Of Long Conversations

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Pick's been kicked in the face once while sharing a bed with Rome, so he's learnt that the only way to prevent that is to hold his boyfriend while he's asleep. Not that he minds since he likes waking up with his boyfriend in his arms. Sure, call him a sap or a softie. At this point, Pick no longer gives a fuck.

Sometime during the night, Rome had successfully managed to hog the blanket all to himself and Pick wakes up feeling his bladder's at extreme full capacity. The cool air blowing directly at him from the air-conditioner above isn't helping matters. Carefully, Pick removes his boyfriend's arm where it's curved tightly around his midsection and quietly inches out of bed so as not to wake the other up.

The clothes strewn haphazardly on the bedroom floor is a reminder of what had taken place yesterday and now that they've done it, Pick wonders why they had waited for so long in the first place.

Oh, right. Because he was being an idiot about it.

Grabbing his boxers off the floor, Pick pulls it on and pads towards the bathroom, heaving a sigh of relief once he's emptied his bladder. He takes his time brushing his teeth, taking the time to check his notifications while he's at it (most of them are from Porshe pestering him for details) and by the time he's done with his shower, Rome's already awake and lounging around lazily on the bed.

"P'Pick, can I ask you a question?" Rome rolls over onto his belly and props a pillow underneath his body.

"Depends. Is there coffee that I can drown myself in?"

Pick isn't a morning person. Never has been. His boyfriend, on the other hand, is the complete opposite and he's going to need some caffeine in his system if they're going to have a conversation so early in the morning. Knowing his boyfriend, it's bound to be a question that's going to have him nursing a headache.

Rome points to the dark green mug sitting on top of the side table, "I made it while you were in the shower." He sits up and makes a faint hissing sound at the pain that shoots down his body, a clear reminder of what they had done a couple of hours ago. "Oh, wow. I'm no longer a virgin. Yay me!"

"Congratulations." The older male deadpans.

Pick reaches for the coffee and takes a much needed swig to keep his sanity intact.

"Did you like it, p'Pick?"


"Sex." Straight to the point as always. "Do I need to be more detailed? Did you like putting your penis in my b-"

Pick covers his boyfriend's mouth with his palm, "Yes. Okay?" Suddenly remembering his boyfriend's pained expression when moving, he awkwardly asks, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"It's a good kind of pain." Rome gets off the bed and Pick shouldn't feel so smug that his boyfriend's walking kind of funny, right? "I don't know, p'. I think I've always been kind of a masochist." He bends down, Pick nearly drops the mug, and retrieves Pick's shirt off the floor.

No one else needs to know, but Pick didn't think he was an ass kind of man until Rome.

"If you're going to steal my shirts for this trip, I might as well have packed for both of us instead of getting Emma to pack your stuff for you." Pick's being sarcastic.

Rome slides his hands through the sleeves and buttons it up, giving his boyfriend a flirty look, "I'm only doing it because I know how I look in your shirt." He rolls the sleeves up to his elbows. "Also, when you watch dramas, the other person usually likes it when their partner wears their shirt."

Yeah, but the problem is that I like it a bit too much.


Rome's adamant about wearing one of Pick's shirts even after his shower and the older male gives up on nagging his boyfriend about it. He's going to enjoy the view while he can.

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