Chapter Nine

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Jimin paid for their entrance. "So you've never been to a theme park?" He asked. Yoongi shook his head. "Well, I'm going to show the best attractions in this theme park and I'll promise you. You'll have a great time." Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but Jimin grabbed his wrist and lead him to the first attraction, a rollercoaster. Yoongi secretly wished Jimin didn't let go and hoped the sparks would never fade. But much to his disappointment, both things didn't happen.

Jimin and Yoongi spent there whole day in the theme park. And Yoongi couldn't say he had a great time. No, he had the time of his life. With a big smile on their faces, the two guys arrived back to the house. "I guess you had an amazing time." Jimin said the Yoongi he nodded and without really realizing what he did, he hugged Jimin. A suprised yell was heard from Jimin. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this meant to me." Jimin didn't say anything, he just hugged him back.

Jungkook and Taehyung spent the biggest part of their day in the café, getting to know each other better. They later decided to go to the park where they first met. Just because they wanted to get some fresh air. It was getting late, but both boys didn't want to go home yet, they enjoyed the time together way to much. Jungkook jawned and laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung looked a bit taken back from the action. "Just let me please." Jungkook said, while trying to keep his eyes open. Taehyung smiled. "Maybe we should get you home." Jungkook his head.
"I don't want to."
"You're tired and you need to sleep."
"Fine, but only if you carry me home. I don't feel like walking and I'm to tired for it." Taehyung snickered at his reaction.
"Okay, fine by me." Taehyung stood up and gave Jungkook a piggyback ride home. He opened the door and saw Jimin and Yoongi hugging. "Jimin, I'm home!" Jungkook yelled with an evil grin plastered on his face. Both, Jimin and Yoongi, blushed deeply and they let go of each other. Taehyung let Jungkook stand on his feet again and said: "Let's meet again soon. I have to go now."
"Bye Tae." Jungkook waved and watched Taehyung walking out of his house. With a smile on his face he turned to Jimin and Yoongi. "How was your day?" He asked.

