First Steps

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"Rome. I think I've a problem.'' Nai says as soon as he sits down on the bench next to Rome, dropping a thick stack of notes on the table. ''A huge one.''

Rome tears open a pack of Skittles and starts separating the purples ones from the rest since he likes those the most.

''What's wrong, P'?''

Nai opens his mouth and then closes it again. Then, he drops his head into his hands. ''I think I like my neighbour.''

''The one that you've been tutoring? What's his name again, P'?''


Rome pops a skittle into his mouth and offers the rest of the multi-coloured ones to Nai. Yes, he only eats the purple ones. Don't judge. It's rude to do so.

''O....kay. And how is that a huge problem? You're single right now.'' He points out. ''Unless he's dating someone.''

''Not that I'm aware of. But...I don't know. I'm just confused.'' Nai admits, sounding particularly vexed about the issue. ''It's only been a month after my break up. What if I think I have feelings for him just because we've been spending a lot of time together?''

Rome turns to face the senior, bringing his legs up so that he can sit cross-legged on the bench. ''Let me ask you then. Both of us-'' He points to the both of them. ''-spend a lot of time together too. We've slept over at each other's houses before and we know almost everything about each other. But have you ever felt anything more than friendship for me when we're together? You tutor Gump almost everyday after school, which means that you see him on a daily basis too. When you're together, do you feel something?''

Nai ponders over the junior's question, trying to make sense of it.

''What you're trying to say is...'' Nai says slowly, the pieces slowly coming together in his mind. ''...I spend time with Gump and you on a daily basis. But with you, it's a platonic friendship that I treasure and with's more than that?''

''Mm hm!'' Rome pops a handful of purple skittles into his mouth, wincing a little at the sourness. ''I have another way to test this.'' He scoots forward a little and brings his face closer to the senior. ''Do you feel anything when I'm this close to you? Accelerated heart rate? Clammy palms? Brain melting into a puddle of goo?''

''Excuse me. Coming through.'' Pick squeezes his way between the both of them, creating a distance between the pair, and sits down. ''What are you doing?''

''Helping P'Nai come to terms with the fact that he does have feelings for his neighbour.'' Rome answers matter-of-factly. ''Nothing to get jealous over, P'.''

'' Jealous?'' Pick splutters, though he wants nothing more than to reach over and throttle Nai. ''Hah.''

They've come to a sort of understanding for Rome's sake, but that doesn't mean that Pick has to be friends with him, right? Though he should be less worried now that he's hearing about Nai's possible crush on his neighbour.

''Here. Why don't I volunteer?'' Anything to keep Rome away from this person. Pick sticks his face closer to Nai, ''Do you feel anything?'' He asks in a sickly sweet tone, ignoring Rome's cackles behind him.

Nai immediately recoils and raises his fist threateningly, ''Yes. It makes me want to hit you.'' He stands up and moves away to the other side of the bench instead.

''Now, now. Play nice, you two.'' Rome stands up and picks up his textbooks. ''I need to head to my lecture now. Try not to kill each other while I'm away. I don't really want to make an appearance in court at such a young age. It's bad luck.''

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