Chapter Fifteen

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Jimin hugged Yoongi tightly. ''I don't hate you at all.'' Jimin whispered to Yoongi. Yoongi looked up with red and puffy eyes at his mate. He wanted to say something, but loud and heavy footsteps stop him from actually saying it. He deep growl made all the boys freeze. ''What the fuck is going on here!'' A voice roared. It was the one and only voice of the big, bad alpha. It scared them all, but it terrified Yoongi. The five guys looked at the alpha with big eyes. The alpha looked fierce. Without saying anything he grabbed Taehyung and Jin by their arms and put them in the cell next to Yoongi and locked it. He went back to Yoongi and the two humans and chained Yoongi back up to the wall by his arms and he chained Jungkook and Jimin also, but only their feet. He slammed the cell door shut and went back to his mate and his beta. His beta was growling at him and his mate looked ready to shit his pants. ''Don't you dare to growl at me. I'm your alpha and you're the one wrong here.'' Taehyung looked ready to attack, but before he could, he was already chained up to the wall. Taehyung was fighting against the chains. He knew it was hopeless, since they were made of silver. And silver burns the skin and weakens the wolf. ''I hope that you will learn from this.'' With that, Namjoon left the cell and took Jin's wrist in an iron grip. He dragged Jin to his room and threw him on the bed and made sure the window was locked, just like every other way out. ''When I'm back, we're gonna have some fun.'' Jin gulped, looking in his mates dark, almost black, eyes. He knew he was in deep trouble. But at least he helped the poor rogue. Jin hates it that his mate is like this. Locking up innocent people, just because something happened in his past. But Jin wants to change that. He wants Namjoon to see that not everyone is bad. The only thing he needed for that was, Namjoon trusting him. He doesn't know if Namjoon trusts him or not. But judging from his actions, it doesn't like seem like he trusts him. Jin shook his head. The only thing he could do was waiting for Namjoon to come back. Escaping would probably make everything worse.

Namjoon walked, almost ran, down the stairs to the dungeon. Everyone who face him now, could see he was pissed and that his wolf had taken control. He opened the cell with his beta in it and grabbed some of his torture tools. ''Why would you help a rogue.'' Namjoon asked his beta, while picking up a silver knife. His beta just growled at him. ''Just fucking tell me.'' Namjoon growled and ripped his beta's shirt, so he had now a bare chest. He made a fast move and made a cut on Taehyung's stomach.The only reply he got was a grunt. ''I helped him, because he is fucking innocent, unlike you.'' Taehyung spat. It only resulted in Namjoon letting out a deafening roar and him making more cuts on Taehyung's body. The beta, never let out a scream, just a grunt every now and then. ''I can't believe you're my beta. You fucking betrayed me and your own damn pack.'' Namjoon said with anger. He picked up a whip and started to hit Taehyung with it. The tip of the whip was drenced with silver and wolfsbane. A very painful combination for werewolves, yet the boy still didn't scream. ''I didn't betray my pack. Maybe you should think more about your pack. I bet Jin is disappointed in you.'' Taehyung said between gritted teeth. Those words really sent him over the edge. A deafening roar was heard. Taehyung became, for the first time in a very long time, frightened by his alpha. His canines and nails grww. The alpha in front of him was now literally a half wolf and half human. On some places was fur, yet it still was kinda human. Namjoon was not in control anymore of his body. His wolf took over completely. The only thing he could do was watching from a distance while his wolf was clawing at Taehyung's body. A lot of blood was leaving his body, yet he wasn't screaming. Suddenly the boy yelled something. ''Think about Jin! Do you really think he wants you to do this?!'' It caught Namjoon's wolf off guard. It was enough for him to take part of the control back. He decided to unchain Taehyung and threw him into the cell with the other boys and chained him just like the rogue. Jungkook's head shot up and tears threatened to fall when he saw Taehyung like that. ''What did you do to him?!'' He screamed and tried desperate to come closer to the hurt boy, but the chain wouldn't let him. ''Shut up, you filthy human.'' The cell door slammed shut once more. Causing the four boys to flinch. Taehyung's wounds were still bleeding, but it was slowly healing. It healed slower than normal, because he is chained with silver, he has been in contact with wolfsbane and it was an alpha who caused this all. If he wasn't a beta, the wounds most likely would be fatal. ''Taehyung.'' Said a soft voice. He croaked out a small yes. ''Are you alright?'' Taehyung chuckled lightly, but end up coughing. ''Let's see, I'm losing a lot of blood, I'm chained to a wall with silver chains and I'm locked up in the dungeon of my own pack. Yes, I'm totally fine.'' Taehyung's voice filled with sarcasm. ''But I'm going to be alright.'' He whispered after.

The door from the bedroom slammed open and Jin jumped up. ''You've been very stupid. You know that right?'' Jin furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Namjoon who had blood on his hands and shirt. ''What did you do?'' Jin looked Namjoon straight in the eyes, the boy looked a bit taken back, but still looked pissed. ''Learning my stupid beta a lesson.'' Jin became worried for the beta. He knows that a beta can take a lot of torture before he dies, but still. He does know what Namjoon is capable of. Jin didn't notice that Namjoon had left the room, because suddenly he stood there comepletely clean, as if nothing happened. ''Now you're the one who has to get punished. I won't punish you that bad. But you're going to be mine.'' Jin's heartbeat became faster. He had a feeling what Namjoon was planning and he didn't like it one bit. He wasn't ready. Once again, he was pushed onto the bed. Namjoon climbing on top of him and he started kissing him. Jin didn't give in this time. Namjoon started kissing his neck, leaving hickey's behind, until he kissed that one special spot. The spot where his mark was going to be. ''A-alpha.'' Jin begged. ''Please don't.'' Jin wanted to cry so bad when Namjoon ignored his desperate cries. ''This is going to hurt little one.'' And without further warning he sank his teeth into Jin's skin. Jin screamed because of the unbearable pain, but when the feeling turned into pleasure, his scream turned into a moan. Namjoon cleaned the wound he created when he was done. ''Your turn.'' He said in a husky voice. A few tears escaped Jin's eyes. He didn't want to. ''Do it or I will force your wolf.'' Jin slowly went closer to Namjoon's neck. He knew that he didn't have a choice. If Namjoon would force his wolf, it would make it even ten times worse. He started leaving small kisses on his neck, till he reach the spot where his mark was supposed to be. He heard Namjoon groaning. He tried to hold back his tears and sunk his teeth into the skin. Namjoon stiffened for a small moment, but a moan left his mouth soon after. When he left his mark, he slowly cleaned the skin. ''Good boy.'' Namjoon whispered and laid Jin down. When his head hit the pillow he turned into a crying mess. Namjoon suddenly came back to his senses. ''Oh my god Jin. I'm so sorry.'' Namjoon wanted to comfort his mate, but as soon as their skin made contact, Jin flinched. ''Go away.'' He whispered weakly. Namjoon didn't make any moves to leave the room any moment. ''Leave!'' Jin yelled. Namjoon looked shocked, but did what he was told. He knew he screwed up very bad, but there was no turning back now. As soon as Namjoon left the room, Jin started sobbing even louder. Who would have thought that his mate would force his mark on him?

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