A Placebo-Other

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Could all of this be a fake? So I've been doing my research on placebos and other things and so I've come with some intriguing answers. So a placebo is basically fake medicine but it helps. So if you had asthma and someone gave you a placebo that basically means it's not really medicine but it Works because you think it does. That's becAuse you would be sick in the head and not in the hearT. You think you are siCk wHen you are not. What does thIs have to do with aNythinG? Well, what if those who have "slender sickness" is actually just there Mind saying thEy do. What if they really are making it all up and don't know it. I've thought of this lately when my friends were talking about creepypastas and the chances of them actually existing. Both of my friends immediately said the operator existed without hesitation. That makes me wonder how much your brain can make up, I thought of this after watching "shadow people" where the people with what they called Unexplained Death Symptoms, died from shadow people but it's all a placebo, if our minds think it's real and they can come from anywhere, who's to say they can't kill us? Our own mind is killing us, huh. Anyway, on other "news" is just I've been coughing randomly but if it was real bad I'll get help or medicine but I'm not sick. That's all for now. Until later.

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