Chapter 18: Kidnapped??

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Just a warning this chapter is long so that you guys get a feel of the rest of the chapters to come. Okay I'll go byeee!!
I get to the store and I'm about to go in, but I get knocked out.

I wake up to a bright light. My vision gets better and I realize that I'm in a room. I sit up slowly and look around. There's a bathroom and the bed that I'm on. I look around my gaze rests on a small ball of fluff laying next to me.


I say in a shaky voice, hoping that my dog isn't dead.

He lifts his head up and wags his tail, moving his whole body along with it. I let out a breath that I didnt realize I was holding. I pick him up and pull him close to me. He licks my face and I kiss the top of his head.

I set him back down, get up off of the bed and walk around the small room. My backpack is sitting in the corner next to the bed. I go and look in it, just to make sure that everything is there.

Phone, check.
Money, check.
Grocery list, check.
Headphones, check.
Charger, check.

Well at least whoever knocked me out at least had the decency to not steal my stuff.

I get up from checking my bag and go to look at the bathroom. There is the standard sink, shower and toilet. On the other side is a huge walk in closet with nothing but a pair of pants,  a white tee shirt, and underwear? That's weird. It's almost as if whoever took me had this planned out.

Time skip

I sit back up, bored out of my mind in this dumb room. I see the door open up and a guy with gray skin and black hair, wearing a black suit with red tie comes in with a plate of food.


He drops the plate of mashed potatoes and a tiny sliver of ham on the bed.

"Umm, am I supposed to eat that?"


"Give me that attitude again and you won't get any at all!"

He slaps me across the face, the turns and leaves.I hold the place where he slapped me and glare at him as he leaves. He slams the door shut. I don't even flinch.

I pick at the food in front of me before trying the potatoes, which are actually good. I try the ham and spit it back on the plate.

"Ewe...that tasted like cardboard."

I mumble to myself.

Smol Time skip

"Here boy."

I set the plate on the floor for Thor to eat the rest of my food, hopefully I get some better food later. I get up off the bed and go to the closet.

"What do I do?"

I check the shower and there is a bar of cheap soap and shampoo. I turn around and look in the cabinet above the toilet. There is a bottle of ibuprofen on its side. On the second shelf there's a shaving razor and a half full(or half empty, depends how you think ;)) hotel sized body wash.

"Welp, I guess the only thing I can do is take a shower."

I go to the closet and look around for more comfy clothes and I find a pair of black tights and a large white t-shirt with a little green alien head on a pocket of it.

I go back into the bathroom with all the stuff I need and set the clothes on the toilet lid. I turn the jobs in the shower and adjust them to the temp that I want it at.

I get undressed and grab the razor before it get in. I let the warm water run over me and I just stand there letting it relax me.

Time skip

I turn the knobs off and get out and dry myself off. I get dried and put on the clothes I found. I leave the towel hanging on the shower to dry and leave with my old clothes.

I realize that there are no windows. I can't see where I am and the door is locked from the outside and is metal. I find a metal clothes hanger in the closet and straight it out and then stick it into the keyhole and try to unlock it. As I hear it about to unlock I here footsteps. I run back to the bed and turn off the bathroom light and act like I'm sleeping in case anyone comes in.

I lay in bed for another no it's before getting up to make sure no body came in. I open my eyes and sit up. I see someone staring at me from the door way.

"Well, well well. Looks like you were awake the whole time. Hmm?"

I get a better look at him and notice that he has green hair and a black shirt and plain blue jeans. His neck is cut open and bleeding.

"Umm, are you okay? You're bleeding a little there."

I point and his neck. He touches it and looks at his hand, the licks it. Ewe...

"Yeah, it does that all the time."

He smiles at me creepily and leaves.

"Okayyyy? That was weird, huh Thor."

He wags his tail and looks as if has smiling at me. I then remember something.


How did mom say to call him? Hold a pink mustache to you gave and say 'I really don't know what to do Wilford Warfstache. I need your help.

I dig around in my bag and surprisingly find a pink mustache. When did that get there? Oh well, I hold it up to my face.

"I really don't know what to do, Wilford Warfstache. I need your help."

Nothing happens for a second until...

"Who goes there?"

He says in a weird voice while stretching out the 'e' and the end of 'there'.

"H-Hello? I called you M-Mr. Warfstache."

"Ah yes, hello ma'am. What can I do you of service?"

He points a finger up in the air. He look just like Mark. Except his hair is pink instead of red (yes I know Mark's hair is brown right now, but I'm saying it's red). He has a yellow button up shirt with suspenders and brown pants.

"I need your help getting out of this place. I was kidnapped on my way to the store this morning. Now I'm stuck here and I don't know how to get out."

He strokes his chin as he thinks.

"Hmm, yes I think I can help you."

"Really!? Oh thank you so much Mr Warfstache!"

"Why you are welcome, young lady! I will have to go see Mark first."

"My uncle? Oh! Tell him to tell my parents that I'm okay and you're helping me!"

"Uncle? I can only assume that I am your uncle as well. He is my brother technically. Ah yes I will deliver the message!"

He sticks a finger in the air and in a poof of pink smoke he disappears.

"He sounds high..."

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