Paying a visit

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Heya, this chapter is NSFW, penis things will happen. You've been warned.

Those two weeks inside the hospital were a time filled with a shit ton of fun and Kuzan insisted on picking you up once you were allowed to leave. He does so by skipping a couple of hours at work to stay with you. You told him that this was a bad idea, but he just said that he sleeps at work anyway, so he wouldn't miss much. His car was super comfy, the seats were soft like a mattress, plus, they were heated and warmed your ass all the way home. It was awesome. Reaching your home you almost didn't want to get out the vehicle. "Oh, come on (M/N)," he laughed.

"No, it's comfy." You protested, tugging your seatbelt.

"So you'll come to work with me?" He raised an eyebrow. You left the car in less than three seconds, almost sprinting inside the house.

"Oh, it smells nice," you noticed taking the scent of citrus that flew around the house. "Yeah, I cleaned everything. I was bored without you."

"That's kinda cute uncle, but you might need a pet if I ever move out." You said, a bit of laughter in your voice. He declared that he would get a bird or something if you ever decided to do so. Kuzan stayed with you for a while, even cooked something till work called him and he had to leave.

Peeking in the kitchen you saw your favorite food waiting for you on a counter. Kuzan was a good cook. Not as good as Sanji though, but good enough for you. If only he had the motivation to cook more often. You cleaned the dishes after you devoured the precious meal and decided to pay a certain someone a visit. You had to confess that you missed Crocodile over the course of those past weeks. But he might still believe that you were dead. Doflamingo kept your phone and you still didn't have the time to get a new one. What meant that you had no chance to tell him that you were alive. Just deaf in one ear and covered in patched, hiding the still healing wounds.

The Club looked as dull and unspectacular as it always did when you visited in the middle of the day. Entering the building you, once again, just walked straight to the elevator, pushed the button you were once again greeted by Daz. But this time he looked like he saw a ghost in front of him. His sun-kissed skin went as white as bed sheets, his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little bit. Staring at you without a word he took every little detail in. From your messy hair to your smug little grin and the slightly ripped jeans on your legs. A little uncomfortable with the situation you scratched your neck waved awkwardly. He composed himself, motioned you to follow him.

Both of you stopped in front of Sir Crocodiles office and the once again closed the door behind you. But this time you heard his footsteps fading into the distance.

Once again it was just you and Crocodile inside the dim lid room. The man was working on his papers, a bored expression edged into his face. An unknown kind of confidence overthrew your body as you started to talk: "I was in the elevator, again, sorry." He flinched when you jumped on the table, positioning yourself in front of his papers. His dark eyes flicked up to you, wandering all up and down your body. A small smile stretched his thin lips, he pushed the cigar out and got the papers away in one, swift move. His hand and hook reached over the table, pulling you closer to him. Your breath hitched as his lips suddenly met yours in a demanding kiss. Heart skipping several beats you were inferior to his touch.

Within seconds your mind was in complete chaos, you were dizzy as his hand pulled you against his firm chest. His golden hook slipped under your shirt, ripping a gasp from you to allow his tongue entrance to your mouth. Hesitantly you reached your hand out his face, cupping his cheek before you had to pull away for air. You saw his tired, grey eyes, right before his hand ran through your hair, a smile still on his face he murmured: "My thief boy finally back from the dead." His lips trailed down your neck, leading you to forget that you were there to tell him you wouldn't work as much as you did before. A soft moan left your lips as he finally found your sweet spot, your breath got caught in your throat when he bit down on the soft skin. You felt how his hand slipped underneath your shirt. Instantly shivers ran down your spine, accompanied by a long sigh.

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