Taking The Plunge

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Warning: There's mentions of homophobia behaviour/language in this chapter.


"Ai'Pick, I heard Waan's back in town. Did she contact you?"

Pick had been reluctant to meet up with his high school friends since he had a shit ton of readings to go through. But they had insisted and a drink or two did start to seem appealing after studying.

The five of them (him, Aat, Kiet, Lek and Daw) had kept in touch even after graduating from high school. Though they didn't meet as often as they would like, it was as if nothing had changed whenever they hung out.

"I bumped into her a few weeks ago actually."

Kiet refilled their empty glasses, "Now that she's back, are you two going to...you know? Light up the old flames?"

Pick lightly slapped his friend on the back of the head, "The shit you talking about, Ai'Kiet?"

Daw eagerly chimed in, "Dude, you haven't dated anyone seriously ever since you guys broke up."


Aat jumped in, "Isn't it time to get to get back into the dating game? It's not like you're ugly or anything."

"Thanks. I'm flattered." Pick quips back with hundred percent sarcasm. "I don't know why you guys are so hung up about my dating life."

"Because we're friends and we don't want to see you grow old alone. You'll probably end up being a really grumpy person who goes around hitting people with his walking stick. While swearing at people."

Pick chucks a peanut at his friend, "You worry about yourself first, Ai'Lek. Better to be single than to have a crazyass girlfriend."

"Urgh, don't remind me about that. I keep telling her that I want to breakup and she keeps thinking that it's a joke."

Pick's phone vibrated, Rome's name flashing on the screen and he quickly picked it up, "Hello?"

"P'Pick, where are you now?"

"I'm having drinks with some friends." Lek and Kiet started nudging each other and exhanging sly smiles. "Are you still with Emma?"

"We just finished shopping. I think she's going to meet up with her friends later."

"Hang on."

Pick turned to his friends, "Is it okay if I get a friend to join us?"

"Sure. The more the merrier."

Pick thought nothing of it when Rome sounds slightly surprised over his invitation to come and join them, but he agreed nonetheless.

''I'll text you the address. See you.''

His friends were on him like a bunch of eager coyotes the moment he ended the call, ''Is it a girl? Is she pretty?''

''No. It's a close junior of mine from school.''

Rome arrived a little after ten-thirty, a little anxious about meeting Pick's friends. He nervously greeted the group with a polite wai, feeling slightly intimidated by the curious gazes thrown his way. Pick pulled out a chair for him, ''Guys, this is Rome.'' He introduced the rest of his friends to the junior.

''Do you want anything to drink?''

''Just Coke.'' Remembering how horrible his hungover had been the last time he had gotten drunk, Rome was definitely going to steer clear of alcohol for the meantime.

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