I love

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I love

the sound of rain on the roof
so soothing
calming, peaceful

the book I can't put down
where I live and breathe
with the characters

the song that I listen to
so many times
over and over again

I love

when a cat jumps on my lap
just to be petted and purr

when a dog nudges my hand
knowing I feel sad

to see a lamb jump around
dancing joyously in the sun

I love

to look far out to sea
lose myself in the distance

to gaze at mountain tops
resplendent in the sun

to walk between
the trunks of trees
and see the hidden forest life

I love

sunrises at the lake
campfires with friends
times for still and quiet

I love

the sound of music
the many many books

I love

the red of roses
the green of the leaves
the yellow of the sunlight
the blue of the water
the orange of the oranges
the purple of far-away hills
the black of night that makes
the stars shine more brightly
the blinding whiteness of snow

I love

making people smile

|Dear readers, feel free to add the things you love to this list!|


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