Chapter 4: We Can Live A Lie

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Note: Rough waters ahead!


If Porshe sensed that something was up with Pick's moodiness, he didn't need to guess who was the source of it. Something had obviously happened between Pick and Rome considering that the weren't hanging out together as frequently as before. While it wasn't unlike Pick not to concentrate in class, Porshe couldn't help but to notice that his best friend seemed more distracted than usual lately. The lecturer ended the session with a brief summary and opened the floor up for a short Q&A session before dismissing them for the day.

''Are you going home with Rome today?'' Porshe asked casually as they filed out of the hall.

''No. Why does every goddamn person think that I'm doing everything with Rome? He's not a kid and we don't need to be together 24/7.'' Pick flared up all of a sudden. ''I'm so fucking sick of people assuming that we're doing everything together.''

Porshe didn't appreciate being yelled at when he had asked so nicely. He pulled his best friend aside, ''That's because you two are usually joined at the hip. Look. Something is obviously eating you up from the inside. Are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out of you?'' He asked in a straightforward manner. ''I'm sick of your shitty attitude. It's affecting the club members, Pick. The juniors are too scared to approach you and shit doesn't get hone.'' Done with his rant, Porshe took a deep breath and released it as his expression softened. ''I'm asking as your best friend, Pick.''

It wasn't that Pick didn't want to share his troubles with Porshe...but would his best friend really understand what he was going through at the moment?

''It's something that I have to deal with myself.''

''Whatever it is, get your shit together. We didn't work our ass off just for the club to get closed down again.''

Pick had to clean this mess up by himself. He could speak to Emma, but something told him that the girl wouldn't be too receptive of what he had to say. Grudgingly, Pick had to admit that the lack of Rome's presence and company in his life was starting to bug him. He hadn't realized how he had gotten used to having the junior around, and now that they were on 'polite' terms...Pick found that he couldn't really concentrate on anything.

It was as if they were strangers. There were no more LINE messages, Rome spoke to him only when spoken too, greeted him politely and kept his distance instead of being all up in Pick's personal space like before.

Had Pick officially fucked things up for good?


Rome took a big bite of the peach frozen yoghurt topped with crushed oreos and grimaced when the cold treat numbed his teeth for a moment. He stuck the spoon into the cup and slid it over to Emma. it was nice to finally have some time for themselves after a day of classes which was why they were at the mall. It reminded Rome of how often they used to hang out back in freshmen year.

''Do you want to catch a movie after this?'' Emma asked around a mouthful of frozen yoghurt. ''There's a new horror movie playing now. I think it's called ''Don't Knock Twice''.''

Rome mustered his best apologetic expression, ''Ah...I'm watching it with P'Nai later. Sorry!'' He knew Emma wouldn't be able to resist if he showed her his puppy eyes. ''Maybe we can catch something tomorrow?''

Emma set the spoon down, mild surprise etched on her face, ''Is P'Nai the new P'Pick these days? He's been sending you to school and all too, right?''

''Before you tease me, let me just say say that the both of us are strictly friends and that P'Nai has a girlfriend. I think he sees me as a younger brother figure...since he's the only child and everything.''

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