Go With Me

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Danielle's POV

I wake up to the sound of a door slamming, and I roll over, finding myself on the couch by myself.

Austin left me.

Why? my guess is as good as yours.

"Did Austin just leave?" Alan said, walking down the stairs with just boxers on.

"Jesus Alan, put some damn clothes on." I replied, not answering his question. I put my face onto my pillow and sigh in frustration.

"Okay, well good morning too, but.." He says, getting out a pan, "You didn't answer my question."

I lift myself up off the couch, and stretch my arms while yawning. I look around and see the the beer bottles are cleaned up and the pizza boxes is nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know..." I say, while rubbing my eyes. Alan opens the fridge, getting out a carton of eggs.

"Damn.. I was wondering if he wanted to hang out today. Did you scare him away?" He asks, looking up at me and then looking down to crack the eggs in the pan.

I shake my head and start to think of what we did last night. Maybe it was something we did that gave him a code red, and made him leave me on the couch while sleeping peacefully.

I don't mind of he doesn't want to stay with me or not, and not to mention that we were both drunk last night. He might of thought he did something wrong and left so he wouldn't be embarrassed. I wouldn't blame him, I look and feel like a wreck right now.

"Eggs?" Alan questions, and puts a couple eggs on a plate, and picking it up to offer to me.

I Stoll over and grab them, looking at how good they tasted. I open a drawer, grabbing a fork and sitting down to eat.

"While you're at it, please make some coffee. I'm gunna die." I say too dramatically, and begin cutting up my eggs.

"Fine," Alan says, getting the coffee out and a filter out, "We have a gig tomorrow, its going to be the whole weekend."

"Mmhmm." I say, my mouth full of deliciousness. Eating hungover is greater than I thought.

"And I don't really think you wanna be by yourself.. you know?" he says, a little too slowly, trying to be careful with his words.

I eat my eggs in peace, and then I realize where he's trying to go with this conversation.

"Do you not trust me by myself or some shit?" I say a little too harshly, sitting my fork down and looking at him with a glare.

"Um..." his eyes flicker to my bracelets and up to my cloudy eyes. He looks away at my death glare and taps his foot anxiously.

"I thought it would be a good idea if you just hung out with me, I guess. we don't get very much time together..." he says, looking back at me.

I get confused, and give him a look, "I live with you, Alan, For fucks sake." I say and hear the coffee starting to brew, making me dread morning hangovers and having to rely on coffee. He looks down and I decide to spend the time eating, so I turn to my food and shove a mouthful of eggs in my mouth.

"Austin said it would be a good idea, because you never really hang out with me anymore.. so that we could bond, or-" I cut him off by spitting my food out.

"Why the fuck did you listen to Austin? Why was he talking about me and my personal life?" I say, being protective. Of course I'm mad, Austin was talking about me.

"Did he tell you anything else? that bastard.." I say and Alan gives me a sort of shocked look.

"No, I just asked him for some advice so I could ask you to come with us!" He said, getting a bit irritated.

I paused and looked at him.

Does he really think I'm gunna be stuck on a tour bus with Austin for 3 days?

Answer: the fuck no.

"Please? I miss you Danielle. I want to hang out with you and get to know the old Danielle. Hey, remember when you used to laugh at all my jokes? what happened to that?" he says, keeping a serious face.

"Well, if you want to real reason.. I think your jokes have gotten worse." I smirk and laugh at his shocked face.

"That hurt." he says and acts like he's wiping a tear away, making me laugh.

"Aha! there's that Danielle!" he says and I laugh more, how could he be kidding?

"you know what, if you go, I promise that you and Austin will have no problems what-so-ever." he says, giving me a hopeful look. I look down and shake my head, smiling a little. He actually thinks me and Austin won't fight? har har har!

"I'll think about it." I say and look up, at a smiling Alan.

"Good. Because I want you to go," he says, handing my cup of coffee to me, "and that I would miss you while I'm gone, you know." he says and I laugh.

"Alright, alright!" I say and try to stop laughing, "enough of this mushy stuff, im going to my room now." I say and get up out of my chair, and get caught in a hug with Alan. He squeezes me tightly and my cup spills a little coffee, landing on his hand. He pulls away suddenly, and holds his hand with his other hand, and his mouth open.

"Fuck, ouch." He cusses, and I walk to my room, laughing in the process.




GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING SO OFTEN ugh im going to a new school and all so I have been so so so so so so so so so-

thats enough 'so's, Danielle.

oops, sorry.

Anyway, I have been busy. buuuuut I made a new crush (; so I am busy drooling over him also. (not literally haha)

well, have a LOVELY day, my dudes and whatever else you are.

bye. xox

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