Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Taehyung smiled happily as he entered the packhouse once again, Jungkook was on his back nuzzling his face into the neck of his mate. His smile faded a little when he saw Namjoon pacing with an angry look on his face. "Alpha, what's wrong?" He asked. Namjoon snapped his gaze towards him, and Taehyung whimpered a little from the intensity of it. "Some girls said some really fucked up things to Jin and I wanna hit someone so bad. But I don't want my actions to hurt Jin."
"If they said some horrible things, then it must have hurt Jin, so why the fuck are you here and not with him!?" Namjoon's eyes went wide with realisation and a couple curse words left his mouth. "I am a fucking idiot." He whispered under his breath as his anger started to become less. "Thank you Taehung." And he ran towards his shared room with Jin. As he came closer he heard sobbing becoming louder. Namjoon ran to the room and slammed the door open. What he saw was heartbreaking. Jin was sobbing on the floor and eyes extremely red and puffy. "Jin, baby." He looked up, but kept on crying. Namjoon immediatly scooped Jin up in his arms and carried him to the bed. ''Y-you hate m-me.'' He sobbed loudly into Namjoon's chest. Namjoon's eyes went wide. ''Of course not! Why do you think that?'' His shirt got soaked, but he didn't mind. ''B-because I am stupid for l-loving you. B-because I am ugly and weak!''
''I would never hate you and you're the most beautiful creature in this world so don't say that. You're not weak, but strong. If you were weak, why would you stand here in front of me?''
''I don't know, I am just stupid. My friends hate me.''
''Jin, look at me.'' Jin looked up at Namjoon, eyes still watering and his lower lip quivering. ''You're perfect the way you are, you are not stupid. We'll show you're friends that I can change and that you're a good leader. We'll prove them wrong, alright?'' Jin let out a loud sob and hugged Namjoon tightly. 
''I-I love y-you.'' Jin mumbled shyly in between sobs.
''I love you too baby.'' Jin blushed and tried to hide himself even more into Namjoon's chest. ''We'll get through this together, I promise I won't leave you alone.'' Jin looked up at his mate with eyes full of hope and a small smile lingered on his face. And when the two locked their eyes, Jin decided to be bold and kissed Namjoon. Namjoon was taken by surprise, but quickly kissed him back. The kiss was full of passion, love and the pain that is hidden deep inside the two of them. ''Together till the end.'' Namjoon whispered and Jin nodded with a big smile on his face. ''Together till the end.'' He whispered back.

Hoseok and Jackson were messing around in the park. The two had finished their coffee and decided it would be fun to go to the park. The two laughed and talked as if there was no tomorrow. ''You're cute.'' Jackson suddenly said and Hoseok blushed lightly. Jackson slowly came closer till their faces were just centimeters apart. ''I really want to kiss you, but I don't know if you're single or not.'' Hoseok giggled nervously.
''It was legit the first thing you asked me silly.''
''I just can't imagine someone like you being single.''
''Just kiss me already.'' With those words, Jackson kissed Hoseok. The kiss was completely different than Hoseok imagined, he imagined it to be soft and sweet. Not rough and full of need, that it made shivers down his spine. Something was really off. He should be happy that his mate was kissing him, but instead he felt weird, it didn't feel the way people described it. His heart clenched, something's not right. They both smiled softly when they parted, only Hoseok's smile didn't reach his eyes. ''I think I like you.'' Jackson whispered. At that, Hoseok's wolf started whining, knowing something was off and it hurt both of them. ''I-I think I l-like you too.'' He mumbled shyly. 
''You have my number, call me. I have to get to work now.'' Jackson stood up and walked away, leaving a confused and hurt Hoseok behind. He's hiding something and it's so bad that even my wolf is stopping me from giving into the mate-bond. 

''Park Jimin!'' A voice roared. ''Where are you!?'' Jimin giggled and hid behind Taehyung and Jungkook. Yoongi stormed into the room, eyes pitch black. ''Where is he?'' Yoongi said in a low and dangerous voice. Taehyung and Jungkook immediatly pointed behind them. ''Park fucking Jimin.'' Jimin gulped and waved cutely at him. But Yoongi wasn't having it and picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. ''Don't ever pull a joke on me like that again.'' Yoongi growled and slapped Jimin's ass. Jimin made a surprised sound. ''We're going to cuddle for the rest of the day. I don't want you to leave my side.'' The moment Jimin told Yoongi about what happened between him and Jackson, Yoongi became more protective and clingy. Jimin decided it would be fun to see Yoongi's reaction when he woke up and Jimin wasn't by his side. He didn't expect him to react like this. Behind his black eyes, filled with rage, you could see that he was scared. Scared that something had happened to him. ''Yoongi, I'm alright. Don't worry.'' Yoongi let out a soft shaky sigh.
''I know, but I just want you to be by my side so I can protect you. I haven't marked you yet, so I have no idea what could happen to you if I'm not there. It makes me nervous when you're not next to me. I am scared to lose you.'' Yoongi laid Jimin softly down on the bed. Jimin cupped his cheek and looked him in the eyes.
''Don't worry. I won't leave you.''
''I know, you said that before.''
''And I will keep saying it till you believe it yourself.''
''H-how did you know?''
''I can see it in your eyes. I know you're scared and hurt.''
''I'm just a broken piece of shit.'' Jimin sighed and inched closer to Yoongi's face.
''You might be broken, but I will be here to pick up the pieces and fix you. I am not going anywhere Yoongi.'' Jimin slowly kissed his mate. Both of them smiled softly. Yoongi deepened the kiss and Jimin moaned softly. The werewolf growled lowly at the action of his human mate, he wanted more. He wanted to taste more of his mate. He softly bit down on the other male's lip, the younger immedialy giving him entrance to explore his mouth. ''I want to mark you so bad.'' Yoongi whispered breathless, placing kisses all over Jimin's neck. Jimin moaned when he reached that one specific spot that made him gasp and let out a breathy moan. ''Please do. Mark me.'' Yoongi's eyes went wide and he looked at him like he lost his mind. 
''J-Jimin, I-''
''Don't say anything and just do it.'' Hesitation was clear in Yoongi's eyes, he was truly afraid of what could happen in the future, how it would affect Jimin. He didnt know what to do. ''Yoongi.'' Jimin said softly, pulling Yoongi out of his thoughts. ''It's alright. I want you to, I won't leave you.'' Jimin kissed Yoongi softly and that was all he needed to finally do it. Mark his mate and begin the process of claiming what is his.

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