Other thieves

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The doorbell rang and you cursed under your breath, rolling out of the warmth of your bed. Walking out of your room you shivered at the cold which hit you seconds after you threw your blanket off. Still a bit sleepy you opened the door. Luffy didn't even give you time to react he just launched himself at you and hugged your, still half asle
ep, form.

"(M/N), Sanji told me what happened and I came to take care of you!" He chimed, letting you go to step into the living room and out of his shoes. You watched him as he threw his school back through the room into a corner. A mix of confusion and happiness started to spread inside of you.

"Um Lu," you said, instantly gaining his attention, "you should be in school right now."

He looked to his side lips curling up to a weird kiss like mouth.

'I never met a person that is this bad at lying.'

"Don't lie to me Lu, you're not the best at it." You mumbled. He looked at you with big puppy dog eyes and begged:

"Don't send me back to school. I want to take care of you. Just like you did back then!"

You were very aware of the fact that Marco would tell Newgate about this. The big guy would tear your ass open for letting Luffy stay. But on the other hand, you would spend some time with Luffy,  that couldn't be a bad thing. You told him that he could stay for a while and the ravenette was so happy he couldn't stop smiling. He even threw his hands in the air and happily exclaimed:

"Yeah! I'll take care of (M/N)."

It was as clear as day that you would probably end up being the one taking care of your cheerful friend. If Luffy wanted to, then he could be like a hurricane. Spreading chaos everywhere.

You cooked together, which basically means you slapped his fingers whilst cooking so he wouldn't snack away everything, and ate watching some old movies you found in your uncles room. 

You only threw up one more time. This time in the bathroom, almost choking when you saw Luffy in the corner of your eye. He carefully patted your back and pulled some ridiculous faces. It wasn't a very good thing to giggle mid puking.

Tume went by way too fast leading to Luffy and you being busy cuddling on the sofa when a phone rang. Your phone. You were able to know who called just by the ringtone. Fall out Boy played 'the phoenix. Which meant that Marco wanted to know where his little brother went.

You answered the call, trying to sound like you had no idea why he would call you.

"Yoi, (M/N). Have you seen Luffy?" You frowned a bit upon hearing that Marcos voice was shaking like an earthquake, he must have called everyone asking for his baby brother. He didn't let you answer and started rambling:
"I think he ran off on his own yoi, the school called me earlier and told me he wasn't there. I called the other but they don't know where might"

"Marco," you calmly interrupted him, "Luffy is with me. He came by earlier today. I thought you knew that."
The last part was a lie, but you would rather not have the blond as an enemy.

You heard how he instantly relaxed upon hearing those words. Other than Luffy who looked like he was about to get brutally murdered.

"You I didn't know yoi," Marco stated, his voice was way too soft and you started to think that Luffy had a good ass reason to look the way he did right now, "but I'm glad to know now. I'll pick him up in five minutes yoi."

He ended the call. Curios you looked at Luffy who just realised how hard he messed up. With Newgate and Sabo out of town Marco and Thatch were the adults in the house. And you knew that these two could turn into ones biggest nightmare if they were angry at someone.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now