ''Your mate needs you.'' A deep voice said. Namjoon let out a sigh of relief. He can get out of here and finally see his mate. ''I swear to god Namjoon, if you do something to him, I'll beat that ass of yours. Alpha or not.'' Namjoon just nodded and rolled his eyes. He didn't really listen to what his beta said anyway. ''Where is Jin?'' Taehyung rolled his eyes and motioned for him to follow. He did follow, eager to see his mate. A soon as he came out of the dungeon he was met with the smell of his mate, stronger than ever. He walked in the direction of the smell and he end up in front of a very secured door. Taehyung opened the door and Namjoon entered it. Immediatly he saw his mate on the bed. He was covered in sweat and wore nothing else then his underwear. It was clear that he was in a lot of pain, even when he was unconsious, pain was written all over his face. It pained Namjoon to see his mate like that and that it was because of his forceful marking. He went closer to his mate and laid down holding his mate in his arms. Jin let out a sigh. Even tough he was unconsious it was clear that the pain became less. Namjoon couldn't help but feel extremely guilty for putting Jin in this situation. Why couldn't he just control his fucking wolf? Why couldn't he stop when Jin begged him? Namjoon closed his eyes, trying to catch some sleep, since he didn't close an eye in the cell. Slowly he feel into a deep slumber.

Jin gained unconsious and the first thing what he noticed was that the pain wasn't as bad anymore as it used to be. It still hurted, but it was bearable. Suddenly his wolf was on edge. He started to ask himself why. It took him not that long, since big arms were wrapped around his waist. He started blushing and his lower area started to hurt. He carefully shook his mate, it earned him a groan. Jin felt his hormones going wild. He started to curse at the fact that the heat makes him feel like this. He didn't want to do it yet, he wasn't ready for that. He stared at his mate and admiring his beauty. ''What are you staring at.'' A blush crept onto Jin's face and he tried to hid his face into Namjoon's chest. Only for Namjoon to chuckle. Goosebumps formed on his arms. He hated the fact that his emotions were all over the place. ''Stop being so cute. It only makes me want to take you now even more.'' Jin gulped, his body and wolf liking the idea of that, but he didn't. His heart started t race. ''Calm down. I won't if you're not ready.'' Jin let out a shaky breath of relief. It became silent in the room. None of them said something. Just enjoying eachother presence. ''I'm sorry for putting you in this situation.'' Namjoon said suddenly, causing Jin to let out a startled yelp. ''Don't worry. I already forgave you.'' Jin pressed his body closer to Namjoon's, if that was ven possible, because the pain started to become worse. ''Does it hurt?'' Namjoon asked concerned. Jin just nodded. Namjoon started to plant kisses on Jin's neck. Jin let out a breathy sigh. ''Does this help?'' Jin just nodded, enjoying this way too much. A moan escaped his mouth. It made Namjoon hard. Moans kept coming from Jin. "I want to take you so bad." The way he said that made Jin feel a little scared. ''But I won't, because you're not ready.''

Taehyung listened to the sounds that came from the room. He knew that they weren't doing it because he could hear Namjoon talking. A sigh left his mouth and he decided to walk back to the living room where he was met with a bunny smile. ''Hi Kookie.'' He said with a smile also on his face. ''Can Jimin please tell Yoongi the news.'' Taehyung nodded. ''Sure, why not.'' Jungkook let out a yell of victory and a Hoseok with a grumpy face looked at him. ''I told him not to.'' Hoseok said and Taehyung bursted out laughing. ''Yoongi won't hurt Jimin, there is no reason not to.'' Hoseok rolled his eyes. ''And since I said he could go, he can go.'' Hoseok rolled his eyes again. ''Sometimes I hate the fact that you're higher ranked than me.'' Hoseok let out a puff of air and turned around. ''Don't be jealous hyung.'' He huffed again but a small smile was seen on his face. ''Everything seems to be going fine between Jin and Namjoon, by the way.'' Hoseok smiled and nodded before wwalking out of the room. ''Can we go to Yoongi, please?'' Someone whined. ''Sure Jimin.'' The three made their way to the dungeon. Taehyung in front followed by Jungkook and Jimin. They made it downstairs and Jimin immediatly ran to Yoongi's cell. ''Yoongi!'' He exclaimed happy. The older replied with a grumpy hum. ''You can get out of here.'' Yoongi shot up and ran to the bars, hope and happiness shining in his eyes. ''But you have to do something for it.'' A little bit suspicious he motioned for Jimin to go on. ''You can stay a week here and if it's proved that you're not here to hurt anyone you can be part of this pack or go home, whatever you decide.'' Yoongi nodded happy, there was no way he was going to turn down a chance like this. ''But if they think you're dangerous, you have the stay down here.'' Jimin said in a sad tone. ''Oh and you have to stay under supervision, but I believe in you and I'll stay with you in this.'' A smile appeared on Yoongi's face and he grabbed Jimin's hands. Resulting in Jimin blushing. ''You can get out of here when Jin's heat is over.'' Taehyung said interupting the moment. The two nodded and just stared at eachother. ''We're going to do this together.'' Jimin whispered to Yoongi.

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