Chapter 21: We have a Visitor

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Ellen's POV
Ethan and me wait with Toby in the living room for Wilford to get back with Emma.

"Mommy? Whewe's sissy?"

"Umm I will explain when you are older, but, for now, she's with uncle Wilford."

Toby looks at me confused for a second then smiles. His brown eyes shine with curiosity.

"Okay mommy!"

He runs off and gets Emma's iPad and watches cartoons on Netflix.

I see some pink smoke and then Wilford appear and then Emma does. I rush over to her and wrap her in a hug.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay. I missed you so much!"

Ethan comes over too and picks Emma up after I'm done hugging her and twirls her around and then sets her down.

"What did the do to you? They didn't hurt you did they?!"

"No dad I'm fine! I promise. They didn't hurt me, but the food was gross."

Ethan laughs.

"Okay good and we'll get you some much better food."

Emma smiles. She takes her bag off and I see Thor's head sticking out of it. He barks happily and I can hear his tail wagging. Emma reaches in and takes him out. He licks her and then he runs over to Toby.

Wilford kind of stands there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Thanks so much Wilford. You can come any time to visit. I'll even let you take Emma to your circus!"

His eyes light up when I say those last two sentences.

"Why thank you Miss Ellen! I would rescue her anytime!"

I giggle as he points his finger in the air and snaps then waves and I have back and in a puff of pink smoke he disappears again.

*Time Skip : brought to you by an Irish Potatoe ;)*

Mark calls Ethan and tells him that Jack's plane is going to land. He wants him to come too and since there isn't enough room in Mark and Rubi's apartment, he's staying with us.

"Emma can you stay here with Toby please?"

I shout to Emma from across the house. We are about to go meet Mark  at the airport.

"Yes! But can Wilford come?"


Emma snaps her fingers with a goofy smile on her face and Wilford appears. They hug and Wilford winks at me. I roll my eyes and then me and Ethan leave. Wilford and the kids are outside when we get in the car and they wave bye at us then they go back inside.

I watch the buildings fly by as we make our way to the airport. I haven't been able to sleep lately. Hellicorn/Eclipsecorn is still somewhere. I can tell.

"Ellen, take a rest. I'll wake you up when we get to the airport."

Ethan takes my hand and I smile at him and then lean my head on his shoulder. God I love him...

*another time skip: brought by selticeye sam*

Ethan wakes me up by kissing my cheek .

"We're here!"

He claps his hand like a little hand in a candy shop. His eyes sparkle with excitement. I can't help but smile and kiss him. We stay like that until we decide we should go in.

We walk into the busy airport, hand in hand, and find Mark with Rubi sitting close to him on a seat where Jack will be coming through (Sorry I haven't been to an airport for a while so it might seem wierd).

Rubi gets up and hugs me. Mark guy hugs Ethan and then hugs me and Ethan and Rubi hug. We haven't seen them since Emma first went missing that day.

"Is Emma okay? Did Wilford bring her back safe?"

"Yeah she's fine, he brought her back safe and sound this morning. He's actually with them now. She wanted him to hang out with her and Toby."

I giggle at the thought of it. Rubi does too and rolled her eyes smiling.

"That's good. Wilford has his circus so he's good with kids. Wouldn't be surprised if he met someone, but he doesn't really socialize out of his circus lions."

We both laugh. It's true. Willy always talks things over with his tigers or lions, mostly lions, before he does anything.

After a while of catching up with Rubi and Mark, I hear a loud booming Irish voice.



"Hey! Jack!"

They do their man hug thing and then he hugs Ethan.

"It's been so long! We need to record some vids! So you lads gonna introduce me or what?"

Ethan and Mark turn towards us and me and Rubi die laughing at them. They just look at us. Ethan goes first.

"Jack, this is my girlfriend Ellen."


"Nice to meetcha!"

Jack shakes my hand and we talk little and then turns to Mark and Rubi.

"Oh! Right!"

Rubi playfully slaps Mark's arm. He grins at her and she just rolls her eyes. Then she smiles.

"Hi! I'm Rubi! I'm his big dork's girlfriend."

Mark acts hurt and fake cries. Rubi and Jack laugh. Rubi and Jack shake hands finally.

Since we're all starving, we decide to drop Jack's bags off at me and Ethan house before we go eat some sushi.(I'm sorry, yet again, but I'm starving and I couldn't think of anything else rn)

We walk in and Emma comes to check who it is with Will.

"What?! You guys have mini me's of yourself!?!"

Jack stares at Emma and Toby.


Ethan chuckles and I just kinda roll my eyes at him.

"They're so cute! Hi....."

He trails off not knowing Emma's name, obviously.

"My name's Emma! My dad told me about you! Hi!"

"Hi Emma! Nice to meetcha! And who's that?"

He crouched down and looks at Toby.

"I'm toby.."

Toby is really shy around new people.

"Awe, hey little guy! I'm Jack."

Toby smiles slightly at Jack's friendliness and waves slightly.

"Hewo Jack."

Jack smiles and chuckles. I can see that those two are gonna be besties already.

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