Stealing from Donquixote Doflamingo

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The night had come and you basically were a nervous wreck. Sneaking out of the house was easy as soon as Kuzan fell asleep. And Doflamingo's address wasn't a secret. He lived in a Manson big enough to call it a palace. Needing some time to remember its blueprint you decided to walk all the way up to the Manson. There was a huge, black fence with a big gate right in front of a colorful front yard. Guards were placed behind the fence, pacing up and down its length and a blonde boy appeared to command them. He looked odd but you knew that Doflamingo had a strange family. And as far as you know, most of them had a devil fruit power. Even though you were prepared, you were nervous as well as a bit afraid. You would be a dead man should they catch you. Taking a deep breath you circled the fence from a safe distance, using the eyepieces of your new mask to zoom in on the fence and every guard. The boy was busy, talking to a young woman in a short, purple dress. She had long, raven black locks falling down her back.
Her name was Baby 5. Or so you guessed because someone screamed that name and she bolted through the hallway, almost bumping into you when you first broke into the Manson.

Grabbing inside the tiny bag you brought along you pulled a tiny crossbow out and put a bolt from your belt in it, that had a fuzzy end. Carefully aiming you shot one of the guards. Not even ten seconds later he was passed out on the grass. Skipping over the fence you rolled his motionless body inside a bush to hide him from the others and took the bolt from his neck, stuffing it into your bag.

'Usopp,' you thought as you sprinted over the grass, 'you are the best and I'm sorry that I scared you half to death when I entered your apartment through the window.' The blueprint had a balcony somewhere near you so you started to look around. It didn't take you long to find it. Now, all you had to do was to climb three floors without getting caught. 'Why Flamingo? Why not leave that stupid sword to Kid? That would've been so much easier.' You sighed mentally. Though cursing didn't help you much so you simply started to climb up the wall. As soon as you reached the balcony you peered over the edge to make sure that no one would be inside the room it leads to. You found it to be empty and jumped over the edge, carefully entering the room. It seemed to be a bedroom with a bed the size of Kuzans kitchen. There were a ton of pillows on top of it as well as a pink blanket. Scanning the room you noticed a tall, wooden table that looked a bit like Crocodiles. Though there were a ton of different papers on top of it. Not willing to waste any more time inside the room you peeked out into the hallway.

It was silent except for a few steps in the distance. Stepping out you hurried through the corridors carpet, trying to recall everything Bellamy had told you earlier. He told you that someone that's called Diamante hid it in a room just behind Doflamingo's main office. The blueprint showed that you were close, but you didn't trust this whole situation for even a second. This was easy. Way too easy. Not even a maid was in sight and you very well knew that Doflamingo had plenty of women running around the place. The only question left was: Where were they?

The hallway wasn't even monitored by any cameras, though you were prepared if you would find some. After five minutes of pacing around, you finally reached the main office door, carefully pushing your ear against the material to listen. There were voices inside.
'Great, now what?' You asked yourself, stepping away from the door your gaze wandered around, coming to a stop when a vase filled with all kinds of colorful flowers, caught your attention. A mischievous grin etched on your face when you checked the ceiling. Now silently laughing you grabbed another toy Usopp had given you. A grappling hook. Kicking its pillar the vase broke of the impact on the floor. The talking stopped, you got up to the ceiling. The door opened and a shiny looking male with white snot coming out of his nose soon found the broken vase.
"Who did this?" He asked into the empty corridor, "No one is supposed to be in this area at this time. Who did this?" No answer. A pair of sticky gloves on your hands blocked you from falling, but not from moving. Hoping for the best you moved along the ceiling, out of his sight to use the grappling hook to knock another vase, down the hallway, to the ground.

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