Chapter Eight

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Jin got slowly up. Ignoring the stinging pain from his wounds, that are still healing. He sighed and walked to the bathroom where Namjoon pointed to, when he said that Jin could use the shower. Jin undressed himself and stepped under the shower. He let the water touch his bare skin and he relaxed.
Jin got out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels that was hanging close by the shower cabin. It was not until the moment he wanted to walk back into the room, when he realized that he didn't have any clean clothes. Staring at the door, that connected the bathroom with the bedroom, he wrapped the towel around his waist. Maybe he could just borrow something from Namjoon? He wouldn't mind, would he? Probably not. Jin slowly opened the door and first stuck his head out, to look if someone was there. There was no one. He let out a sigh of relief and walked into the room with nothing but a towel around his waist. A little unsure, he walked to the closet and opened it. He grabbed some underwear, sweatpants and a sweater. He put the clothes on, they were a little oversized but that was okay, Jin thought. Feeling a little uncomfortable in the clothes of his alpha. he walked to Namjoon's office. With a little hesitation, he knocked on the door. A mumble was heard and Jin's heart started beating faster. What if his alpha would start yelling at him, because of the fact that he's wearing his clothes. With shaky hands, Jin opened the door and walked into the office. Immediatly, het met the eyes of hus mate. ''You look sexy in my clothes.'' Namjoon's husky voice was heard. Jin's heart started beating faster with the minute. ''Why are you wearing my clothes?'' Well, here comes the yelling, Jin thought and he closed his eyes firmly. He didn't want to anger his alpha. ''Because I don't have any clean clothes here.'' He said and tried to close his eyes more firmly. Suddenly a hand caressed his cheek softly. Sparks errupted from the place where the hand touched his skin. At first Jin flinched. When he did that, the hand stopped moving. Sparks were still present and it helped Jin to relax and eventually, he leaned into the touch. With his eyes still closed, he enjoyed the touch. ''We'll go shoping for new clothes soon or you can get some clothes from your own house.'' Jin shook his head. ''What?'' Namjoon asked. Again Jin shook his head. Namjoon suddenly grabbed both cheeks from Jin. ''Tell me what's bothering you. I want to help.'' Jin sighed and put his hands on Namjoon's hand and took his hands from his cheeks. He couldn't think clearly with the sparks. He sighed. ''I don't have a real home. It's just a sumple building where I sleep and eat when there is food. I don't really have much different clothes then what I wore. And I don't want you to spend your money on a weak omega as me. I'm not worth it.'' Maybe the last words weren't the smartest to say. Namjoon grabbed Jin's waist and pulled him closer. Jin wanted to be scared, but the sparks made him calm and he relaxed. The only thing was Namjoon looking kinda intimidating. ''Don't ever say that again. Don't every say you're not worth it, bacause you are worth it. You're my equal, my soulmate. You shouldn't be thinking so low of yourself. And you're certainly not weak. You survived, when you were poisened with wolfsbane and when I beat you up. You're stronger then you think.'' Namjoon hugged Jin, but Jin didn't hug him back. ''If I weren't your mate, then you wouldn't have said this. Then you didn't mind if I died. You wouldn't look back at one of your omega's who died. You only tell me this, because I'm your mate and you can't survived another rejection. You're just selfish.'' Jin stormed out of the room. Suddenly pissed at his alpha. He called him strong and worth it. But Jin could only think about the other omega's, the others he saw die and the ones who are working till they can't. He shook his head. He had to clear his head. His wolf wanted to get out, but didn't want to shift. Shifting hurts like hell for Jin, because pack members forced him to stay in his human form and wouldn't let him shift. Omega's are barely allowed to shift, it makes their wolfs weaker and causes them pain. And the packmembers enjoy to see the omega's suffer. Jin hasn't shifted in years, if he shifts now it will probably become his death. Since it would hurt just like the first time and it would take a lot of his wolf strength and that's something his wolf barely has. Jin decided to go outside, just to calm his wolf a little and he likes to be outside. Outside, a lot of people stared at him and he could hear them whisper things about him. He lowered his head and started walking. ''Hé omega!'' He heard someone yelling, but Jin ignored it and started walking faster. ''Don't walk away from us, omega.'' The person said the word 'omega' with so much disgust that Jin flinched slightly. Suddenly Jin was pushed against a wall. ''What was a weak and pathetic omega doing in the packhouse? Probably wanting to bang the alpha.'' Tears formed in Jin's eyes. ''Bad for you. No one likes omega's.'' The guy tightened his grip in Jin's arm. ''But maybe we can do you a favor. SInce you wanted to bang the alpha so bad and he rejected you. We can do something about you needs. What do you think about us banging you. So what do you say?'' Jin shook his head violently. A lot has happened to him, but one of the few things he still had was his virginity. He didn't want to lose that by rape. ''To bad.'' The guy started rubbing Jin's manhood and a moan almost escaped his mouth, but Jin hold it back. ''Moan for me, you horny slut.'' Jin still refused to moan, so the guy decided to rub Jin's manhood harder. In the end Jin couldn't hold it back and moaned. ''Good boy.'' The guy said with a devilishly smile and started to place hickey's all over Jin's neck. Jin wanted to stop him, but he was to weak. ''Hold him back for me.'' The guy said to his friends who stood there smirking. They grabbed Jin's arms and the guy who placed hickey's in his neck, started to undress Jin's lower body. ''Please stop.'' Jin begged, what made the other guys smirk even more. When eventually Jin's underwear was ripped from him, the guy started to rub his manhood again and Jin started to moan. ''Ah, I already feel the precum, sweetheart.'' Tears slowly started to fall down Jin's cheeks. ''I want you to moan harder before I bang you hard.'' A furious growl was heard and all the guys took a step back from Jin. ''A-alpha.''  Namjoon's eyes were completely black, showing his wolf has taken complete control. Another growl was heard.  ''How dare you to touch my mate.'' His voice sounding dangerous. ''I'm going to kill you. No one touches my mate except for me.'' The guys started to tremble of fear and then they got on their knees, starting to beg to spare their lives. For a moment, Namjoon made eye contact with Jin. JIn shook his head to try to make him clear that he shouldn't kill them, but Namjoon didn't get the hint. In a reflex, Namjoon hold one of the guys by his neck, starting to choke him slowly. Jin couldn't let Namjoon kill the poor guy. Yes, he knew that he tried to rape him, but that doesn't mean that he has to die. Jin stood up, feeling vulnerable because of his naked lower body. He walked to Namjoon and grabbed his wrist. ''Don't do it.'' Jin said when Namjoon looked him in the eyes. ''Don't kill them.'' Namjoon looked like he was about to snap the neck of the guy, but he released his grip and dropped the guy on the ground. Namjoon took Jin in his arms and took deep breaths, probably to inhale Jin's scent and calm down his wolf. After a few minutes standing like that, Namjoon took Jin to the packhouse. To his room to be exactly. He carefully laid Jin on his bed and threw a new pair of underwear and pants to him. Jin gladly put it on. ''Are you alright.'' Jin nodded. ''If I wasn't there in time, you would have been raped.'' Namjoon sighed. ''And wouldn't forgive myself if that would happen.'' Jin laid his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, trying to make him clear that he shouldn't be worrying to much about it. ''Jin, I know I haven't been the best alpha to you and the other omega's. But please forgive me. I will try to make it better for the other omega's, but please don't be mad at me.'' Jin nodded and hugged him. ''It's okay.'' He whispered.

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