The Truth is Hedious

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Max blinked. Max blinked again, then stared at David blankly. A confession? What kind of confession could he possibly want to make? A dread was settling into the pit of Max's stomach as he watched the redhead's face. It was both resigned, and cold.

"Daniel didn't put that body in the lake. And he's not going to kill me. I already know about the things he does, I've known for a week or two now. About as long as we've been dating." David explained, patiently. He didn't look remorseful, but rather relieved that he'd finally gotten it off of his chest.

The ravenette stared. Not blankly, but in horror. David... knew? "W-wait-" he stuttered, "if Daniel didn't put the body in the l-lake... who did?" Now David let out a heavy sigh, as if contemplating something, and the dawning horror was almost too much for poor Max to bear. "Did..." he swallowed, "did you put that body in the lake, David?"

Suddenly there was a gentle hand placed on his shoulder. He looked up to see David, giving him a sorrowful glance. Max knew the answer to that question. The logical part of him wanted to run, scream and run and never look back. But he didn't, and that was the strangest part. 

"Why?" David shifted to face him, head tilted. "Why what?" The way the sun hit his face made him look almost angelic, pure. Like the soft rays were showing the nicest parts of him. But apparently that had been far from the case. David had killed a person, maybe more! "Why did you kill them?"

"Ah.. I see." A soft creaking momentarily filled the cabin as Max moved too. Further along the bed, and scooting a bit closer to the door. Daniel didn't speak, but gave him a warning look. "Sh- They, were threatening the camp. Told me they were going to kill you. I couldn't let that happen, Max. I just couldn't." 

It was a justification, and Max clung to it for dear life. Even one tiny thing that could make this all okay was enough for him. However, it was merely a bandaid over a broken arm. David had still killed someone, and was knowingly dating a serial killer to boot. And what was to be done about that? 

"What if I tell someone? Call the cops?" Asked the boy. It sounded numb, shocked and apathetic to the situation. Daniel growled and rose slightly from his seat. "You won't like the result." David gave him a stern glare, but it did little to calm the bristling man. 

Finally, Max's emotions seemed to return. "O-Oh.." Rolling his lip between his lips, Max thought carefully about the situation. If he lost his cool in a room with two murderers, he was fucked. If he tried to run, he was fucked. So what did that leave him with?

"Gh- fine! I won't tell anyone, I swear. I don't wanna know what that threat means." David nodded, albeit somberly. "I didn't want you to find out-" "Well I fucking did David! You're a killer! The one guy I thought I could t-trust and-" Max felt his throat close, both with fear and tears. "I gotta go." Hastily he got off the bed, running out of the door. "Hey-!" "Get back here!" The two men called after him, but Max ignored them.

Stumbling feet kicked up dirt and rocks behind him. Somehow Max managed to make it back to his tent through the haze of anxiety and rage. Poor Mr. Honeynuts was instantly crushed in his tight hold, the poor kid curled up in a corner and staring blankly at a wall.

But apathy wasn't going to get him anywhere, he knew that. Max needed to make a plan, and fast. Right now he was still operating under the theory that Daniel was somehow brainwashing David since they'd met. Or at least preying upon his good nature to make him do terrible things.

Max grabbed paper and pencil, then got right to work. It was the best way to keep back anxiety and repress whatever other awful feelings he did not want to examine right now. If Daniel was really manipulating David, Max needed evidence. He needed enough proof to get Daniel jailed and away from the redhead.

Momentarily he considered asking Nikki and Neil for help, but their memories were nearly gone entirely, so that was out. For now Max would be on his own. And if things got out of hand, his friends would not be in danger. 

The only issue was that Max had absolutely no idea of where to start. What did he even do? How did he go about gathering evidence? All this was frustrating him beyond belief! With a loud groan he crumpled the paper and stormed out of his tent. Everything had been so high strung lately, and it was starting to drive Max absolutely up the fucking wall.

After what felt like ages of pacing and grumbling, Max resigned himself to a late and awkward dinner. Might as well, seeing as his stomach was begging for food. The chatter didn't even falter as he entered and took a seat, but Max saw David shoot a glance his way. He narrowed his eyes. There was a deer-in-headlights look about the counselor. Weird... oh well, Max shook it off for now.

Not even twenty minutes into his dinner, and David's behavior once again caught his eye. Now he was fidgeting, glaring at the table and shredding the napkin in his hands. Suddenly he got up and rushed out, giving a nonchalant goodbye to Gwen, who looked stunned. Ok, that was too weird. 

Max hesitated, memories of the last time he'd stalked David running through his head. Not to mention that judging by how on edge he was, Max might see something he didn't want to. But the sickening curiosity and desire to get to the bottom of this pushed him on. 

The tray scraped as the boy pushed it away, excused himself, and followed David out the door. 

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