The club

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Finding g a good spot to park your bike you hid the helmet, took the files and went two streets up to Crocodiles club. You already knew that he uses it to cover his other business up and the police kind off did too. They would sometimes send one of their younger under cover agents to get into the club as a waitress or a barman and it was always you that identified and sold them out to your boss. Or rather to Daz because you'd have to be more than an imbecile to get Crocodiles ass out of his office. You walked up to the big door of the building. The whole house was dark but the entrance had a white marble like frame around the black doors. Every night hundreds of people would come here, waiting in an overly crowded line just so they could get drunk in the next hours. But not everyone was allowed to enter the building. Only people with money, good looks or a bit of fame would get in. That's were working for Crocodile had its perks. You were allowed to enter without the fuss in front of the doors and you could bring friends with you. Though you only did that once. The drinks were really good. A bit too good. Ace was shitface drunk after one hour. Face resting on the surface if the table, drooling all over it whilst whispering sweet nothings to the furniture. It was a miracle that he didn't marry that piece of wood that night.

Though you were pretty sure that he wasn't the only one that drunk. Because Marco puked on his date. And Nami left with one of these stupid, old, rich ass dudes. That story ended funny. Because Nami went with him to his house where they continued to drink until he passed out. She then started to undress him, but not completely, threw her bra next to him as well as her belt, left a message written in lipstick on his mirror, kissed the whole thing, stole some money and made a quick leave. He contacted her a couple of days later, begging her not to come to that family gathering he invited her to in his drunk state, she wrote that on the mirror, and even offering her money so she wouldn't tell his wife. Nami, of course, smelling her new income, started to blackmail the poor guy to the point he threatened to kill her. She then told his wife, sending her photos of the half naked man, fast asleep with lipstick all over him.

Upon entering the club you remembered that Luffy had been with you and the others that night too. The poor guy got himself drunk faster than Ace did. And it had been the older brothers job to look after him but he was so smashed he wanted to marry a table, Nami was gone, Zoro got so lost you received a call from Daz, telling you to get your friend before your boss had him shot.

Searching for Zoro your roamed around and called for Luffy also, whom you found next to a weird black haired woman that was all over him. You took him with you, arguing with the woman, and continued your search for Zoro until you found him far away from the party and way too close to Crocodiles office. It was a fun night. Ending in a weird, but interesting way. Luffy was so drunk, and somehow high, you had to hold him close so he wouldn't fall to the ground face first. He was funny and a bit needy. Raising your empty beer bottle to sing along with the songs, at least he tried, until his arm went numb and he hid his face in the crook of your neck, rambling about how much he liked to cuddle you and how hungry he was. He then licked your neck and even bit down hard enough to drain blood. That was when you decided to leave, taking Zoro, Ace and Luffy with you to get the younger one some fast food. Nami wasn't there anymore, Marco, who was now alone again, wanted to wait until Thatch was ready to leave and Sanji was... nowhere to be seen. But you decided that he was old enough to take care of himself.

"Excuse me Sir, but we are still closed. Please come back later." A female voice said, pulling you out of your memories. It was one of the employees in training. A young woman with long cocoa brown hair that was bound to a ponytail. Her pink lips were pulled to a nice smile which you instantly returned before you spoke: "Oh I know, I'm here to meet Mr. 1."
Her smile faded and she looked kind of startled now. You weighed your head to the left. A bit puzzled you wanted to know what was wrong but she was a bit faster, "Why Mr. 1?"
She asked and you blinked a few times, then grinned.
"Because I have to be more than an imbecile to meet the boss."

"That's not what he thinks about you!" Daz voice rang from the other side of the room. He came closer, eyeing you up and down, a small smile spread on his face. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Not? What does he think of me then?"
"I'm not supposed to tell you."
"So he wants to straight up murder me?" He almost laughed at that, a smile still on his face he answered: "No. We wouldn't talk like this if he did want you dead."
"I figured that much." You breathed, noticing a suitcase in his left hand. Pointing at it you asked: "What's in there?"
"Your money." Eyes as big as plates you looked up to him. He lead you to a table. You both took a seat and he placed the suitcase in front of you. "That job was important to the boss. He wants you to take a bit of a raise."
"A bit? What did I take from that officer?"
"It wasn't an officer (M/N). You took something from the government police. Something important to a case that would give them too much information about the things we do." You must have looked like a ghost in that moment. Mouth slightly agape, eyes so big it was a miracle that they didn't fall out of their sockets. If you ever got caught, you would be in so much trouble.

As you gave him the files he moved the suitcase closer to you. His face as stern as always he picked the conversation back up:
"It's a good thing that you don't read everything you steal, my friend. The boss wants to see you in his casino in Basta. He wants you to dress like you belong there and please, wear your mask."
"So that he doesn't have to see my sad face?" You guessed. He gave you a light laugh, shaking his head.
"He really enjoys to go on your nerves, even writes you in person. The others get their messages from me."
"Really? I always thought he would dictate you what to write to my sorry ass."
"Don't flatter yourself, I would never write you."
"Yeah, you only ever show up out of nowhere. Please don't do that again when I'm with my friends. It was a pain to explain why I got into your car instead of on my bike and Ace almost got into a car crash trying to show off to some girls."
"You shouldn't talk so much about your friends when you're here."
"Nah, it's okay. They would kick your ass if you came up too close, or rude. You shrugged, grinning and sticking your tounge out you took the suitcase and rouse from your seat.

"It was really nice to talk with you Daz. Message me when the boss wants to meet me in Basta. I would stay longer but I got a lasagna to eat and it will not wait for me." You gave a quick wave jogging out of the club. Daz eyes were glued to your figure as you left.
Shaking his head he mumbled: "Such a energetic and strange guy." Under his breath before he returned to Sir Crocodiles office.
"Did he leave?" Was the first thing the man asked.
"Yes he did. It seems like his dinner would run away if he got home too late." There was a long moment of silence between the two of them. As if Crocodile waited for Daz to tell him that this was just a bad joke. When nothing came the man just breathed an unimpressed: "I would do so too." And continued with his paperwork only looking up when Daz brought him the files you got him.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now