Food and friends

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You barely entered the apartment and already got tackled to the ground because Luffy threw himself onto you and squeezed the air out of your poor lungs.
"(M/N)" He screeched your name with so much joy you didn't know that it was humanly possible for someone to actually be this happy to see you. But Luffy did this all the time. Whenever he saw you he would break into a mad dash in your direction to tackle you to the ground so he could hug you so tight you were able to see heavens gates. Trying not to die under the ravenettes grip you patted his back wheezing and reaching for the others, pleading them to help you out.
"Oi Luffy, don't kill him." Zoro heart how you went down with a thump, so he came to safe you by peeling Luffy off of you.  You then took a deep breath thanked him and got to your feet. Patting his head you finally were able to greet Luffy, who had a face stretching smile set on. Seeing the others, which were Nami, Robin, Franky and Sanji you were welcomed to take a seat inside the kitchen. You took a seat next to Luffy, because he wouldn't want you to sit anywhere else, and immediately asked how everyone's day was. Nothing out of the ordinary. Zoro got lost on his way to class, again. Nami went on a shopping spre with Robin, again. Sanji went with them to carry their bags for them, again. Franky spenden his day in his workshop and Luffy did his homework together with Sabo and Ace who ended up doing them for him because he didn't know a thing. 
But then he mentioned something that seemed odd to you.
"Oh, and I met one of your friends (M/N). She wants me to say hi to you." He chirped then looking at Sanji to ask when the food would be ready because he was hungry. Even though he age a whole pie not even an hour ago. The blond just started to rant.

Drowning in your thoughts you couldn't hear what they said buy Luffy got really impatient. The two of them argued along and Zoro eventually got involved and argued with the cook. Only Robin seemed to notice that you silently spaced out. But she didn't say anything. You snapped back to reality when Luffy suddenly poked your arm, asking if you were alright. A surprisingly sharp pain overcame your arm up to your shoulder. You jumped a little. The ravenettes  eyes grew as wide as plates as he looked at your arm. At first you thought that he was wondering about how hard he must've poked you to make you jump, but then the others started to stare too so you followed their gaze.
The next second you bolted for the bathroom, pulling your bloodied hoodie above your head you threw the clothing into the bathtub. Looking in the mirror you gasped. Wide eyed you saw the colors that shouldn't be on your arms.  They were covered in bruises of all sorts.
Blue, red, brown some even were a dark purple. This windows really did a number on you. There was blood running down your skin and the spot that Luffy had poked was a bleeding circle. As if his fingertip had pierced through the damaged skin. It didn't really hurt. It just felt numb but you still felt the warmth of the blood, wandering down your arms.  How sis you fail to notice this until now? It surely must have hurt before.

But you had been too busy than to acknowledge your wounds because you wanted to get the job done. A sigh left your lips as you held your arms under some cold water. Soothing the pain. There was a knock on the door to your right.
"(M/N) are you okay?"
It was Robin. Her voice was filled with worry and she surely wouldn't leave without a good explanation of what had happened. Turning off the water you told her to come in. The black haired woman entered the room shortly after. Her long, slender fingers softly touched your arms and traced down the faded path the blood had left. She tried to lock eye contact with you but you swiftly avoided her gaze, facing the wall to your side. She still made it pretty clear that she wanted to know what happened. Robin once worked for Crocodile herself and had reasons to believe that he was responsible for your wounds.
"It's not like you think."
She quirked an eyebrow at that and asked:
"And what did happen then?"
"I had to jump out of a window. It was closed." You explained, "so I used my arms as shield for my face."

'Oh wow, now she looks like my mother, but a bit less disappointed.'

"Do you ever think about the things that would happen to you if they ever catch you?"
You paused not knowing how to respond you looked at the floor. To tell the truth, you did. All the time. But not in worry about yourself. Instead you were worried about your friends. Once you would get caught or identified, every person you cared about would be a suspect. There would be questions no one could answer because you never told the truth about your job. But not a single cop would believe them if they said they didn't know a thing. Even though it was the truth.
"Oh come on Rob, it's not like they will catch me anytime soon!" She glanced at you, eyebrows knitted together. It was a pain full stare. One that could frighten a grown man go the point he peed his pants.  Lucky for you, you weren't such a man. But that didn't help you because there still was a chance of getting brutally murdered inside Sanjis bathroom, by the bookworm. Robin probably knew how to kill someone with a toenail.

