The morning after

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There was no memory of how you got home. So naturally you waddled to your bike in order to see if it was alright. It was, surprisingly, standing in the driveway without even so much as a scratch.  The only strange thing was that your helmet was neatly placed on your seat.

Your head hurt so badly it was a miracle that it didn't explode right off your shoulders, launching into the air like a firework. Your vision was a bit blurry so you stumbled back into the house. Without missing a heartbeat you flung yourself onto the sofa.

'Luckily did not end up landing on the carpet.'

"How did I get home?" You asked into the empty room, wiggling your arms whilst thinking you were alone. You whole body jerked as Kuzan entered the living room, stretching he answered mid yawn:
"Your friend brought you back."

As much as you wanted to ignore your throbbing head and blurry vision to ask him which friend you had to thank, your brain told you it would be a much better idea to just throw up. Right then. Right there.

Kuzan didn't do or say anything at first. He awkwardly stared at you for some time before he brought you a bucket and patted your back telling your puking self that everything would be alright once that was over.

Nothing felt better afterwards. In fact, you felt miserable for ruining the living room floor. Even though your nice uncle told you it was okay, and that you should get some rest, the only thing you were able to think about was how stupid you had been to even accept a drink from Sir Crocodile.

The whole situation pissed you off. First you got drugged by mister zero at your first meeting with him since years, there were no memories of what happened after you passed out, you puked on the living room floor in front of your worried uncle and now your phones notifications let it blink like a rave party that had gotten out of control.

Annoyed you took the little device in your hand, unlocking the screen. You had five messages in different chats. Swallowing hard you decided to open the one with Mr. Zero first.

"You know, most people cry about their entire past after one shot. You drank five and still kept your little secrets to yourself and only got a bit too excited about little things... cuddled and passed out from time to time."

There was a photo attached to the message. Opening it you felt your cheeks burning up as your blood started to rush through your body. The photo showed you, clinging onto him like a play girl would to her sugar daddy. He didn't look pleased though there was the smallest of grins in his face... or dirt on the screen.

After you read the text a couple more times and looked at the picture equally as much, you decided to never meet this man in your life ever again and opened the other messages. One was from Robin.

"Are you okay? I wouldn't have thought that you would just write something like this."

You raised an eyebrow and moved on to the last chat. The group of pretty much all your friends. Scrolling up you swallowed hard, eyes widened you read what you wrote to them.

"I love ya guyz so mush. And I'm not riting zat becawse I'm drunk... cause I'm on some funny stuff too. And I lave yo guyz so mush but I lied to ya and pewple shouldn't do zat."

There was a long string of "what?" Following and you wished for this to be the end of that conversation.

But it wasn't.

"I don't work in an office."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock no one hurts themselves that bad in an office." Sanji answered.

"So what are you doing?" Nami asked.

"I steel things for dat one rich douche that gave me the funny stuff."

"Did you want to take that stuff?" Came from Usopp.

"NO...I think I'll pas out agwain"

"Where are you?" You could only imagine how worried Nami must have been, giving the fact that you still owed her some money that you wouldn't be able to repay if you got your ass to heavens gates too early, "Sanji will pick you up."
Sanji didn't wait a second to back that up. You wrote them where you were and Sanji said he was on his way.

You swiftly changed back to Crocodile, thumbs flying over the display you typed in:
"How did my friend manage to pick me up without seeing you?"

The answer came only a minute later:
"You panicked, ripped your mask off your face and ran outside. Daz followed after you and saw how you bumped into your friend. He brought you home and Daz your bike. Why did he know where you were?"

"Whilst telling you nothing I somehow found the nerve to tell them how I worked for a rich person that drugged me. He asked where I was and I told him."

There was a long pause before he started to type again.

"...You are troublesome."

"Oi, I didn't drug myself. You deserved that heart attack!"

"If you say so. What's your friends name?"

"... He doesn't have a name. But that's a sad story. And a long one too."

"I couldn't care less, but do inform him about the fact, that if he even so much as thinks about calling me a 'fucked up old sack of shit' ever again, I'll have him poisoned and cut open in an alleyway."

"Will do. But he might take that as a challenge and I happen to know someone that would be the first in line to kick your ass."

"You won't beat me."

"Didn't talk about myself. I'm so dizzy I wouldn't be able to throw a punch to safe my life. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a nap and start with the sword job."

He answered but you didn't bother to check the phone, rolling on your side you closed your eyes again, hoping you'd wake up in the afternoon.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now