Break The Bird's Wings

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Daniel took a moment to relish in the look of terror that the young man gave him. Such a lovely expression, one he hadn't seen in a while. Twirling the pliers between his fingers, Daniel draped an arm over Robin's shoulder and leaned in close.

"P-please-" He stuttered, tears pricking in his deep, doe eyes. "P-please mister! Don't hurt me!" Daniel mocked, chuckling darkly. "Enough with the whining, it gets annoying. Every time you annoy me-" He shoved the pliers into Robin's mouth, gripping one of his canines and ripping it violently out. "I'll pull out a tooth. Understand?"

Robin desperately held back sobs, nodding his head. "Good boy." Pulling back, Daniel dropped the bloody tooth onto the floor carelessly. Out of his bag he pulled what looked like hooks, and short chains. With that came a needle, thread, carving knife, and a first aid kit. He set the first aid kit down, dropping everything else aside from the hooks and chain in Robin's lap.

Blood dripped down the pale boy's cheek, which Daniel wiped gently away. His eyes widened when the cultist held up two hooks, fear evident and oh so wonderful.

Allowing himself a cruel smile, Daniel spoke. "Robin dearest, you look so miserable. I want to make you smile! Hold still~!" Giggling, he shoved the hooks into Robin's mouth and pulled, forcing his lips to stretch wide and open. He grabbed the chain and used it to secure the hooks, stepping back to admire the handiwork.

"You look great!" Said Daniel, giving a comically positive thumbs up. Tears slipped down Robin's face, and he tried to stay quiet. There were so many things Daniel could do to the poor boy, hmm...

His eyes drifted to the knife. Perfect. With a spring in his step he grabbed the sharp blade, slicing Robin's hoodie and shirt clean off. "You're so pale, this will show up great~!" Chirped Daniel, pressing the blade to Robin's chest teasingly. A whimper. Icy blue eyes shot up to watch Robin's face twist as much as it could into pure, unadulterated fear. He shook his head, whining like a wounded animal.

"No? Awwww. Don't worry, you'll look gorgeous!" Daniel pouted like a child, letting his eyes fall back to the knife. Pressing it in, he began to carve. Careful, methodical movements made up the beautiful, intricate pattern.

Robin screamed, unable to struggle or speak, it was all he had left to do. Scream and cry. Daniel ignored the noises, only focusing more on the task at hand. The pattern looked to be a pentagram with flames extending out from the edges. Inside the outer spaces were symbols, precisely carved to be pinpoint accurate. "All done! Now your soul will be pure when you die!"

Man, Daniel had to admit, this was one of his better works. However Robin was too busy screaming and crying to admire it. Oh well, his loss!

"Shh shhh. Enough screaming, don't make me angry now." He whispered into the boy's ear, hearing his screams quiet into shuddering sobs. The noise was entertaining for a while, but Daniel wanted him to shut up. He ripped the hooks out of Robin's cheeks, tossing them to the ground and grabbing a cloth. He shoved the balled up rag into Robin's mouth.

Finally, the purple-haired boy shut up. With a pleased sigh, Daniel picked up the needle and thread. Using a scrap of Robin's destroyed shirt he gently wiped away the blood, then got the needle ready. The needle pierced skin and pulled smoothly through. Moving slowly, Daniel sewed up the pattern so it would look nice. The dark red thread was a gorgeous contrast against such pale skin, he thought.

Finally, he finished and tied off the string. Robin's chest heaved, only causing the poor guy more pain. Daniel looked up to see the tears flowing down his cheeks and dripping off his chin. "Awww, poor baby~!" Cooed the cruel blond, wiping the tears away in mock affection.

Putting his bloodied supplies into the bag, he rummaged around before finding what he was looking for.

A skiving knife.

"Do you know what this is, darling~?" Asked Daniel, holding it up. Robin shook his head. "Well! These little babies are used in leatherwork. They're razor sharp and are designed to slice off thin bits of leather to make it thinner. Very useful if the leather you're using is too thick, or if you want to carefully skin a young man!"

In that moment, Robin freaked out. He shook his head wildly, muffledly begging for his life through the gag and rattling the chair with his struggling. But to no avail, as Daniel straddled the young boy and trailed the knife over his collar bone. "Watch~!"

With a clean, precise movement, he sliced off a thin layer of skin. Robin screamed into the gag. Daniel's smile grew wider, and more twisted. With a sickening crack of his head and cruel blue eyes boring into Robin's pale skin, he sliced off another sliver. Doing this until Robin couldn't scream anymore and blood pooled in the shallow area of his collar.

With a self-satisfied grin he got up, pacing around the poor boy. Clearly, he just wanted to die, for it to be over. But Daniel had one last trick up his sleeve. He grabbed the pliers, kneeling behind Robin.

He took one of his hands, gripping the nail with the plier. A dark laughter echoed in Robin's ears.

Then Daniel tore the fingernail out.

He slowly moved along both Robin's hands, relishing in the pops and squishy tearing of flesh. Feeling the oozing blood all over his fingers.

At last the fingernails littered the floor and Daniel was done. Wiping his hands on a cloth he came around and looked at Robin, pulling the gag out. "Please-!" The boy gasped before Daniel could speak. "Please just fucking kill me! I can't take it! Please..." His voice broke and the bloody man cried silently, heaving in pain.

"Now that's what I like to hear~!" Purred Daniel. Sick desires satisfied, he had no more use for Robin anyway. He grabbed his ritual knife and held Robin's shoulder to keep him steady. Placing the tip of the knife just under Robin's chin, he held it there, then sliced down.

His neck split open and blood covered Daniel's hands, his knife, and some splattered on his face. Robin was dead within seconds. Daniel stepped back, nearly stumbling on the uneven floor.


For a few seconds there was silence. Then laughter. Horrible, horrible laughter. It filled the old house and bounced off the rickety walls. Daniel held his stomach, cackling like the devil he was.

Finally he managed to calm himself, still giggling. He buried the body out back. Nobody came around here, there was little chance it'd be found. Using a cloth he wiped away most of the blood and packed his tools.

"Well, that went smoothly!" He chirped to himself, breathing in the fresh night air with an easy smile. The car's engine roared and he sped back to the hotel.

By the time he'd collapsed in bed, Daniel was feeling tired but pleased with himself.

Then it hit him.

He was in love with David.

"Ah fuck."

( so my editor got back from the Con she was attending! Hooray! This chapter is out and edited. Hopefully the next one will only take the usual 5-7 days. Huuuge thanks to my editor though, don't know what I'd do without her! Make a lot more spelling mistakes probably. See Y'all later! -Cardboardghost)

(Ps, the image is Robin, drawn by his original creator! Check her out on here, she's CoffeeRatt !)


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