Chapter 15: Happy Birthday♡

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(It's 8 and a half month into the pregnancy now, just so y'all know)

Ellen's POV
Wow. I'm 8 and a half months pregnant. I feel like a whale...and I look like one. We don't know what gender the baby is. We want it to be a surprise.

Anyways, it's my birthday! Happy birthday me! Today's been kind of weird. I've been getting really bad cramps all day...oh well hopefully they'll go away later. Rubi and Mark and Ethan and I are just having a tiny party together, and of course Emma will be with us. I just got done recording a bunch of speedpaint for my channel.

I'm watching a movie on Netflix and eating when it happens. I feel a really sharp pain in my stomach. I call Ethan.

"What's wrong are you okay Ellen?"

"I feel a pain in my stomach. It really hurts."

"I think it's time. I'll pack you a bag and one for the baby. Go get Mark and Rubi."


I say between contractions. I call Mark and Rubi from their room and they come help us. Ethan comes back and the five of us rush out to the car.

(Time skip to the hospital)

We arrive at the hospital and get inside really fast. Ethan comes in with me. He sits next to me and squeezes my hand the whole time.

"Youre almost there! One more push."

The doctor says calmly to me. I do as he says and I hear a cry.

"You're done Ellen. You did it...look."

Etha tells me I open my eyes and see a baby in his arms. He had tears in his eyes.

"Congratulations you two. You have a healthy baby boy!"

We've talked about names for boys and we have the perfect one.

"Toby Michael Nestor."

"Okay, we will put that on the birth certificate."

(Another time skip brought to you by writer's block)

Ethan's POV (would've put him in spine by couldn't find the right place)
I wake up and check on Ellen. She looks so peaceful. I'm so happy I met her and now we have a baby together. I really want to ask her to marry me...start our family properly.

My thoughts break away as I see her beautiful blue eyes flutter open. She looks at me and smiles.

"How long have you been here for?"

"Since you fell asleep, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Ethan, I'll be fine. Go home and get some rest."

The nurse walks in.

"Ah! You're awake! I'm sure you have a carseat for Toby?"

"Yes we do."

"Okay, and you're the father?"

"Yes I am."

"Okay, just making sure I put it right on the birth certificate. You two are ready to go."

"Thank you!"

She smiles and leaves and comes back with a wheelchair and Toby.

Mark and Rubi are back at the apartment with Emma. We leave the hospital and get in the car. On the way back home we talk.

"So, how does getting our own place sound?"

"That sounds great! Then we can have more room."

"Yeah. I was looking at places in case. I found one 15 minutes from a school and it's close to Rubi and your place."

"When can we go by?"

"I asked for tomorrow around 9:35."

"Okay, we can leave Emma and Toby with Mark Mark Rubi then if they're still asleep."

(Time skip to home. Marks POV)

Ethan and Ellen get home with the baby. Me and Rubi are watching The Lion King with Emma. She calls us aunt and uncle. We don't know if they made godparents for Toby.

"Mark, Rubi can you come to the kitchen real quick?"

Ellen asks us. We walk into the kitchen where Ethan and Ellen and Toby are.

"We made the decision to make you the godparents, for both Toby and Emma if anything happens to us. And you both have legal guardianship if we needed to go on vacation."

"Wow..thank you both."

"Yeah, we'll be great godparents."

"We know you will."

Hey guys! I'm back! I didn't die! I am so so sorry about the lack of chapters, I've been going through writer block. I'm going to have so much more time after this weekend because the quinceñera is on Saturday.



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