Getting There

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Pick gets used to the whole "dating a guy" thing really quickly. To the point that it makes him wonder, what was I so afraid of in the first place? Or maybe Rome's the one who makes it seem effortless. He doesn't push Pick, allowing the senior to take his own steps to grow and feel comfortable.

"Drop me a text once you're done. I'll wait for you." Pick reminds Rome as they walk towards the photo lab where the younger male has a couple of films that he needs to develop.

"Are you sure, P'? I'm okay with taking the bus home actually."

"Porshe and I have a make-up lab lession to attend anyway." Pick assures his boyfriend and the word doesn't feel so foreign on his lips these days.

"Alright, I'll see you later, P'." Pick's starting to appreciate the way Rome gazes at him and the soft and affectionate lilt of his voice each time he speaks to the older male.

Feeling particularly bold, Pick cups Rome's nape and gives it a gentle squeeze, fingers brushing against the male's soft hair,



"What are you doing?"

Porshe stares in horror at the dead animal that Pick's dissecting all wrong, "Dear God, I feel sad for that poor animal." He presses his palms together and mutters a quick prayer.

Pick sets his scalpel down and it's then that he realizes that Porshe's right. He's dissecting it all wrong. Damn, his professor's not going to be happy when he asks for a new one in exchange for this mangled mess.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you..." Pick knows that Porshe's not going to judge him, but it doesn't make it any easier for him to ask what he wants to. "When you started dating Emma, did she occupy your thoughts often?"

"More than usual." Porshe answers without any hesitance, snapping on his gloves. "Even now, actually. It's like...I still miss her even after spending time with her."

Pick's shoulders slump in relief, "'s normal? Because to be fucking honest, I didn't even feel like this when I was dating Waan. It's fucking terrifying."

Porshe turns his chair around to face his best friend, "Doesn't this simply mean that you're dating the right person this time round?" He knows better than to poke fun at Pick, knowing that his best friend rarely finds it easy to express his thoughts and feelings.

There's truth in his friend's words, "Huh, who knew you're actually a wise ass beneath that exterior."

"Better to be a wise ass than a dumbass."

"I'm still holding my scapel, Ai'Porshe."

Porshe raises his hands in surrender, not really wanting to end up like the mangled mess on the table.


Rome doesn't think he'll get used to the giddy feeling of seeing Pick. The senior's seated on the bench outside, head lolling sleepily to the side. Quietly, Rome makes his way closer and sits down next to the older male, fighting back a giggle. He inches closer and cups a palm around his mouth,


"Shit!" Pick jolts upright and the sudden movement causes his head to smack against Rome's and the thudding sound has both of them clutching at their heads.

Seeing that Rome's at fault for this, Pick hooks his arm around his boyfriend's neck to grab him in a hold and that action closes the distance between them.

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