I know how to handle them

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Kathryn's POV

"Grrr...I'm SOOO ANGRY! Who do they think they are? It's not as if they own the world or any thing! They have no right to insult me! Chauvinistic PIGS! They really think too highly of themselves. They should also consider other people before they speak. SOOO Arrogant! Do all rich people act like that? Surely hope not.”

Kathryn stops as she had already have reach her destination.

She was already in front of her new room.

She just heard her teacher calling her name.

She took a deep breath.

“This is it!” I said to myself.

She slowly walks inside the room.

She can feel that everyone was glaring at her.

“Is that her?”

“She’s not that pretty at all”

“She got nerves to TALK to them”

“I bet her plan for that so that she could meet them”

“An Opportunistic person like her shouldn’t be accepted in our school”

She heard all that but still she manages to smile in front of them and introduce her self.

She didn’t know how she handles herself during the class. 

Every eye was on her as if she has done the most shameful thing.

She felt relieve as the bell rings sign of Lunch.

Lunch was her favorite… 

She Just Love to eat there is nothing she enjoys most than Eating!

She walks to the canteen and saw all the chairs are filled.

The usual cold stare and Whispering was still there.

She can’t help but be annoyed.

Kathryn's pov: “What’s up with this people? They kept on giving me that stare since this morning.”

Kathryn didn’t notice a girl approaching her.

The girl intentionally bump her and pour her meal to her. 

Kathryn was soaking wet after the incident.

“Sorry…” the girl said

She looks up to see the girl.

The girl didn’t seem apologetic at all.

As Kath look at her a victorious smile form her face.

Kathryn's pov: “These people surely didn’t have manners. Patience Kath, patience!”

Kathryn let out a sigh.


At the other side of the cafeteria two pairs of eyes had seen what happened.

Enrique's POV: “that stupid girl surely knows how to get into trouble.”

A smile form in his lips.

Daniel’s POV: “It’s her again…”

Both of them kept there eye on Kathryn trough out that break. 


Kathryn was about to went to her class when a group of girls block her way.

“Hey! Let me go. I’ll be late for my class” Kath demanded.

“Who do you think you are to even have guts to talk to our Enrique?”

“I even saw her stared to my Daniel”

“Really don’t know what you’re talking about”

Kathryn started to move through them.

“You!” Said by the leader of the group, as she raised her hand in the air.

Kath knew that she would hit her.

She just held her hand up high and stares at them.

“You want to hit me? Have I done any thing to you?”

Kath said in great confidence.

She already knew how to deal with their kinds.

She is not afraid of anything.

Kath's POV: “well except that incident this morning”

Kath pout as she remember what happen.

“I’ll make sure they would be Sorry they mess with me”  kath said in a devilish manner .

You are my "Fated Rival" ( Kathniel )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon