Chapter 6: The Date Continued

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The place that we're at is a beautiful restaurant that has the gold lights that you use at Christmas on your tree. Everything is outside, the reservation desk is made all of wood and so are all the tables. The chairs are wood, but they have black cushions on the seat part. Mark walks up to the desk.


"Mark Ficshbach."

The last looks in the book that she has and looks back up at Mark.

"For 4? I see five here."

"Yes, I forgot to add the little one here. I wasn't sure if she would make it tonight." Mark chuckles and the waitress smiles. I'm now holding her.

"Well she looks like her mom for sure."

"Oh, yes but she isn't my daughter."

I nod. I hear Ethan speak up.

"She's mine."

He winks at me. I look at him and mouth thank you. He saved me from having to explain the whole thing for a fourth time today.

The waitress looks at me in disgust. Ethan looks at her the same way and puts his arm around me. She looks away.

"Follow me please."

We follow her to a table with five chairs. There is a beautiful view of a pond with lillypads and fireflies dancing together in the moonlight. Romantic music is playing. I can't help myself but to look at Ethan and smile.

Small time skip
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We a finish eating and Rubi is holding Emma as she sleeps and Mark is holding Rubi. I smile at them. Mark and Rubi are going to make great parents one day. I see Ethan stand up from his spot at the table.

"Do you want to go down to the pond with me?"

Ethan says shyly. He has his hand out to me. I take his hand and nod. We walk down to the pond. There is an odd shaped tree, it is leaning down so low that you could sit on it and put your feet in the water. I climb up onto the tree. I slip a little but Ethan is quickly on the tree and helps me up. I blush, his hands are firmly on my waist and he is behind me walking so that I don't fall.

We reach the middle of the huge tree and sit down. We talk for a while, then Mirrors by Justin Timberlake comes on. He stands up and takes my hand.

"May I have this dance?"

He says in a not so good British accent. I giggle and stand up. He places his right hand on my waist and I he holds my right with his other hand. My left hand is on his shoulder. We dance to the song. I look in his eyes and he looks in mine. I blush as he smiles at me.

We dance slow, he looks up from his feet and I look up too. I stare into his infinite beautiful brown eyes. I drift of and get lost in his eyes for a second, my gaze drifts down to his lips. He is maybe 2 inches taller than me so I have to look up at him. I see him leaning down I look up at him and slowly lean in as well.

I feel his lips press against mine softly. I feel fireworks light up inside me and rockets flying. Our lips move in sync, it's passionate and gentle. We separate for air, he is holding me protectively. He has his arms around my waist so that we are close together.

"Ellen, I know we've just met but I really like you.."

I blush.

"E-Ethan, I really like you too."

He smiles at me widely and I giggle a little. He spins me around a little.

"Will you make me the luckiest man and be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes I will."

He sets me down and kisses me gently once more.

Rubi's POV
I look over in the direction that those two love birds went and I see them kissing. I nudge Mark a little and point with a huge smile like a kid in a huge candy shop. He smiles.

"Those two are going to be a good family."

"Yeah, the Triple E's."

We both laugh. I decide that it's getting late, since little Emma is sleeping in Mark's protective arms. I go to call to them but I notice that they're already making their way back over to us.

Small time skip
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We arrive home and its midnight. Ellen puts Emma to sleep. Mark and Ethan decide to spend the night with us, so Mark sleeps with me (get your head outta the gutter) in my bed with me. Ethan and Ellen agree to share Ellen's bed and Emma sleeps with them in the middle of the bed.

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