Need A Ride?

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"Hey can you pick me up? To go to Tyler's party?" I say into the phone, talking to my friend Nicole.

"Um.. Wait a second.." She says, shutting something. I hear a faint guy voice in the background.

"Who's that?" I say and mess with my nose ring.

"Joey." She says and I smile. Joey has been her boyfriend since a couple of months. They are perfect together.

"Hmm.. so how about that ride?" I say and look in the mirror, perfecting my outfit.

"I don't think I can.. I'm going out tonight.. sorry." She says and I frown, getting a little mad.

"Okay.. See ya." I say and click end, without giving Nicole the chance to say bye back.

I get up and fix the bow in my curled hair.

I look at my slim black ripped skinny jeans and my low cut t-shirt. I was ready to party tonight. I really need to.

I've been really stressed lately, mostly thinking about... Cassie. I really need to stop. Its not healthy and I will feel the urge to..

I look over at my bathroom, the door cracked open slightly. I set down my phone and get up, and slowly walk to my bathroom. I step in quietly flip the light on, and my eyes focus on the razor sitting on the sink.

I walk over to it slowly and stand there, as it mocks me. Its like its calling my name, telling me I need it. I reach down for it, the ache in my wrist growing.

I look away and pick it up slowly, and all of the memories come flooding back. Every single fucking memory.

I look at it and everything becomes quiet, even the voice in my head. I sit it back down and walk out quickly, not taking a second glance. I grab my jacket and put on my converse, and walk out the door, slamming it.

I walk out into the dark, and put my hood up. I cross my arms as the wind blows my hair around, gusting heavy around my body. I shiver and pace toward my destination. Tyler's party.

Austin's POV

I get up out of my bed, from my quick nap. I look over at the clock and realize its late. 8:02 pm.

I rub my eyes and check my phone, only having a few text messages. I sit down and run my hand through my hair.

I've been stressing out so much lately, mostly over Danielle. I'm not sure why though.

I walk down my stairs and walk to my door, grabbing my keys. I open my door and walk out, shutting it. I walk to my car and get in, staring the engine.

I need to get my mind off things.

I pull out of my driveway and drive down the dark street. I look at the street lights, lighting the street below.

I drive and drive, and see someone walking on the side of the road. I look and I see the bright red hair shining and blowing around in the light.

I glance a second time and slow down. Is that Danielle? What is she doing out here alone?

I roll down my window and I get her attention.

"What do you want Carlile?" She says and keeps walking, only glancing quickly at me.

"What are you doing out here alone? And while its dark?" I say, and she laughs.

"Oh like you care!" She says and keeps walking. I move the car up and drive slowly while she walks.

"Where are you going anyway?" I say and she looks over at me.

"Can you stop with all these fucking questions?" She snaps and I shake my head.

"No." I say and she sighs.

"What do you even want?" She questions, and looks at me, her green eyes glistening in the light.

"Um.. well.." I say and stutter, afraid to ask the question.

"Spit it out Austin." She says and I stop the car, and she stops walking, still looking at me.

"Do you wanna ride? at least? I mean, its windy and its dark.." I say and look away. Shit, why did I ask that? Oh god.

I get my thoughts interrupted by my back door opening. I look back and see Danielle getting in, and my eyes widen. Is she literally getting in my car?

"Don't think this is something that's going to be daily." She says and closes the door.

What just happened?

Okay guys so I might be updating next week, like Friday or Saturday. Easter is coming up and I'm painting my room so I'm kinda tight on schedule. Have a great Easter (if you celebrate it!) and I love you!


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