Birthday Woes?

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"Rome, it's your birthday. You can't spend the day moping."

A muffled reply comes from under the blanket, "I can and I will."

He's too old to be acting like a brat, but considering that it's his birthday, Rome thinks that he should at least be entitled to act like one for an hour. Or two. Can't really blame him since he's been looking forward to spending his special day with Pick, what with them being a couple and all. But nope, not happening this year.

Emma stands at the foot of the bed and starts yanking at the blanket forcefully, "Get up or I'll haul your ass out of bed myself. Don't try me, Rome. Up." She warns sternly. "I know P'Pick left for his trip today, but that doesn't mean that you have to be miserable. I brought Ben & Jerry's. Three tubs of your favorite flavor. Oh, and I also have alcohol so that we can get shit pissed drunk for your birthday and sing really bad karaoke.''

Rome flings the blanket aside and sits up, swayed by the mention of ice cream. Emma tosses a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt at him, "Get dressed."

"Why? Can't we eat ice-cream inside?"

"I want to go shopping." She claps her hands at him and points to her watch. "Chop chop. No ice-cream if you don't get your ass up."

Rome reaches for the clothing and grumbles petulantly, "Who died and made you my mom?"

"Too bad. You're stuck with me since P'Pick isn't around. Come on, it's your special day." She uses her fingers to push Rome's lips up into a smile. "Your mae made you breakfast and stuff. Trust me, you'll thank me for getting you out of bed."

They make their way down the stairs and Rome laughs at the multi-colored balloons tied around the staircase banister, appreciating the effort that his family and Emma are putting in to make him feel better. Now he feels silly for throwing that mini tantrum.

"Are you ready for your birthday present?" Emma covers Rome's eyes with her hands and carefully guides him down the last few steps, excited to reveal her best friend's present.

Slightly wary, Rome takes a careful step forward, "You're not going to throw cake in my face, right? Because that's so high school, Emma. And I know P'Yihwa and I threw cake at you in our last year high school, but in my defense, I tripped?"

"Tempting idea, but nope." Emma leads him into the kitchen, barely able to contain her excitement. She slowly slides her hands away to reveal the surprise, "Happy Birthday, Rome!"

Rome stands stock still, "Am I seeing things? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating."

"You're not." Emma confirms, sharing a delighted laugh with the younger male's parents. "Surprise!"

Rome still thinks he's dreaming, so he pinches Pick on the arm just for good measure. "Oh wow, you're real." He pinches his boyfriend on the arm again.

"What the fuck!"

"Yup. Definitely real." Rome give his boyfriend a dumbfounded look. "What are you doing here, p'?! I thought you went on a trip!"

"I am." Pick rubs at the reddening mark on his arm. "With you. Happy Birthday, Rome." He says, albeit a little awkwardly since there's other people in the kitchen.

Considering that Rome's parents are seated on the island counter behind him, Pick thinks he'll be on his best behavior (for now).

Rome blinks at his boyfriend, "I'm sure this is the part where I should be screaming excitedly, but I'm just really shocked right now." It finally sinks in after a couple of seconds. "Wait. You planned the whole thing? We're really going on a trip?!"

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