Casino with Crocodile

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You arrived just in time. Tugging your mask you dashed to the entrance where Daz waited for you. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he eyed you.

"What?" You asked, suddenly a little startled. The last thing you wanted was Crocodile laughing at you.

Daz stopped, motioning you to follow him you did as you were told and entered the casino with him.

The first thing you noticed was the fog. It was kind of foggy in the hall which made it, in combination with the crowd of people left and right, almost impossible to find Crocodile.

Daz however seemed to know. He passed the people and lead you to a table far away from the gambling crowd.

And now Crocodile sat at a table in front of you. Hair combed back as always a cigar in his mouth and a ring on every finger of his only hand.

He wore a black fur coat, a grey vest and a dark shirt with golden like buttons underneath it. The golden, in the damp light shining, hook pointed to a chair next to him.

Daz gave you a slight nudge and you sunk on top of the pointed furniture. Though you were not able to relax next to the tall man. Not. One. Bit.

That was until he broke the silence:
"At least you can follow my commands." He stated, gaze wandering over your form. You quickly realised how much you enjoyed it to just talk to him over the phone or to read his text. Because now you just felt like prey sitting next to a predator.

His cold, steal grey eyes didn't leave you for even a second. It reminded you of a hungry animal you and Ace encountered when you were just kids. The two of you fought it off but in this moment, you were alone and most likely not able to defeat someone like Crocodile.

And suddenly you remembered all those times you had messed with him.

'Plus, uncle Kuzan called him a lady.'

"How are your scars?" He suddenly asked which made you jump a little as you hadn't expected him to talk to you. As you got a little embarrassed about how you just almost fell off the chair, you tried to focus on not landing on the wine red carpet.

"The last time I met you in person was when you tried to end a fight between me and a government employee. If I remember correctly you got hurt while doing so. It didn't seem to be a scratch, so there have to be some scars."
You only nodded. He just called your uncle a simple employee. Kuzan was much more than that.

Maybe he knew about Kuzan. That he's your uncle, your 'adult'.

"The scars are okay!" You finally answered, "I got better really fast, even though the cuts were deep."

"Good." Was all he said as smoke rose from his mouth.

'Wow, never saw a fire crocodile before.'

Your confidence finally came aback to you. "So, why am I here?" You asked, "It's definitely not so that you can see my sad face again, or ask me about my old wounds."

"I wanted you to come in here so that someone could ask you something."

"Couldn't that someone just call me?"

Suddenly a third person joined the conversation: "I'm afraid I couldn't." Coming up the steps to the table you saw a familiar figure closing up. And you could feel cold sweat forming on your forehead.

Mihawks golden orbs bore into your soul as if he knew who wore the mask. It wouldn't surprise you if that would be the case. He was a smart man after all.
Plus, you met him more than once at Luffys house. Edward always had a poker night on Friday and Mihawk never misses out on that.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now