Romance is Easy

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The next morning, nothing had changed.

David woke everyone up with a joyful shout, and Max cussed him out until he left. Though secretly he was relieved.

Camp activites went as usual, with David supervising and usually getting the short end of the stick when it came to the children's mischeif.

Max was his usual grouchy self, and simply assumed that someone had been pranking David, or he just didn't go at all. That is, until David got another text.

As soon as the text tone chirped, David jumped, making a strangled noise in his throat. He grabbed it out of his pocket, staring at the screen hungrily.

Whatever he saw, it made him happy, and a stupid smile spread across his face. Max noticed all the campers curious and yearning looks towards the phone, the looks David didn't seem to acknowledge.

"Ooh who ya textin who ya textin? Tell me!" Nikki blurted out, tugging on David's shirt insistently. However David shook his head, hastily shoving his phone deep into his front pocket. "Sorry Nikki, last time I let you kids see my phone it ended in my almost getting arrested, I don't want a repeat of that."

For a moment, he glared at all the campers, who didn't seem the least bit sorry. But David's gaze was... off. Max saw a cold look in his eyes, all the usual light was simply gone from them.

Then just as suddenly he snapped back, as if nothing had happened. "Anyway! We're going on a hike in half an hour, so get packing!" All the campers groaned, which didn't deterr the ever happy counselor.

Max sauntered off, followed by Nikki and Neil. "Since when does David carry a knife?" Neil asked, seemingly to nobody. "No idea." Was Max's bored reply. "Oooh! Maybe he's gonna use it to murder someone!" Nikki said, half crouching and curling her fingers in a mock "evil" pose.

The three had a sarcastic laugh about that. David attacking someone with a knife was a laughable notion. "The dude would get his ass handed to him!" Max snorted. "Yea, you see how skinny he is? The other guy could probably just pick him up and throw him!" Joked Neil, making Nikki and Max let out short, barking laughs.

With their moods considerably lighter, the three packed their bags and got ready for what was sure to be a boring hike through the woods, filled with bugs and questionable morals.

David chattered away as he lead the children, pointing to things and explaining what they were. It was mildy interesting, but most kids where just waiting for when they got to sit down and eat the sandwiches David had made for them. A rare luxury in the middle of nowhere.

They stopped just in front of the clearing where they'd be eating, according to David. "We're here kids! You see those giant rocks? They've been here longer than even the town or camp! Nobody knows how they got there or what they mean, but please be careful. They're a historic landmark after all!"

Max sent David a death glare. "Don't care. Can we eat now?" David faltered for just a second, then nodded. "Why of course, just be careful not to fall! It's a rough way down!" Chuckling, David stepped out of the way for the campers to find spots on the grass to eat.

He sat down and pulled out his own food, making sure there was a good vantage point to keep an eye on everyone. Nothing happened, and soon enough everyone was being herded back to the trail.

Max lingered for just a bit longer, turning to look at the rocks. A scream bubbled in his throat as he saw something peeking out from behind the rocks, clearly holding a knife.

"What the fuck!" He snapped, turning and hurrying after the campers. When he looked back, there was no evidence anyone had ever been there except for a set of footprints in the soft earth.

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