Familiar mask, new toy

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Sleeping in your own bed was so much more comfortable than in the hospital beds. No pain in your back, your bones didn't make any unhealthy sounds when you stretched and it smelled like eggs and bacon. Coming out of your room you were surprised to not only find your uncle but Sanji and Thatch right next to him. Rubbing your eyes you blinked multiple times.

'Did I just die in my sleep?'

Before you were able to prove that you died you were tackled to the ground by a squealing Luffy. Literally grounded you gasped for air. "Lu, don't kill me, please." You breathed and he got up, apologizing he scratched his head with a derpy grin. You shook your head, patting him you dared to look into the living room.

Marco sat on the sofa next to Sabo and Koala. Zoro on the armchair, Robin was on his lap and talked to Franky who sat on the carpet next to her. Edward was on the floor too, Ace sat on his lap with a pout. And Luffy stood in front of you with a wide grin on his round little face.

"Oh, morning scar," Nami said, her fingertip tracing over the scar on your bare back. She giggled when you flinched, though Luffy snatched you away rather quickly.

"No Nami," he said, puffing his cheeks, "mine." His arms tightened around your torso. Nami reacted with also puffing cheeks and asked: "Since when?" She asked, putting her hands on her sides.

"Always," he giggled, cheeks as red as his jacket. You blushed yourself, eyes widening a bit.

'Did he just, say that?'

You looked down at him, a grin spreading across your face. "Hey, Lu. I need to change. Nami might find the other scars." He wouldn't let go of you so you just waddled back into your bedroom. Finally freed once the door closed behind you, he slumped down on your bed. Without saying anything you went to your closet picking a comfy pair of pant and a hoodie in your favorite color. The younger one rolled around on your mattress, trying to hide the pout on his face when you got dressed.

"So, I'm yours, huh?" You asked, peering over your shoulder. He blushed at first but then he answered as confident as usual: "Yes you are."

A soft smile graced your lips as you closed up to him, he instantly reached out to you, but you pulled away to let him pout. Just so you could surprise him with a peck on his cheek.

"Let's head back to the others." You breathed and he jumped up screeching: "Carry me." Doing as he said you laughed as you carried him back to the others. A huge breakfast anticipated the two of you. It was a miracle that Kuzan shared his precious kitchen with you, but now he had shared it with Sanji and Thatch, without killing one of them whilst cooking. Both of you sat down with the others as Luffy cheered: "So much foooooooood."

"Behave yourself!" Thatch and Edward warned and the ravenette duck his head. Pulling him up again you moved a second plate in his direction, earning a happy chuckle from him.

Eating with your friends as well as your family was a lot of fun. Zoro bickered with Sanji, Sabo wasn't even able to ask Koala for the bread without stuttering, she just laughed it off. Marco and Ace teased the poor mess they called their brother, Franky asked how you liked the gadgets Usopp and he made for you, Robin talked to Thatch, and Kuzan had an actual conversation with Edward. Next to you, Luffy happily dug into his food like the bottomless pit he was. You only enjoyed the whole scenery. It had been way too long since you last had a morning like this. Happy, full of life. There was nothing that could take this moment away from you.

Two hours later you helped your uncle with the dishes, forcing Luffy onto his family.

"So I take it that you liked your surprise?" Kuzan asked, raising an eyebrow.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now