Chapter Twelve

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Jin walked with Namjoon's wolf deeper into the forest. Jin was far beyond pissed. Every now and then, Namjoon's wolf let out a whine. When they were deep into the forest and close to the borders, they stopped. Jin immediatly started to yell. "What were you thinking?! Your own beta has found his mate and you're ready to attack his mate!" Namjoon shifted and stood naked in front of Jin. Jin blushed and covered his eyes. "Put on some clothes!" Namjoon sighed. The next thing heard was rustling of leaves. "You can open your eyes." Namjoon clearly sounded annoyed. Jin did what he said and was met with Namjoon's eyes who shined with anger. "Don't give me that look. You're the one who is wrong here." Jin didn't know where this boost of confidence came from. "Humans are just as bad as rogues." Namjoon said gritting his teeth.
"That's not true. Explain to me why you think that." Jin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. What just resulted to Namjoon letting out an annoyed sigh. "Why should I explain to you?"
"Because I'm your mate! And I don't think mates are supposed to have secrets for eachother." Namjoon didn't want to explain. He hates talking about his past. The only ones who know about his past are his beta and delta. "I'm just going to walk away if you don't tell me what is going on." Those words earned a growl from Namjoon. "You're not leaving me." He growled and hugged Jin tightly.
"Then explain." Jin released himself from the hug and gave him a look that clearly said that he was serious about leaving if he didn't explain. "Fine." Jin smiled in victory. "I hate humans because they are part of the reason my parents died." Namjoon went silent after that, not planning on saying another word. "What did they do." Jin said irritated by the fact that Namjoon didn't say another word. "They worked together with rogues and killed my parents. That's all I've got to say. Maybe another time I'll tell you what happened, but not now." Jin sighed, knowing he couldn't get more information out of Namjoon. He decided to go back to the packhouse. "Al-Namjoon, please leave the human alone and let your beta be happy." Namjoon just mumbled some words and Jin shook his head and continued his way to the packhouse. Suddenly he was grabbed into a hug from behind. "Don't leave me." A growl was heard from behind. Sparks were felt everywhere their skin touched. Namjoon started kissing Jin's neck and on one spot, Jin couldn't hold back a moan. It made him stiffen. "P-please stop." He begged, but Namjoon didn't stop. He kept on kissing that one spot. On that moment, it was a good thing Namjoon was holding him, because everytime he kissed that spot it felt like his legs turned into jelly. Suddenly he felt teeth scrape along the spot, it made Jin gasp and turn around immediatly. He was met with the dark eyes of Namjoon. "You were going to mark me, weren't you." Namjoon nodded.
"You're mine and I have every right to claim you as mine." He growled. It was then, that Jin realized that it wasn't Namjoon who tried to mark him but his wolf. His wolf had taken control. Again. "Give Namjoon back control." It resulted in a growl but his dark eyes did turn back in their original color. "I'm sorry. I couldn't prevent him from taking control."
"Don't worry. Nothing bad happened right?" Namjoon nodded. "Then let's go back to the packhouse."

When they got back a lot of packmembers were staring at them. They were curious why Jin held Namjoon back from attacking the human and why he actually succeeded in it. Some knew from the pack diner but a lot didn't know, since they weren't present by the diner with the alpha. Both guys ignored the stares and whispers. One walked to the office and the other one walked back outside to help the omega's. Jin decided to help the omega's since he is an omega himself. He isn't recognised as the equal of the alpha, since they didn't mark eachother yet and they haven't mated. Even though he doesn't have to title yet, he is going to help the omega with some of their tasks and give them some proper food. Omega's always get the leftovers. Sometimes they get some proper food, but that's only if a packmember feels bad for you and their friends don't look. Jin sighed. Living as an omega was hard, but he didn't know of this was a better life. He has an alpha as mate. And alpha's are extremely protective and possesive over their mates. He felt bad for the omega's. He got the change for a better life, but they didn't. So now he wants to make life slightly better for them and he hopes to make it a lot better for them. Jin will try everything to make sure they won't be treated like some slaves and dirt anymore.

At the end of the day, Jin walked back to the packhouse. He was covered with dirt and his body was exhausted, but he was happy that he helped them. He also got them some real food. Not much but it's better then nothing. When he entered the house, he was immediatly met with an angry face. "What the hell did you do? You're completely covered in dirt."
"I just helped the omega's. Is it really that bad that I'm covered in dirt."
"Yes, what the hell is the pack supposed to think?"
"Well, at least they can see that I did some real work for the pack. Instead of doing some shitty paperwork." Namjoon growled angry at Jin. "Don't growl at me. You know that I'm right." Another growl. This time Jin growled back.
"I'm your alpha how dare you to growl at me." And then something snapped in him.
"So now I'm suddenly just a packmember and you're my alpha? Weren't you the one who said that I was your equal." Namjoon opened his mouth. "No, don't say anything." Jin stormed away to the room where he woke up. As soon as he walked into the room, he locked the door. It resulted in Namjoon yelling and him banging on the door. When Namjoon realized it wasn't helping, he sighed and walked away from the door. He returned back to his office. After a couple of minutes he ran his hand frustrated trough his hair. The alpha decided to just try again, so he went back to his bedroom. Again he banged on the door. "Jin, if you don't open this damn door, I'm just going to storm into the room." He tried a couple more times, but he didn't got an answer. So Namjoon decided to do what he said. He took a couple steps back and then ran to the door, only to crash into the room and leaving the door broken on the floor. A high pitch scream was heard and Namjoon was met with the wide eyes of Jin. It was only minutes later when Namjoon realized that Jin was standing in front of him naked. Jin shrieked and ran into the bathroom with his hand full of clothes. A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom, fully clothed. "I'm sorry Jin. I didn't mean it like that."
"It's fine." Jin shrugged it off and laid on the bed. "I just wanna sleep." He said curling up under the sheets. "Sleep well." Namjoon whispered.

A door slammed open. "Alpha!" Both guys looked up, a little bit annoyed because someone interrupted their sleep. "I'm sorry, but this is really important."
"Just say it already."
"There's a rogue on the territory."
"Then you know what to do."
"He seems harmless."
"Just lock him up in the god damn cells!"

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