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       hidden in mystery
concealed by tradition
            fenced in by culture

a life of hard work
        rising before the sun
    filling the hungry tummies
stilling the children's cries
        carrying the water

               so many stories
    in each and every pair of eyes
              callused hands and feet
       testimonies of hard work
and long walks

            sitting at the back
observing from afar
         hidden in the shadows

    these women
        they live mostly for others
bending without complaint
    carrying enourmous burdens

look at them
      these are women of strength
  worthy of praise
       worthy of recognition

|This piece was inspired by the native women of the country I live in. I have always admired them for the amount they do for their families, willingly, even though tradition pushes them into an inferior role. 
Often, I am ashamed at myself when I complain over minor inconveniences, because I think of how much these women go without, without complaining.|


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