Luff you

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When Edward wasn't joking when he said 'like the good old days'. You were currently inside the worlds biggest blanket fort, a hot cocoa in both your hands you cuddled Luffy whilst using the tall man's leg as a comfy pillow. Ace laid on Newgate's chest, already dozing off into dreamland. Sabo hat the other leg for himself, Marco and Thatch leaned on both sides. They were all fast asleep, snoring like a hoard of dogs. Only you and the youngest were still awake. He tickled you a bit and you started to wrestle with him soon after, trying not to wake someone you continued to play in his room upstairs.

Rolling over the carpet you tried to hold him down. Though he was way stronger than he looked and soon had you pinned down. He giggled, resting his forehead on yours. The both of you were out of breath so you just stayed in that position, staring at each other. Seconds later you had lost yourself somewhere in his eyes. They were so happy, full of life and love. Even though you knew him for so long you were still able to lose reality in his eyes. You swiftly turned around, now pinning him to the ground. Before he could ask you what's wrong you shut him up with a swift kiss.

Thousands of fireworks launched inside of you when he returned the kiss, bringing a happy sigh to it. Your Lips parted but he quickly pulled you back into another one, cheeks red he snaked his arms around your neck.

"I love you, Luffy." You whispered when you both had to breath.

"Shishishi, you Luff me." He giggled and you burst out laughing, collapsing on his chest.

"Are you serious?" You laughed, barely able to breathe. It got even worse when he added a happy: "I Luff you too, (M/N)."

"So, we Luff each other?" You asked, chuckling to yourself. He nodded pulling himself up to meet your nose with his.

"Can I start calling you mine for real now?" He asked, wide-eyed.

"I'm as yours as that last cup of hot cocoa in the kitchen." You answered, getting on your feet again. He soon followed after you, took your hand to place his own in it. Both of you went downstairs again, walked into the kitchen to get Luffy the last cup cocoa, he even shared with you. After that, you got back into the blanket fort. He instantly snuggled up to you, sighing happily.

Giving him a short peck on his forehead you laid an arm around his form to hold him close.

'Man, this is nice.'

It wasn't as good of an idea as Ace originally thought when he and Sabo pulled you and Luffy away from each other, trying to wake you both up. Though you were heavy sleepers so it was understandable that they got desperate. But it still wasn't a good idea given the fact that Luffy's arms could stretch. So when you finally woke up the only right thing to do for you was to loosen your boyfriend's grip so his arm would hit Ace's face like a slingshot. He cursed as he fell to the ground, holding his nose. Sabo jumped away from you to hide behind the big sofa. Still sleepy you rubbed your neck and searched for Luffy. He still slept right in front of a cursing Ace.

You couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Luffy finally, woke up from your laughter stretching he got his arms back to normal before he got up. Turning his eyes widened. "Ace, what happened? Did you try to fight Marco again?"

"NO, you slapped me!" The older one explained.

"I did? Why?"

You decided to explain it to him: "Because he and Sabo pulled us away from each other, so I loosened your grip to slingshot you hand in his face."

"That's funny!" He laughed, heading over to you he helped you up and hid his face in your chest.

"My (M/N)." He sighed. The older brothers raised an eyebrow. But before you could explain anything a familiar smell sneaked into your nose.

"Breakfast," Luffy yelled dashing with you in the kitchen. Edward gave a hearty laugh when he saw you both. Though you were gasping for air and Luffy sat next to you demanding something to eat.

He had to wait until Ace and Sabo were on the table too, but he eventually got what he wanted. A big plate of bacon and eggs sat in front of everyone. The boys already dug in but you doubted to finish even half of it. But Luffy was more than happy to help you out, even though Edward scolded him for it.

"So, what's up with that 'my (M/N)' thing Luffy started recently?" Thatch asked, leaning towards you. Taken aback you hesitated, though Luffy didn't.

"Why thing?" The ravenette asked a bit of bacon stuck in the corner of his mouth, "(M/N) is my boyfriend now, so that means he's mine. Nami told me it'd be like that." Their eyes all widened and you suddenly wanted to run as far away as possible, though Newgate only laughed, patting your shoulder he announced: "Well, you already were a part of this family."

And that was basically it. Well, not really. The brothers made it very clear to you that if you ever broke Lu's heart, your body wouldn't be found in centuries. Though that didn't really phase you because you were sure to never leave the happy black haires side. You still were a thief but you, and soon Smokers brother, now worked for Mihawk, Newgate, Shanks and even for the police. Even though Sakazuki was a pain in the ass. It was still fun to work and do the things you did, but you promised not to work too much because Luffy wanted your attention and would pout whenever he missed you.

But, you were happy. For real. And that was all that mattered.


*wiggles in the room*

Heya, it's Zeyan! (^-^)/

You've now reached the end of this fanfiction \(^-^)/  BUT WAIT!!!

And now I'll have to confess... that I had finished it four months ago... I just didn't have the motivation to upload it. But then I saw that more people liked it, read it and picked it up again. And I'm really glad I did!!

And I'm proud to announce: There will be more!!! I promised an OS about Ace wanting to marry a table, and I'm working on a proper male! reader x Sir Crocodile story. This might take some time but I will deliver.  (Meanwhile, I'll jiggle around in my Tumblr xD)

Thank you SO MUCH for reading.

Till the next Story~


The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now