Chapter Twenty-Three

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The week went by fast. In that week, Yoongi and Jimin became a lot closer and Namjoon started working a lot more with the omega's. Jin admired the fact that his mate was finally trying his best for the omega's. Now Namjoon spent more time with the omega's, they were getting better care and they could just eat a healthy meal. It made Jin proud, because he is the one who made this all happen. Hoseok hasn't been around the pack a lot. He is travelling in the hope to find his mate. Taehyung and Jungkook have been spending a lot of time together and they tried to plan a little vacation for just the two of them.

Today is the day where they decide if Yoongi is going to be locked up again or not. Yoongi was a nervous wreck. Anxiety was flowing through his body. The whole pack had gathered around a stage and on that stage were standing: Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi. Jimin was behind the stage, but not allowed on the stage. How bad Yoongi wished to hold Jimin and that Jimin would whisper things to calm him down. ''Ladies and gentlemen.'' Namjoon started, catching the attention of every packmember who was there. ''As you may know, we've captured a rogue.'' Everyone started yelling about how disgusting rogues are. When they finally calmed down, he continued. ''But he claimed that he entered the territory by accident and that he didn't do any harm.'' Now the packmembers started yelling that the rogue was a liar. ''Silence!'' Namjoon said, the alpha tone clearly to be heard, making everyone shut up immediatly. ''My beta convinced me to give him a chance. And so I did. This young man standing in front of me and my mate is the rogue I've been talking about.'' All the gazes were now directed at Yoongi, shivers went down his spine. ''Now you might have seen him walking around the pack for the past week. I want to know from you if he meant any harm to any of the packmembers.'' Everyone slowly shook their head, confused of why their alpha was asking them this. ''I've seen that you behaved well and that's why I have decided to give you your freedom back. You can become part of this pack or live in peace outside of the pack borders. What's your choice?'' Yoongi gulped. He looked at Jimin who smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. He took a deep breath and looked at the alpha of the pack. ''I-I would like t-to be p-part of the pack.'' He said, his voice shaking while he spoke those words. Yoongi would love to finally be part of a pack, to finally have a place to stay without having to run away. ''Then you will be part of this pack.'' A lot of the pack wolves were shocked. Their alpha never did such things as giving a rogue a chance to be part of the pack and meaning it. ''Then we will start the ceremony now.'' It shocked him to hear that the ceremony would take place right then and there, but he didn't mind. Finally he could be part of something without having to hide from the world. Jin held a bowl and a knife in his hands. He handed the knife to Namjoon, who was walking closer to Yoongi. ''Give me your hand.'' Without hesitation, but with his heart beating at an abnormal pace, he stretched his arm, showing him the inside of his wrist. He was scared that his was all a joke, but at the same time he had a little faith in it. Namjoon grabbed his hand and placed the knife against his wrist. ''Do you, Min Yoongi, promise to stay loyal to this pack?'' Namjoon asked
''I do.''
''Do you promise to fight for the pack in times of war?''
''I do.''
''Then I will now pronounce you as member of this pack.'' Namjoon said and made a small cut on Yoongi's wrist and then on his own. Jin held the bowl in their wrist and the two let small drops of blood fall into the bowl. Yoongi could feel the mindlinks forming and the connection with the members of the pack. A little smile was placed on his face. Finally he had a place to stay. Who would have thought that it was at the pack of the most dangerous alpha of all. The pack clapped loudly. They're not used to having new packmembers, but if their alpha trusted it, then they would too. Yoongi walked off the stage and immediatly hugged his mate. ''I'm proud of you.'' Jimin mumbled into Yoongi's neck. It made Yoongi smile even bigger. The two entered the packhouse holding hands and with a big smile on their faces.

''I'm glad that you made up your mind about him.'' Jin said with a smile plastered on his face. ''I know you weren't planning on letting him go. What made you change your mind?'' Namjoon sighed and shook his head. ''The omega's.'' His answer caught Jin by surprise. ''These past days I've been spending helping them. It was that day you took me to them that I realized that I'm a bad alpha and that I should give a second chance to people who deserve it. And it was also then that I realized that your life was a living hell. I'm so sorry for being the bad alpha I am. I will help the omega's, only if you want to help me with it. I can't do this alone. I don't want to be alone anymore. I think I've fallen for you. I love you, Jin.'' Jin started to tear up because of Namjoon's confession. He never thought that the heartless alpha would actually have a heart and that he would be a real softy. ''I will never leave your side and I might not be ready to say those three words, but know that there will be a day that I will say those words because I am falling for you too.'' Namjoon was slightly hurt that his mate didn't return the words, but he could understand where he was coming from. He had hurt his mate in a very bad way. Eventhough it hurt him slightly, he would wait for the moment that his mate could return those words. He cupped Jin's cheeks and brought their faces closer. Jin's breath hitched and before he could utter a word their lips met. It was a slow and passionate kiss. Emotions were flowing through the kiss. Emotions both of them had bottled up for way too long. Suddenly Jin moaned in pain and dropped to the floor, holding himself. Namjoon immediatly kneeled down next to his mate holding him. This could only mean one thing. Jin's heat was back.

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