Your day with Luffy

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After you slept in you took a shower, picked your clothes for the day, had a good breakfast and thought about some thing to do with Luffy. Due to the fact that he had send you about thirty messages to prove it, you were pretty sure that he was excited to spend some time with you. And you couldn't blame him for that because you were a little excited yourself.  After all you two hardly spend some time alone. He always was with one of the others and you were too busy with work to even notice how often you had to tell him that you wouldn't have time for him. But today would be different. You wanted him to enjoy his time with you. After you picked a little surprise for the quirky ravenette,  you swiftly took your bag, swung it over your shoulder and got on your bike to get to the places you needed to go until it would be time to get Luffy from school.
You even took a second helmet with you and Kuzan had his keys with him.
Luffy launched himself at you. Tackling the breath out of your poor lungs once again.  Coughing you patted his back as he screamed:
You nodded and he screeched something you couldn't understand. He then jumped up, taking your helmet to put it on himself.
"Come on, (M/N). I wanna go!" He said bouncing inpatient. You finally had enough breath to get up, wearing the spare helmet you got on first, patting the empty space in front of you. Luffy gasped and jumped on, almost headbutting you in the process. Leaning back quick enough you escaped from the possibility of getting knocked out by your best friend. 
"Don't fall off." You said, letting the engine growl like a wild beast before you sped off. Leaving nothing but a cloud of dust behind.

"Shishishi, (M/N) we left my schoolbag at school." He chimed, leaning against you ever so slightly.
"You won't need it today. Let it stay there." You answered a smug grin shielded from your helmet.

'Edward will kill me if the bag goes missing.'

"Where are we going to anyway?" He suddenly asked, his head leaning on your shoulder. All you needed to was a "You'll see." And the younger one pouted under his helmet like a little child. For the next five minutes he practically begged you to end this torture. Lucky for him you just parked in front of the place you wanted to bring him to.  So you just pointed in a direction. His gaze followed your finger. His eyes widened as stars started to sparkle in them. "A buffet? Really  (M/N)?"
"No Lu I brought you so we could dive in the dumpsters!" You sicher getting off the vehicle. He watched you with a raised eyebrow. A simple "eh?!" Left his lips.

'Really? Sarcasm isn't your second language? Even though you live with Marco and Ace? Really Lu?'

You made a swift head turn to the restaurant and reached a hand for him to take. "Oh come on Lu. I thought you were hungry." You chimed. He just kept on staring at you, playing with the ends of his shirt and chewing on his lower lip. You let out a full hearted laugh, patting his head you ensured him that you wouldn't eat from the dumpster. He smiled, grabbing your hand to pull you into the building. Standing close to you he waited as you payed for the buffet. But as soon as you did so much as to point to the food his patience died and he sprinted away, filling plates with an inhuman amount of food.  It was hilarious to watch him as he tried to balance all the plates to a table, leaving just enough space for you to place your own plate.
He dug into it the second you sat down. 
A smile graced your lips as you watched how he devoured it all. It was a tower of food shrinking by the second. You were already told that you would have to pay extra but you didn't mind. Not as long as Luffy was happy.

There was nothing better than Luffy chiming one of his sincere: "Thank you  (M/N)." With his toothy grin flashing. The little dork was soon happy and a full balloon. Only to be back to normal in a matter of seconds. It had to be great to be made of rubber. Stealing would be so much easier if you wouldn't need to worry about getting shot anymore. Luffy would make a perfect partner in crime. That is if he'd be a lot calmer.

After you both left the restaurant, you weren't allowed to return for at least two months, you both got back on your bike. Luffy, once again, slumped down in front of you. He giggled as he leaned against your chest.
"What's so funny?" You asked a small grin crossed your features. He was just too adorable.
"My schoolbag is still at school. You think it'll make my homework for me?" He asked in between fits of giggles. You couldn't help but imagine the bag, laying on the ground with a pen in one and a crayon in another strap, just casually doing Luffys homework for him.
"So what's next?" He asks fidgeting in his seat like an excited child. 
"I thought about a nice day at the beach."
"But I can't swim!" He gasped, facing you with big eyes.

'No shit Sherlock.' You thought.

"I got you a giant rubber duck with a straw hat and an enormous kind of whale like thingie. You could sit on them. And I'll splash you with wate or hold you close so you won't drown! Okay?"
"(M/N) we have to drive faster." He said calmly.
"CAUSE WE GOTTA GO FAST SO I CAN SIT ON MY RUBBER DUCK!" He screamed, raising his hands above his head.

Coming to a halt at the beach Luffy jumped off, pulling you along once again. "Come on, come on  (M/N) let's get the duck!" He fist bumped the air, cheering for you to get his precious duck. 

"Luffy watch out! You'll fall off if you keep on fidgeting." You warned. But the ravenette was just too excited to sit on his big rubber duck he couldn't help himself but to move around, hugging and squeezing the material.
He fell into the water not even three minutes later. You fished him out and placed him back, ready to scold him but as soon as he was placed on top of the duck he continued where he had left.

Two hours passed until he was finally able to just paddle around next to you as you swam a little through the salty waves which hurt the little cuts on your arms. The sun was about ready to dye the sky in her beautiful colors. And the both of you decided to watch the color change whilst sitting in the warm sand. You had to admit, this day went awesome.  You didn't have that much fun in a long time. The two of you  were in the water most of the time, splashing around, wrestling, Luffy almost drowned two times after the first incident. And you always helped him, after you laughed at his misery. But then something had to pop into your head.
"Hey, Lu?"
He raised his head to look at you. "Eh?!"
"Yesterday you said that you met a friend of mine. Can you describe the person."
"Uh, yeah. It was this really weird black haired lady with blue eyes. She saw me at lunch and wanted me to say hi to you."
"Did she wear something unusual?"
"She wore a purple dress."
"I don't want you to talk to her. She isn't a friend of mine she just wanted an excuse to talk to you."
"Is she bad or something?"
"Do you remember the night we all went to that one party?"
"At that club? Yes. I felt so funny and then afterwards I wasn't even able to say hello without puking." He narrowed his eyes in disgust. "Why do you ask?"
"This woman gave you some bad shit that made you feel that way." You explained and he gasped, shooting upwards he locked eyes with you.  "Really? Man, that's evil."
You laughed a bit. But it got caught in your throat as your phone rang. It was the 'Jaws' theme.
Mr. 0 wanted your attention.

You sighed picking up the phone. "Yes boss?"
"That's how you greet someone of a higher rank." He said. And almost sounded proud. "I just wanted to remind you that I'll await you in Basta. In an hour." You looked at your displays clock. 

'Shit I have to go in the next fifteen minutes!'

"I'll be there soon boss. Bye." You hung up. Looking at Luffy you saw how his shoulders were dropped and a sad cloud hung over his head. "So you'll bring me home now?" He asked trying his hardest to not sound as sad as he felt. You sighed a depressed:

You both got up to squeeze the air out of the duck. Then you got the Backpack, which somehow still layer at the exact spot Luffy had dropped him hours ago.
Time was running short so you sped him home, giving  a quick wave before you rushed home to get ready for your meeting.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now