Against All Odds

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"I don't get why you have to be so difficult, Pick. It's just dinner with Waan and her parents. They invited us and it'd be rude to turn down their invitation."

Pick resists the urge to roll his eyes at his mother, vexed by her endless prodding to get him to tag along for dinner.

"Ma, like I said, it doesn't matter if I'm there or not. You and pa can do your catching up or whatever. I'm not going." He explains patiently, crossing over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of juice.

"I know Waan and you broke up years ago, but that was because she had to move away. Can't you two..." Pick already has an idea of what she's hinting at. "...pick up the pieces? She's a very pleasant girl. I like her."

Pick downs his drink in a few gulps and sets the glass down in the sink, "I don't have feelings for her anymore."

"Are you still pestering him about the dinner?" His father enters the kitchen. "Just give it a rest, dear. He doesn't want to go."

"What am I going to say to them?"

Pick knows his mother is giving him a difficult time about this only because she's still close friends with Waan's mother. Both of them seem adamant on getting them back together ever since their return to Bangkok, and if possible, Pick wants to steer clear of any unnecessary drama. He has Rome's feelings to consider in this matter and he knows that turning up for that dinner won't help matters in any way.

"It's not like he's dating anyone at the moment." She grumbles to her husband, who resists the urge to sigh since he's heard this countless of tines.

Pick assumes that his mother would let the matter rest since she doesn't bug him about it anymore the next few days. He should have known better.

He's confused as to why there are extra pairs of shoes when he comes home from classes, slotting the key into the lock and pushing the door open. His heart plummets into his stomach when he realizes why.


Waan bounds over to him with a huge smile, and her parents are seated with his in the living room. His father looks terribly apologetic, as if trying to convey the message that he didn't have any hand in this.

Pick pries Waan's fingers from his wrist with a bland smile, but he's respectful enough not to forget to greet her parents.

"Ma, can I have a quick word with you?"

She excuses herself and follows Pick into the kitchen and the moment they're out of earshot, he pins her with a hard stare,

"What's the meaning of this, ma?"

"Well, you were being difficult about the dinner. This was the only way I could think of." She rests a delicate hand on his arm, tone softening. "Pick, it's not something difficult. I'm not saying you have to date her immediately or anything like that. Maybe go out a few times-"

Pick throws his hands up in the air in sheer frustration, "Ma. Don't force me. Just stop. Please."

"I don't understand why you're being so difficult, Pick-"

His patience reaching a breaking point, Pick finally breaks, "Because I'm dating someone, okay?! I'm in a relationship and I don't want this-" He jabs a finger in the direction of the living room. "-to ruin it. What you're doing now is going to do just that. I know you have my best intentions at heart, but this is not the way."

"Why didn't you say anything in the first place?"

"Because I thought you'd respect my decisions enough not to do something like this, ma."

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