Now that HE knows the truth :(

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“Caught you!”

A voice from behind startled the daydreaming Kathryn. She didn’t need to look to figure who it was. She slowly turns to face him.

Several days had pass since ‘that’ day;

That day when she started hiding from him. 

God knows how much she missed him, how much she wanted to see him. She saw

loneliness in his eyes, his face is covered in pain.

He look haggard seems like he 

lacks sleep. She lifts her hand to touch his face.

“Daniel” Kath said in a low tone.

“You can’t run from me now” Daniel stared at her with puppy eyes.

“I just didn’t get it, why are you avoiding me? Have I done anything wrong?

Gui gui please tell me, I need to know” Daniel held Kathryn;s hand.

Kath just can’t bear to look at Daniel. She knew that he didn’t deserve the way 

she treated him.

“DJ…” Kath felt tense.

She can’t decide if she would tell him or not. 

She knew he would not conform to her decision. Well even she didn’t know if

she’s doing the right thing or not.

“Were friends aren’t we? If there is anything I did to offend you… I’m sorry but 

please don’t do this to me”

Daniel plead. He just can’t take the pain, it just too painful.

“You haven’t done anything wrong, I just…”

“Please tell me you won’t run away from me anymore” Daniel took a deep breath. 

He finally made up his mind he’ll tell her how he feels.

He move closer to Kathryn his eyes mirrored his true emotions.

Kath tried to move back but her feet won’t allow her.

“Kathryn!” A loud voice interrupts their conversation.

Both them turned to look it was Enrique walking straight to them and with the looks of it he’s definitely not on a good mood.

But then again who would be after seeing your fiancée talking intimately with some body else. In a short period of time he’d able to stand beside them.

Enrique quickly pulled Kath away from Daniel at the  same time gave him a deadly glare.

“We’re friends but I never tend to share what is rightfully mine.” Enrique said 

as he possessively place his arms around Kath.

Aaron was shock, well that was an understatement.

At the back of his mind he’s aware of Enrique’s feelings but to see them so close and Kathryn doesn’t seems to be protesting he knew something is definitely wrong.

“Kath?” Daniel called out in confusion. He wanted to know what’s happening 

and yet he’s afraid of what he might find out.

“En and I… were ‘ARRANGE’ to be MARRIED” Kathryn  said in a low tone 

but every words are like thunders in Daniel's ears. 


Daniel couldn’t bear it. Like a nightmare every words hunts him. his whole world 

had been shattered right in front of his eyes.

“it had been arrange even before we were born and by next week we’ll have the formal engagement” Enrique  announced. Kath remain quiet at his side. She can’t bear to look at Daniel… she just cant!

You are my "Fated Rival" ( Kathniel )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon