Can we...

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"Can we talk?" He says, getting up from the end of my bed. I give a mad look, and I get very confused.

"Talk about what?" I play dumb, I just wanted to hear what he had to say.

He gets up and walks to the door, shutting it lightly and locking it. "We need to talk.. in private." He says, turning to me.

"Why? Can't you see I don't want to fucking talk about it?" I take a step back. I am not in the mood to talk about it, let alone to Austin.

He steps closer to me, making me step back, then hitting my bed. He finally gets close to me, and I look at him in the eyes.

I would have never of thought Austin would want to talk to me, alone.

I tense as he places his hand on my cheek, and his eyes go down to me eyes. What the hell?

I look back at him, a little dazed to be honest. He has deep brown eyes, and his lips were a light shade of pink...

Before I know it, he is leaning down. I have no time to think or act, so I do something I would of never thought of doing.
I kissed him.

He pressed his lips on mine, and our lust began. We instantly heated the kiss, allowing each other to get lost in ourselfs.

His lips tasted so sweet, it actually made me want him more. I suddenly felt a pang of pleasure go through my body, making me lay down on the bed, Austin following right ontop of me.

He rolled us over, making sure to be careful. I was on top of him, and we were having a passionate kiss.

"What are you guys doing?" Alan starts to bash on the door, making up get up and check ourselves.
I look over to Austin. I don't say a word.

What the fuck?

Space Enough To Grow (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now