Your job

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Get in, get what you needed, leave. Man that sounds so easy. It was easy. There wasn't a single guard in the hall so you just walked into the office, now kneeling in front of a heavy looking metal safe. Your timing was perfect, as always. He left for a break and took the guards with him.

'Stupid cop, never learns.' You thought to yourself, a wicked grin graced your lips as you finally opened the safe. You stepped aside so you would dodge a possible hidden gun trap. Luckily nothing happened. You leaned back forward to the open door. Your gloved hands moved inside the safe and carefully took the files you were there for.

Upon hearing footsteps from outside you quickly took what you needed, replacing the files with a prepared one you brought with you and silently went for the door. Sweat formed on you forehead the moment the doorknob started to turn. Every color left your face as you though about a hiding place. Finally you decided to fold yourself inside one the big file drawers. Pushing your whole body inside of it you closed the drawer just as the door swung open.

Your body ached in the tiny space you chose as your hiding spot. The cold furniture hurting your back as well as freezing your neck and very soul. Looking back, you came to the conclusion that this was one of the worst ideas you ever had. Heavy footsteps entered the room. The person knew that something was off because they searched the room for a bit before they closed the door. Lucky for you it was a very lazy search.

Hearing the person sitting down on the big, leather chair in the middle of the room you realised that you'd have to stay for the next few hours until the person decided to leave again. This would be a long day and you didn't even have a chance to tell your friends that you wouldn't be with them for dinner.
'Crap' you thought, 'now I have to cook for my damn self.'
You almost sighed but restrained yourself. Even though you really wanted a piece of that lasagna Sanji had promised you for dinner.

Right now you could've been with your friends, or do your chores or something, but no. You had to break into the headquarters of the special police force to get a job done. For a person you didn't really like. Or know. For the heavens sake, you could have made the same money stripping at some girls birthday party, like Ace did. And you wouldn't have to think about a lazy ass excuse for not making it to the dinner you were invited for . They would laugh their smug little asses off if they knew you were stuck inside a big ass police drawer right after you stole some important files. If that person sitting in the leather chair decided to peek into the safe, only to find out that they now were the proud owner of a twenty pages long essay about duck dicks... You would be in so much trouble.

'And here I thought nothing would come between me and that lasagna.'

All of a sudden you realised something: You were inside a tightly closed drawer. There wasn't only the chance of getting locked inside said drawer, you could actually suffocate in the metal furniture. You silently panicked. There was a high ranked officer in the room and a shit ton of guards probably waited for your stupid ass to run off, the air would soon get thin, Luffy would eat your lasagna if you were so much as two minutes late and that stupid crocodile wanted his files in less than three hours. Oh, and it was cold, dark and smelled like year old coffee stains.

The office door swung open again and you jumped a little. Almost hitting your head against the upper drawer in the process. But you swiftly put both your hands in front of you face so that you only hit yourself in the face with the back of your hands. Footsteps roamed around the room as both left, throwing the door into its locks.
"Finally." You breathed freeing yourself from your uncomfortable little prison and stretched your arms above your head before turning to the door. Slowly peeking into the hallway you met the alarmed guard in front of the door. A frown on you face you kicked the door into him, sending both to the ground.
Tugging your mask so it would stay in place you dashed through the hallway, alarming some other guards. Even though you ran like a mad man the four of them almost hit you with a bullet.

Jumping down the staircase you stumbled a bit, caught your breath, then continued to run like a chased animal. Finally the windows you took as an entrance came into your view. Find it closed worried you, but you just picked up some more speed, knowing that, if it worked, it would hurt, you fold your arms in front of your face, crashing through the glass you soon met the hard concrete.

Rolling on your back you stretched your arms out laughing like a maniac as you knew that this could have ended with you, sprinting against a window and getting caught like a complete idiot. There guards reached the window and you swiftly jumped on you feet, darting across the street and into the city. There were a few shouts directed at you, but you ignored them.
Half an hour went by until you finally got to your bike which you had parked in a safe distance to the police headquarters. Getting on you took a second to pull your phone out of your pocket, unlocking the screen to see that you had twelve messages. Almost all of them were from Luffy asking you if he could eat your piece of lasagna if you wouldn't be there.

'I will be there and if you touch that lasagna then I will end you.' Was your answer, then checking the other two messages. One was from your uncle telling you that he would be late because of an incident at work, the other came from Crocodile. He wanted to know if you had already finished the job so you could get payed and he wouldn't have to see your sad face until the next job. You rolled your eyes at that. It was obvious that he didn't like you. Not that it bothered you, giving the fact that you weren't really fond if hin yourself. If it weren't for the money you'd probably never talk to him ever again and sell out every piece if information you ever got to know about him.

Even though that wasn't much. You only met him twice in person. The last encounter was three years ago. The first time was when he talked you into working for him. As one of his shitty little minions. The second because you interrupted a fight between him and your uncle, accidentally getting in the middle of their attacks which instantly had you out like a light. After that you were left with two scars. One across your back and the other on the lower part of your stomach. And you never saw the man again.

Now you were left with his text's and sometimes he would even call you. But most of the time he would have you to meet Daz. That wasn't a bad thing. Daz was nice. Kinda. A bit strange and intimidating, but nice. You once got him to laugh. But you were pretty sure that if Crocodile ever wanted you to drop dead, Daz would be the first one to do as he was told.

Your uncle never forgave himself for hurting you that night. He bought you the bike you wanted and now owned, apologised for the next couple of weeks and still asks if the scars hurt. They sometime did but you would survive it. Locking the phone screen again you put on you helmet, deciding to drive to Crocodiles club to receive your money. After that you would meet up with Luffy and the others.

Starting the engine you sped off so you could be done with it until the next job that would, hopefully, not come in anytime soon.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now