She sighed, reaching for the cabinet behind you she grabbed some bandages. Soon your arms were covered on said bandages. The woman was a surprisingly good nurse. The two of you returned to the kitchen where the lasagna was on the table and Luffy drooling.  It was a bit of an awkward situation because everyone stared at you and your arms.
"Are you okay now (M/N)? Was that my fault?"
You smiled a bit patting Luffys head. He often blamed himself when you noticed a scare or a wound because of him. Even though you received them way before you met him. Sometimes he claimed that he wasn't with you and you got hurt because of that.

"Yes I'm okay now Lu. It wasn't your fault I had a little accident in the office today. Probably got hurt there but didn't notice. So thanks for poking me." Letting out a sigh of relief Luffy began to dig into his food. Franky however narrowed his eyes.  "What kind of accident?"
He asked calmly. You almost choked but answered soon after:
"I fell out of a window."
You said shamefully looking down at your plate.
"How?" Luffy asked, mouth filled with lasagna.
"Well, everyone left and they thought I was outside so they locked the doors and I was still in there, alone. And I wanted to leave. So I opened a window and leaned out to shout outside in hope that my colleagues would hear me. I somehow leaned a bit too far out and fell.  Crashed right through the little glass roof at the entrance and met the pavement whilst shielding my face wife my arms."

Zoro laughed.
"You have the worst luck man."
Nami just gasped you could see the explosion in her eyes.
"I would sue the ever loving shit out of them for locking you in. You got hurt because of their stupidity  (M/N). You need to talk to your boss." She claimed wiggling her fork  up and down.
"And don't get me started on your work times. How does it come that you're always busy? When was the last time you went on a date?" You rubbed your neck. Nami was a hand full if trouble but a good friend of yours that always wanted what's best for you. But you still tried to defend yourself.
"Well you know. It's not that easy Nami.  But the pay is good so" there was a but of silence, "It's all good?" Of course she didn't buy that blurting on about how your boss treated you unfair and how you should search for something better.
"Nami please, you sound like my mother." You sighed.
"Well then let me be your mother because you are obviously incapable to take care of things like that yourself! What's with your uncle?"
"He's at work what about him?"
"Does he know about your work?"
"No, Nami please let me eat before you ask Zoro to play my dad!"

She puffed her cheeks but agreed to be silent.  Then you heard a quiet laughter coming from Zoro,
"Son" He said as serious as he could, "eat your dinner." a goofy grin spread on his face as you just grunted.

After dinner Zoro and Sanji, somehow, got into a fight, Nami ranted about your live, Franky talked with Robin and Luffy cheered for one of the other two until you felt his sleeping, snoring head on your shoulder. A bit surprised by the sudden weight you looked to your left. He was out like a light, cuddling closer to you, snaking an arm around your body so you wouldn't leave him. There was a snot bubbling emerging from one of  his nostrils, getting tiny whenever  he breathed in.
"Looks like you'll have to bring him home." Robin smiled a bit.
You shook your head "I can't I'm on my bike. What if he falls off?"
"You'll get an idea (M/N). He never fell off before." Came from Nami. The orange headed scrolled through some kind of social media site. Probably searching for the newest gossip.

Luffy was a heavy sleeper, you knew that. But it still surprised you when he slept through the growl of your engine and the cold night breeze on his skin. He wore your helmet on his head, leaning against your torso you had your arms around him.
You knew where he lived, it wasn't far away from your uncles place and you basically lived with the boys when you were little. But it always unnerved you to be the one to bring him home. Especially since that night in Crocodiles club.
It wasn't your fault that he got drugged but it bothered you so much you still awoke every time you dreamed about that night.
Luffy had been so helpless that you had to sleep in his bed next to him because you were afraid that he would choke on his puke. That woman had some nerves to drug that precious sunshine you called your best friend.

Luffy and you were inseparable since you were kids and if you would had to you would kill to keep him save but that woman drugged him whilst you were busy with the shitface drunk Ace and a pissed off Daz because Zoro was as lost as the city of Atlantis.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now