Making Amends

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''Seriously, Pick. Don't fuck this up. I don't care what you have to do. Beg. Grovel for his forgiveness. I did my part, so make sure you clean up the mess you made.''

Pick couldn't be more grateful to Porshe for creating an opportunity for him to make amends. He was done with being an asshole. Seeing Rome and Nai becoming closer was a painful lesson on its own and while it had taken some time for him to come to terms with himself about his feelings for Rome, he was finally ready to admit that there was no way in hell he was going to lose the younger male.

''What are you going to do about Rin?''

''Come clean with her, I guess.''

The doors to the lecture hall swung open and students started streaming out, Pick keeping an eye out for Rome. The male finally emerged with Emma, his eyes widening a little when he caught sight of the senior, surprise and confusion etched on his face. They hadn't spoken since the last club meeting and he definitely wasn't expecting for Pick to be present.

''Emma.'' Porshe raised his hand and gestured them over. ''Let's eat lunch outside today. There's a new place that I want to try out. You don't have any afternoon lessons today, right?''

''Well...'' Emma looks over at Rome, silently asking him if she should go ahead.

''It's okay, Emma. I'll get something to eat on the way back. I need to head to the lab after this anyway.''

Porshe mouths, ''Good luck!'', to Pick and slings an arm around his girlfriend to steer her away towards the other direction. But not before Emma directs a piercing glare towards Pick as if daring him to stir up shit again. That's one scary girl. I'm glad I'm not the one dating her. 

(Now he knows why Porshe's so well-behaved most of the time around Emma)

Rome fiddles with the strap of his bag and Pick finds that his mouth is dry all of a sudden. He's nervous as fuck, repeatedly reminding himself not to say some stupid shit that'll ruin this for him.

''Are you busy now? We need to brainstorm some ideas for the Khao Yai trip.''

If Rome is surprised that Pick's actually taking the initiative to do work for once, he's certainly not showing it.

''Sure, P'.''

As they make their way towards one of the study benches near the back of the campus, Pick realises how much of a gap there is now between them. Rome's always been the affectionate one, always walking too close for comfort, but now that there's distance between them, Pick feels it like a punch to the gut. Rome doesn't try to initiate a conversation, both of them walking in silence until they reach the bench. They seat opposite of each other and Pick flips the flap of his bag open.


It's Rome's favourite brand of iced lemon tea.

Funny how Pick's starting to drink it more often lately.

''Thanks, P'.'' Rome looks uncertain and slightly confused, but he accepts the drink anyway, unscrewing the cap and taking a small sip (he tries to hide it, but Pick notices how the corners of his lips curves up just the slightest bit). ''About the night event for the team you have anything in mind?''

''How about we make them do a solo walk through the woods and scare them shitless?''

That earns him a laugh and the awkwardness between them chips a little, ''I knew you'd come up with something like that, P'.'' Rome jots the idea down on a piece of paper anyway. ''We could make the girls go in pairs and the guys can do a solo walkthrough. Something like a, ''Test Your Courage'' kind of thing.''

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