Missed call

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Coming up the driveway you pulled out your phone. Holding the sleepy head with one hand you texted Ace, Sabo, Marco and Thatch with the other, asking if one of them could open the door so you could bring them their brother. Luffy had a big family and they all were a little overprotective at times. Then again it was you who kicked that God complexed piece of blond crap called Enel through the whole college and wiped the floors with with that stupid Teach because both of them were stupid enough to mess with your friends. Getting kicked out of college wasn't your best idea. But it was worth it. Enel left town and Teach never even looked at Ace or Bonney though you heard the pink haired one left shortly after you.
Plus your friends told you that the fight was awesome and your uncle wasn't even that mad. He just sighed and told you to get a job. So you did.

When Marco opened the door you carefully got off your bike, picked Luffy up and carried him into his room, holding him like a groom holds his bride.
The blond just followed you. A stupid grin edged in his face. You laid Luffy onto his matress, tugging him into the blankets.
"Wanna give him a good night kiss too yoi?" The blond leaning in the doorframe asked.
"Oh yeah, so I can get my ass handed to me by Edward? No thanks."
"Nah yoi, Pops likes you. And he ain't here for a couple of days anyway yoi. Just Thatch, Ace and me." You raised an eyebrow.
"And Sabo?"
"Went with him yoi, something about Dragon." He answered with a shrug. You nodded and left Luffys room so he could sleep in peace. Marco brought you back to the entrance.
"Yoi  (M/N) do you have any plans for tomorrow? I could use some help with Luffy. He's way calmer when he's with you so I thought I would ask."
"As far as I know I'm free for tomorrow. I could pick him up from school, grab some food and bring him back home."
"Sounds good to me, thanks yoi."
He waved as you pulled out of the driveway. Half way home you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. But you thought it would just be Sanji, telling you that your hoodie still laid in his bathtub. It could wait until you were home. 

Once there the door opened with a click. You pushed it open, kicking your shoes off your feet you half tumbled through the open living room. Entering your own room you laid on your bed and raised your phone above your head. 3 messages from your uncle.
'I forgot my keys at home again, please stay awake to let me in.'
'I'll be home at 3 am.'
'And I'll bring pizza just stay awake please.'
After this you thought that maybe he was the missed call. Switching to the number you went as pale as a ghost. Written on the bright screen were the words 'one mossed call, Mr.0' 
You flinched as your phone started to buzz again. Now in your hand. Accidentally dropping it on tour face you answered the call feeling like an idiot.
"Hi boss."
"Don't you 'hi boss' me, when I call you have to answer."
"Sorry that I didn't want to crash and die trying to satisfy you."
"Where were you?"
"Are you my boss or my mom?" Silence but you could hear a distant laugh in the background. Probably Daz. Poor guy probably had to dodge a death glare right there.
"Boss, my adult comes home in like, less than an hour so... Why did you call?"
"Your adult?" He raised an eyebrow. You could already tell he did.
"Yes my adult. I need someone that's good at being a grown up and he doesn't know that I work for you."
"Tsk, I called because of a certain rumor."
"I don't like gossip."
"Did you loose a glove in the police headquarters?" He asked bluntly, completely ignoring your comment. You froze, jumped from your bed you made a mad dash to your bike. Lifting the seat you searched the tiny trunk. A sigh of relief left you.
"No Sir, I didn't." Crocodile nodded, a small smile came over his lips as he leaned back on his chair inside the dark office. Only the cigar and the blue light of the banana crocodile aquarium illuminated the room with a cold, blue light.

His golden hook rested under his chin to hold his head up. He sounded tired, his voice was more of a word forming growl. You heard how he took a deep breath. A hidden yawn escaping his throat. It sounded odd. The long exhale that git caught in his throat before leaving completely. There was kind of a pause until you got brave and smug enough to ask:
"So is there anything else I could do for you boss? A pillow or a blanket? Maybe some hot chocolate?"
"If you continue this then I'm afraid I'll have to kill you. And I'll do so myself."
"I beat the shit out of many login devil fruit users in the last years. I could at least try to fight you."
"Were any of this idiots able to drain you like a wet sponge?" Silence, "That's what I thought. I'll meet you tomorrow night in Basta. 9:15 pm. Don't be late. Dress like you belong there and wear your mask."
A comment about your oh-so-sad face burnt on your tounge. But then you saw your uncles car pulling into the driveway. It was a miracle that he didn't hit you.

Biting your tounge you had to end this conversation as quick as possible without looking suspicious. So you spoke without thinking.
"Yeah I'll be there. Get some rest dear you sound horrible and" Your uncles big hand swung around your skull.
"Arara, (M/N) be nice to the lady!" He warned and hour face started to burn with an intensity similar to the damn sun's. Daz was laughing at this point and Crocodile gritted his teeth, audibly.
In the end you just hung up on him and wanted to throw your phone across the continent.
"Uncle Kuzan you do know that I'm still gay, right?" You asked, one eyebrow raised. He stopped, almost dropping the pizza in his hands he mumbled:
"I forgot. I'm sorry. Did I ruin your date?" He sounded really guilty and was visibly relaxed when you shook your head.
"Nah, you just made him feel like a lady." Was all you said as you took your keys to let you both inside. The both of you sat down on the large sofa in front of the t.v . Kuzan got something to drink and you searched for a movie you could watch.
He slumped down next to you huffing as he redted his feet on top of the small coffee table, pizza box  neatly placed in his lap. You both laughed at the movie and it's sad try on getting serious. It wasn't really good but still better than the rest of the late night shit everywhere else. He broke the silemce:
"So, any plans for tomorrow?"
"I'll pick Luffy up from school. Grab something to eat and stuff and I'll be out late."
"So your date is tomorrow night?"
"Yes, why?"
"Cause that means I'll have to bring my keys."
"Would be smart."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'll got to sleep now just don't have too much fun."
"I can't get pregnan!"

He laughed a bit.
"I meant with the troublemaker. I didn't need to know that you're a bottom with this new guy."
Raising a hand he he headed to his own room. Leaving you as a blushing mess. 

'If there is a Lord and savior. The please, save me.'

After that you called it a night and went to bed, pulling the covers up to your chin you thought about how mad Crocodile could be.
If he played nice then he would just tell Daz yo finish you.

But then again, he never played nice.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now