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they are demons
the words that torture me
every night
screaming in my mind
I can't make them stop
my pleas go unheard
my tears keep flowing

they are demons
the whispers that cut my heart
they won't let me lift my head
keep me bowed down

they are demons
the daggers of accusation
"your fault..." "because you..."
"you..." "you..." "you..."

they are demons
the arrows of despair
"you will never escape..."
"never get out..." "never..."

I am broken already
my heart is cut up in ribbons
please stop the demons
they won't go away
keep coming back

they are demons
hanging every hope
drowning every dream
killing every light
locking every door
closing every window
cutting off the very air I breathe

can I overcome
the demons?
am I strong enough?

I don't know

they won't let me dream
or hope
that I could ever chase them out

they are demons

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