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turn around!

       every time I hear this word
do a 180 degree turn

             I'm not just off track
no, I am facing the wrong direction

turn around!

          open my eyes
               I need to turn around
   because I'm walking away
      from what I'm searching for

turn around!

       the beacon is behind me
no wonder I only see darkness
    I look for the light
          but it is behind me

ipitikula! ipitikula!

  how did I get so turned around
            that I have my back
      to my only hope?

ipitikula mwanache!
turn around, child!

        somehow I drifted
    the current turned me slowly but surely
            and now I'm sailing
    endless oceans
                  looking for the island
       but I got so off course
I'm heading
        straight away from it
     in my desire to reach it
             I ignored common sense
  I threw away all logic
          now look where I am

the island is getting farther and
           farther away
the wind and current pushing me
turn around!

    there's still time
            I can turn around
        and get back on course
the farther I drift
          the harder to get back
     the current is so strong

ipitikula! ipitikula!

         shout it in my ear
              open my eyes to see
the warning signs
               dark clouds
     growing waves
I'm sailing into a tornado
           that will kill me

  but my eyes are closed
        enjoying the wind
I've cut loose the anchor
     and all the lifeboats
        I wanted thrill
  now my eyes are closed
             I don't see the danger

ipitikula mwanache!

|Heii, hope you're all well!
I can't believe that this book has passed 300 views!!!
This is so....   mindblowing!! I honestly didn't think anyone would pay it much attention.
So thank you to you all for reading this book!!

In case you're wondering:
Yes, "ipitikula" and "mwanache" are real words from a real language and they do mean "turn around" and "child" respectively.
(For language lovers like me) They are pronounced ipiti-kú-la and wa-ná-che.
It's an African language called Chiyão and is spoken mostly in northern Mozbique, as far as I know.
There's a random fact for your arsenal!  :)

Have a great weekend, everyone!|


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