"Do you want to join pack diner?" Namjoon asked Jin carefully. Jin immediatly shook his head. "You know that there comes a time you have to?" Jin nodded and then sighed.
"I know, but I'm not ready to be confronted with the most important members. Maybe the next pack diner." A pack diner is a diner hold once in the two months and all the important people, their mates included, are invited to eat together with the alpha. All the other packmembers have a barbecue. But sadly, omega's aren't allowed to go. They only get some leftovers. "Are the omega's allowed to come to the barbecue." Jin asked. Namjoon shook his head and Jin sighed. "I promise you, I'll make sure that omega's get a better life and that they are allowed to go to the pack barbecue."
"Why not the diner? Omega's are one of the most important wolves in the pack, altough they are seen as the worst."
"What do you mean with one of the important wolves? Omega's are the lowest in the pack." Those words hurted Jin and Namjoon saw the hurt in his eyes. "I didn't mean it like that." He said panicking a little. Jin just shook his head.
"Omega may be the lowest rank, but omega's keep the pack together. They do their dirty jobs, the housekeeping and they keep take care of the amounts of food in storage. Omega's are treated like dirt, they almost earn nothing, yet they keep doing their jobs in the pack. Omega's are underrated and they deserve more respect! How dare you to ask why they are important?! Without omega's a pack is nothing!" Jin yelled frustrated. Namjoon looked shocked by his sudden outburst. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you saw it like that."
"They are the facts Namjoon!" His eyes went big when he realized that he was yelling and that he called his alpha by his real name. Namjoon smiled when his mate yelled his name. "I-I'm sorry a-alpha." Jin stuttered.
"I told you to call me by my name not by my title. There is nothing to be sorry about." Jin just lowered his gaze to the ground. "I have to get ready for the pack diner, but we'll continue this conversation when I get back." Namjoon walked to the closet to get his neat clothes. "If you're sure that you want to stay with me, you need to know that you're going to be their leader too. Know that your opinion is important too." With that he walked to the bathroom. For the first time, Jin finally felt like that his opinion matters. Altough it was only Namjoon who said it and if he's going to be their leader. Maybe this is his change to make the life of omega's slightly better. He wants to make sure that omega's aren't seen as punchingbags and treated like dirt. There is finally a change for him to make difference. That's when he made a decision. Namjoon walked out of the bathroom. ''I'm going to the pack diner.'' Jin said. Namjoon looked at Jin, suprised by the fact that he wants to go now. ''What made you change your mind?'' He asked, grabbing some neat clothes for him. ''Since I can finally make a difference and I'm going to be a leader, standing by your side.'' Jin blushed realizing what he just said. Even Namjoon blushed a little. Embarrased, Jin grabbed the clothes from Namjoon and walked into the bathroom to change. When he walked back into the room, he saw Namjoon casually laying on the bed. 'Damn, my mate looks hot .' He thought. Immediatly his face turned a dark shade of red. ''Are you ready?'' Namjoon asked. Jin jumped slightly at the sudden sound, what earned a chuckle from Namjoon. ''Didn't mean to startle you.'' Jin smiled nervously. ''Let's go.'' Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand and immediatly they felt the sparks. ''Can I introduce you as my mate or don't you want people to know that we're mates. I completely understand if you don't want me to introduce you as my mate.'' Jin just gave him a small smile and hold his hand tighter. ''It's okay.'' Namjoon let out a sigh of relief and a proud smile was seen on his face. He was happy because he could just introduce Jin as his mate. He was so scared that Jin didn't want him to, because of the fact that he still was thinking about rejection. So this means that Jin accept him completely right? He hoped so. For a moment the two guys stood in front of the big doors leading to the dinning room. ''Are you ready?'' Namjoon asked his nervous mate, who took deep breaths and hesistant nodded. He opened the doors and everyone stared at them. Namjoon walked to his chair and pulled Jin with him and let him sit on the chair next to him. Before he sat down he welcomed everyone. ''Welcome everyone, to the pack diner. Today we have a new guest at this table. With a lot of pleasure, I introduce, you my mate and you future leader, Kim Seokjin.'' A loud applause was heard. A lot of people smiled happily, but a few weren't clapping and looked with a disgusted face to Jin, and others looked like they were pissed. ''If you have something to say about my mate or me, say it now.'' He said directed to the people who were sending daggers to Jin. ''He's a disgusting omega. How can he even be mates with a powerful alpha like you. Why didn't you just reject him, alpha?'' Namjoon seemed to tense at that comment and he looked like he was fighting his wolf for control. Without thinking twice, Jin grabbed his hand. Which had an immediate reacting, Namjoon relaxed. ''Say it again and I will make you an omega.'' The man who said, looked taken back by Namjoon's reaction. ''Someone else who has something to say?'' A woman stood up and looked at the alpha with a lot confidence. ''Yes, I do.'' She put one hand on her hip and smiled kinda evil. ''I think that you could better reject that dirty omega of yours and make me your luna.'' Everyone around the table gasped. Namjoon started to shake uncontrollable. Clearly showing the fact that his wolf was out to kill her, for offending their mate. Jin didn't want him to hurt more pack members and was quick with reacting. He hugged Namjoon. Who immediatly hugged him back and took deep breath, to calm his wolf. When he was calm enough he called the guards to bring her out of the room. Everyone watched the woman getting dragged out of the room, screaming that Namjoon was going to be hers. When she was out of the room, Namjoon sat down and said: ''Time for diner.'' Like nothing really happened. The food was brought and everyone started to eat and make small conversations. Suddenly a man stood up and everyone looked at him. Namjoon raised an eyebrow, ready to hear what kind of comment this man had. ''Alpha, I would like to say that I'm really glad you found your mate and I hope you two will be happy and take good care of the pack.'' Jin smiled shyly and Namjoon thanked the man. Hoseok and Taehyung looked at their leaders. Already seeing that they're perfect for eachother. They smiled, hoping that Jin could change Namjoon to a less dangerous person and hoping that Namjoon could give Jin more confident. Hoseok stood up. "Let's toast on our leaders!" He said. The leaders smiled, happy that the most packmembers accept the fact that they are mates.

The rest of the diner went smoothly. When everyone went home, the two mates walked back to Namjoon's room. Jin jawned and dropped himself on the bed. ''Shouldn't you change your clothes first.'' Jin just mumbled something into the pillow and stood up to change, but froze in his moves when he realized he didn't have clothes with him. How could he forgot? ''Here.'' A shirt was thrown to his head. Jin mumbled small thanks and walked to the bathroom once again to change his clothes. When he came back he saw Namjoon sitting on a chair, shirtless. Jin couldn't help but stare at his abs. Namjoon chuckled. ''Enjoying the view much.'' Jin blushed a very dark shade of red and walked to the bed. ''Aren't you supposed to sleep in the bed, since it's your bed.'' Jin asked. Namjoon just shook his head. ''Just sleep. Don't worry about me, okay?'' Jin simply nodded and when his head hit the pillow, he immediatly drifted off to sleep.

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