A Change of Thought

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Max stayed a little ways behind David, making sure that the redhead couldn't see him. At least, he hoped David couldn't see him. It was hard to tell, what with focusing on not getting caught and keeping David in his sights. How was this man so good at keeping hidden? It was downright enraging!

Desperately Max weaved through the underbrush, clumsily following David's elegant, purposful gait. Naturally, as the universe hated him, Max lost David within 20 minutes. Great. He looked around, worried about all the ruckus he was causing but even more worried about David on the loose. Who knows what that man could do unsupervised? Max shuddered.

Evidently the gods were merciful today, as Max found David's trail again, and followed it. Following the footprints took Max to a small clearing with an overhanging rock. A little space.

A place to hide.

Max knew all about those.

David appeared to be sitting there, holding a large skull in his hands. It wasn't human (thank god) but it was some sort of animal. Maybe a coyote? Max wasn't sure. Whatever it was, David seemed to be cradling it. Almost like... it was a child? That was kinda weird.

"It's a wolf skull." Max nearly launched out of the bush at the sound of David's voice, but forced himself to stay still. "I know you're there Maxwell, come out." Shit, he'd blown his cover. Tentatively he stepped out, shuffling when David beckoned him closer. He didn't stop until Max was sitting on the log next to him, looking into the empty sockets of those sun-bleached bones. Max understood that, being washed out.

"I killed it, when I was a kid." Admitted David, grip tightening on the skull. "I was so scared that it was going to eat me first. I just... lost it. And I don't think I ever found it either." The chuckle that followed this was dry, devoid of David's usual cheer. Max... didn't like it. "You wanna know the worst part?" Max did not, but nodded anyway. "I liked it. I really, truly, liked it."

Max shivered, and pulled his knees closer. "I..." there was a long pause, "I understand that." David looked over at him, brow furrowing as he sighed. "With the mountain lion right?" "How did y-" "Daniel told me all about your little escapade. Honestly I'm just glad you survived. Montain lions are no joke Max." "No," agreed Max, "they're not."

Now their conversation fell into silence. Not uncomfortable, but heavy. Silence was always bad, because it let Max's mind wander all sorts of dark places. Maybe he and David weren't that wildly different, not a heart. It was a weird thought sure, but it made sense. Especially after he'd learned about the whole wolf thing.

In the end, David broke the silence. "What do you mean you understand?" Max suddenly missed the stillness. "I..." the words seemed to shrivel up in this throat, but he pushed them out anyway, "I enjoyed it too, with the mountain lion. I d-didn't want to, but it just gave me a rush, you know?"

David hesitated for a moment. The gears in his mind turning. Slowly, he set the skull down and embraced Max. He didn't pull away. "Guess we're both pretty fucked up huh?" "Language Max. But... yea, we are." The two of them shared a weak laugh, Max still in his arms. It was oddly comforting to have someone hold him this way, and he was in no hurry to end it.

For as terrified as he'd been of David, Max realized that the man wasn't all horrible. Not like Daniel. They were both fucked up sure, but David did care. And so did Max. Somewhere inside himself. After what felt like an eternity David pulled away, leaving Max feeling cold.

"Come on champ, we should be getting back to camp," said David, standing up from the log. "Huh? Oh! Y-yea- right," Max followed suit, letting David lead him back to the campsite. Daniel was waiting for them when they did.

A wave of nausea swept over Max as he saw the man, and he went cold. The man was leaning effortlessly against the mess hall, looking over with an almost bored expression. If it wasn't for the tightness of his jaw, or how his fingers were twitching, Max might have believed he was relaxed.

"Ah! My darling, you're back!" Chirped Daniel all too cheerily. David glanced back towards Max, then turned to Daniel once more. "Can we talk? Really fast?" This caught the blond off guard, but he nodded and followed David. Max strained his ears to listen, but only caught snippets like "terrify" and "try to make an effort", giving him precisely zero clues as to what that was about.

Once the conversation ended, David and Daniel returned to Max, who was still awkwardly standing there. "Sorry about that Max. Daniel's just heading out." He gave Max a warm smile, and Max glowered over his shoulder at that smiling monster of a cultist. Honestly, what did David see in him?! "Okay." Max finally choked out.

Daniel sneered behind David's back, baring teeth. Then seemed to melt into a romantic sweetheart when David faced him. The two shared a chaste kiss (and Max gagged) before Daniel went on his merry way. Only then did the overwhelming pressure in Max's stomach seem to lift somewhat. As the car motor faded entirely, Max finally eased.

"Come on Max you'll be late for activities." With a gentle touch (that max didn't shake off), David lead him to the other kids. Nikki and Neil gave him weird looks, but didn't ask any questions. Max was grateful for that at least. It had been such a long day, and he didn't want to deal with them constantly chirping in his ears.

At dinner, David invited Max to sit by him alone. Max accepted. It was a bit of an awkward silence, than fell into a relaxed one. Both could agree that the food was terrible when the Quartermaster couldn't hear them. It was kinda nice honestly. Maybe... maybe David wasn't as bad as Max thought. He'd certainly met worse.

As the cool night air waved through his tent, Max couldn't help but sigh. Everything was complicated; everything was terrifying right now. But maybe David could prove to be a good ally, Max just had to make sure that he stayed on his good side. And maybe... confess some things he'd been keeping inside.

Now was not the time though, and the boy rolled over peacefully, eyes fluttering shut as sleep dragged him away.

(Did I wait until the new episode was released to post this? Yea. Do i regret it? Nah. I'll be trying to keep more consistent updates now that the show is back. This book will have 30 chapters tops, plus maybe a spicy epilogue if ya really want it. So look out for that! ;)

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