He'll Do Anything

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The next day, Max was feeling better. Still a little shaken up, but the thought of that creep behind bars eased his worries considerably.

"Hey man, feeling better today?" Neil asked him. Picking at the slop they called "food". "Yea, David gave me a shitty pep talk and let me skip out, it was sweet." Playing it off like it was no big deal, Max took a hesitant bite before shoving the food towards Nikki.

She dug in with gusto, then spoke to Max with her mouth full. "So what happened anyway?" The ten year old flinched at the question. "Well Nikki I-" "Campers! Could I have your attention please?"

Thankful for the interruption, Max looked up to see David, looking somber. "It's been brought to my attention that there may be a potentially dangerous person in the woods. As of now, you're all in danger. So we'll not be going into the woods until he's been caught. All activities will be in camp, and none of your are to leave your tents after dark. Is that clear?"

The speech had shaken the kids. They were in danger? Numbly, they all nodded and made noises of agreement. "Good. I'll be patrolling the camp tonight, as an extra precaution. I hope that we can get this taken care of by the end of the week. Gwen will be supervising you today, I'm going into town to talk to local authorities, see if they can help search tomorrow."

With that, David left them to their own devices.

"He's gonna be patrolling the woods?!" Neil asked, shocked. "What if the guy's actually there? He doesn't stand a chance!" "Better him than us." Max sneered, but if his pale face was anything to go by, he was very concerned.

Nikki shrugged. "I mean, he'll probably be fine! It's not like the dude will come really close to camp or anything right? That's pretty risky."
"Yea, he sticks to the deeper woods. You have a point Nikki." Nikki and Neil stared.

"Max?" "What?" "How do you know where he is?" Neil was hesitant in asking, holding up a limp hand. "Oh. Well maybe because he almost killed me?" Sarcasm dripped from Max's voice, but faded when he saw how scared his friends looked.

Great, now he had to explain to them.

With a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, David glared at the road ahead. How dare anyone threaten his campers? He was going to make them pay.

Parking the car, David got out and started to head off into the police station, but stopped dead when he saw who was sitting there, in handcuffs.


The blond's head snapped up and he put a smile on his face, but hair clung to his forhead and he was paler than usual. "Hey darling, how are you?"

The officer stepped into the room, looking over some papers. "Dani- David?" David looked over at the officer, bewildered. "Sal, why is Daniel in handcuffs?"

Gritting his teeth, Sal responded. "You know this guy? I have him here under charges of physical assault." David shook his head. "That can't be right, Daniel's the sweetest guy I know! He worked as a counselor for us! Techinically still does." Sal paled, putting the clipboard on his desk so fast you'd think it had burned him.

"He's one of yours? Then take him, not my problem. I don't wanna get mixed up in Campbell's business." Hastily, Sal unlocked the cuffs and shoved Daniel towards David. "Sal wait! I actually wanted to ask you-" Before he could finish his thought, Sal had thrown them both out and slammed the door.

"So, fancy meeting you here." Daniel joked, albeit weakly. "Why were you at the police station?" He asked David. "Well I thought they could help me catch the guy who almost hurt one of my campers but..." He shrugged. "That's not happening I guess."

Daniel's eyes widened. "Someone attacked a camper?" For a moment, even he felt a jolt of worry. "Unfortunately. The camper got away and he's alright, but I don't want this guy near my kids. I'm going to try and find him tonight, but I'm worried Daniel."

"Oh David... hey! How about this, when all the kids are asleep I could come to camp and keep watch with you. That way Gwen can get some rest." Seeing how David's face lit up, Daniel had said the right thing. "Really? Thank you so much Daniel! But are you sure? You look really exhausted."

The blond brushed his hair back, spiking it up again. "I'll be fine. I just need something to eat and drink and I'll be good as new!" David tapped his lip in thought, then grinned. "Why don't you and I go grab something to eat then? It'll be nice to hang out again as well!"

Daniel nodded his approval, and followed David down the streets of town. There weren't many places to eat, but aside from the diner there was a lovely little cafe with decent pastries.

As soon as Daniel took a bite of the tart, he made a noise of deep satisfaction. His perfectly composed demeanor broke as he practically inhaled the treat. David watched him with amusement. "Good?" Daniel nodded enthusiastically, swallowing the last of it and cleaning off his hands with a napkin.

Suddenly, he snapped back to attention. His back straightened, and his usual easy confidence came right back. The way he could switch between attitudes so quickly... it was eerie to say the least.

The two chatted for a while, but David had to return to the campers eventually. "Will you be alright Daniel?" He asked again, to which the cultist patiently nodded. "I've got it all under control, just take care of your campers." It came out like a purr, sending shivers racing down David's spine.

The two were back at David's jeep, and Daniel waved him goodbye. Before he left, the blond gently put two fingers under David's chin, pulling him in for a sweet kiss that left his head spinning. Then, as if nothing had happened, Daniel walked away.

With stars in his eyes and high hopes, David drove back to camp.

He was ready to do whatever it took to keep his kids, and by extent Daniel, safe.

Absolutely anything.

( I thought I'd give y'all a nice little in between danvid chapter because if I know any of y'all, you're as thirsty as I am for Danvid. Anyway, shit might hit the fan next chapter. Get ready! ;D -Ssankirtana)

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