Chapter Twenty-One

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Jungkook woke up in the arms of his mate. A blush crept onto his face when he realized what they did. ''You're cute when you blush.'' A deep, raspy voice said, making Jungkook gasp because of the sudden sound. The voice chuckled. ''Cute.'' Jungkook just buried his face into the bare chest from his mate. ''What happens now?'' The younger asked after a moment a silence. He looked up, right into his eyes. A smile was seen on his face. ''Now you're going to move in with me.'' Jungkook's eyes widened a little. He didn't expect that. ''Only if you want to though.'' The elder said. A little bit of sadness seen in his eyes, because of the younger's reaction. ''I have to ask Jimin though. We've been living together for a couple of years already and we're childhood friends. But I'm sure he'll agree.'' A big smile appeared on his face. A sudden memory of last night made it's way into Jungkook's mind. ''Explain more about the mate-bond and all.'' Taehyung looked deep in thought. He was thinking how he could explain this the best way. ''Well, since I marked you.'' He said pointing at the two little scars on the younger's shoulder. ''You'll become stronger and faster than a human, but not as fast and strong as us, werewolves. You also have the ability to mindlink me. You can see it as talking in eachothers minds. But you can only mindlink me not the rest of the pack.'' Taehyung frowned a little. ''What I just told you, is what a human gets when they mate to a werewolf. But sometimes a werewolf marks its mate a little too deep and the human also becomes a werewolf. Honestly, I have no idea if I marked you too deep or not, I don't think so.''
''What do you mean with that I can only mindlink you?''
''I don't really know how, but it has something to do with the fact that you're my mate and that the mark is mine. Maybe there is a chance that you can also mindlink the pack. But I think that will happen after the ceremony.''
''Yes, the ceremony. When someone finds their mate outside the pack, the person from outside the pack will have a ceremony to be official accepted in this pack and also to be able to mindlink the rest of the pack.''
''When do I have to do the ceremony.''
''When you're ready. I'm not forcing you into things you don't want.'' Jungkook smiled softly at his mate. Thankful for the fact that he gives him the time he needs. ''Let's go get something to eat.'' The younger rolled onto his side to get off the bed, but a sudden pain in his ass made him wince. ''Hey, you okay?''
''My ass hurts.'' He mumbled, making the other chuckle.
''I'll carry you the rest of the day, okay?'' The younger just nodded. Kinda embarrased by the whole situation. The elder of the two stood up and went into the bathroom. Before he closed the door he said: "You may join if you want." Jungkook immediatly stood up at those words and walked with an awkward walk to the bathroom. He entered the bathroom and saw Taehyung smirking. ''I knew you would come.'' Jungkook just shook his head.

''Hello Lovebirds.'' A happy voice said when the two entered the kitchen. Taehyung rolled his eyes and let Jungkook slid of his back. The two boys sat down at the table and thanked the omega who brought them food and something to drink. ''So, how was the sex?'' Hoseok said and wiggled his eyebrows. Jungkook spit out his drink, right in Hoseok's face. The delta made a face of disgust. ''Gross.'' The youngest looked at him with big eyes. ''H-how d-did...'' He stammered embarrassed. Hoseok pointed at his nose. ''You smell a lot like Taehyung.'' Now the youngest looked at Taehyung. ''When mates finish the whole mating thing, they smell like eachother. And Hoseok over there,'' he said pointing at him, ''likes to mess with everyone who just mated.'' Taehyung shook his head. ''He thinks it's funny. I still don't get that you still do this even after that one time.'' Hoseok's eyes went wide and he shook his head. ''We're not talking about that!'' He yelled.
''Yes, we are.''
''No, we're not.''
''Hoseok got beaten by a girl.'' Taehyung said leaning towards Jungkook, before running away.
''Kim Taehyung! I swear to god! You're dead!'' The two left the kitchen, chasing eachother. Jungkook just sat there silently eating his food. He finished his food and the omega started to do the dishes, when two males walked into the room. "I just want to help."
"But you're not an alpha yet."
"But I am going to be one!"
"You can't even shift! How are you going to protect yourself when someone attacks you?!"
"What the hell?! I helped the omega's more than once. Why can't I help them anymore?! They won't hurt me!"
"Ugh fine!" The bickering males took place at the same table as Jungkook, who suddenly felt very awkward. Taehyung stormed into the kitchen and took place at the table like nothing happened. "Why are you panting like you ran a marathon?" Namjoon asked.
"Just running away from Hobi."
"Did you bring it up again." Taehyung just nodded and started eating. Namjoon just shook his head. Hoseok also entered the kitchen again and slapped the back of Taehyung's head, making him whine. "Shut up dickhead, you saw it coming." He said. Taehyung let out a huff. Two more males entered the room. Suddenly there was tension in the room. Yoongi silently placed himself on the chair next to Hoseok, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Namjoon lowly growled, earning a soft punch from Jin. The omega who made who the food was clearly scared of so much people around her and she shaked a little putting the plates in front of the four males who had recently entered the room. When she placed the plate in front of the alpha, she was shaking so bad that most food fell of the plate. It fell on the floor and also on Namjoon's lap. He jumped up. "Can't you do anything right?!" He yelled at her. The omega squeaked and started shaking even worse. "You're a worthless piece of shit." The omega was crying by now and dropped herself on the floor. "Namjoon! Calm down! She did nothing wrong!" Jin yelled at his mate. "You're scaring her. Go to our room." Namjoon was mad at the omega, but he didn't want to anger Jin, so he obeyed. "Hi." He said crouching down next to the omega. She flinched away. "Don't be scared. I'll make sure he won't hurt you. I've been in your place and sometimes it still feels like I am. Take some food with you and take it with you to your house. Hoseok will guide you, so no one will hurt you. Stay strong." He said and left the room. Walking to his and Namjoon's room. He entered the room and immediatly got pushed against the wall. Namjoon started placing kisses on his neck. "Namjoon, stop." Jin said. He just mumbled some words that Jin didn't understand. "You need to stop getting so mad at the omegas when something goes wrong. They can't help it being scared, because you make them scared."
"No stop. Stop making excuses. You need to get that you're scaring them. You're pack is scared of you. When do you get that?!"
"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered. Jin just shook his head. "Please cuddle with me." Jin rolled his eyes, but end up cuddling with his mate anyway. And that's what they did the rest of the morning. Just cuddling. Enjoying the silence and each other's presence.

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