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So it's been awhile, like always, I've been absent as of late on a lot of social media platforms, but I'm still here.
So a couple things have happened lately and I normally will wait to post till I have more then one thing to talk about so here I go.

Starting off, when I was a tiny little kid I would ride the bus to school every morning and I think I was either a forth or third grader at the time. I remember staring out the window and I had thought I saw Slenderman. I looked back where I thought I saw him. Between two houses by the corner of the house. I looked back and he was gone, it really could've been my imagination but still better write everything down.

Next, I went to go take a shower and one of the holders on the shower curtain fell off and I felt something pass my ear. I didn't really interpret what had happened but I was paranoid and wouldn't keep my eyes closed and almost got soap in my eye.

Another thing which is more a spread of updates is, the bruises on my legs have mostly disappeared and things have been pretty standard. I have had some weird dreams but after I wake up I forget most of it. I do remember one part was of me trying to sneak out of school. Another thing was I was laying in bed when my head became fuzzy and my ear rang but it stopped after a few seconds.

And lastly, I'd thought I'd mention this even though it doesn't really seem too unnatural, is that on Friday, I was in class and my stomach just dropped. I felt sick and my stomach hurt so bad that it hurt to lean forward and hold it. I excused myself and went to the bathroom but when I came back it was worse, not only did my stomach hurt but I was shaking and sweating. I went to the nurse and eventually got sent home but one of them had told me my face was VERY pale and that my lips were drained of color. Just thought I'd mention that.

Just some last statements before I sleep, is that I forget things really easily and so when I was writing this I had wrote in parentheses what I wanted to talk about in the middle of a sentence because I forget so easily. So most these thoughts and updates just came back to me and I wrote them down before I forgot. But I feel like I forgot to mention something else.

Anyway, leave comments and vote if you are interested I guess?

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